2010-06-10 15:00:00 CEST

2010-06-10 15:00:01 CEST


Suomių Anglų
Neomarkka - Company Announcement


NEOMARKKA PLC	STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE	10.6.2010 at 16.00                         

NEOMARKKA TO START ACQUIRING ITS OWN SHARES                                     

Neomarkka Plc's Board of Directors has decided to exercise the authorization it 
was given by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 9 June 2010 to       
acquire the Company's own series B shares. Under the authorization given by the 
AGM a maximum of 588,067 Company's own series B shares may be acquired.         

The shares will be acquired in public trading arranged by NASDAQ OMX Helsinki in
accordance with its rules, and the consideration to be paid for the shares to be
acquired must be based on market price.                                         

Neomarkka Board's decision to acquire company's                                 
own shares by contractual trade                                                 

In addition Neomarkka Plc's Board of Directors has decided to exercise the      
authorization it was given by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 9   
June 2010 to acquire the Company's own series B shares by using the assets from 
company's unrestricted equity as follows:                                       

1. The company may acquire maximum of 588,067 series B shares directly from     
other shareholders than the largest shareholder by contractual trade, provided  
that the number of class B shares to be acquired is at least 15,000;            

2. The consideration to be paid for the shares corresponds to the prevailing    
market price in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki at the time of the acquisition;             

3. The sales offer must be given to Neomarkka on 15 October 2010 at the latest; 

4. The shares acquired will be paid by the rules and regulations of stock       
exchange transaction.                                                           

The shares will be acquired by contractual trade because the company has managed
to acquire only small amounts of its own shares through NASDAQ OMX's Guidelines 
for Acquisition of Own Shares due to minor liquidity of Neomarkka's series B    
share on the stock market. Therefore, the company has strong economical reason  
to depart from the equal treatment of the shareholders by entering into         
contractual trade.                                                              

Neomarkka Plc's Board of Directors decided to deviate from the procedures       
referred to in Clauses 3.2.1. and 3.2.2. of the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd's       
guidelines 3.2.5. related to own shares of the listed companies, because of the 
minor trading volume of the company's shares. The training volume on certain    
trading day may lead to that the acquisition of own shares of the company can be
more than 50 percent of the average trading volume of that trading day. The     
acquisition of own shares shall be effected in a way that no exceptional market 
movements result from such trading and on that trading day the amount of the    
shares cannot exceed 5 percent of the maximum amount of the share acquisition in
accordance with the decisions of the company.                                   

The shares are acquired to be used in order to carry out acquisitions or other  
arrangements within the scope of the company's business operations, to improve  
the company's capital structure, as part of implementing the company's incentive
scheme, or to be further transferred for other purposes or to be cancelled.     

Neomarkka Plc                                                                   

Sari Tulander                                                                   

FURTHER INFORMATION:                                                            
Markku E. Rentto, Managing Director, tel. +358 207 209 191                      
Sari Tulander, CFO, tel +358 207 209 192                                        

Neomarkka Plc's strategy is to invest mainly in industrial companies with       
similar synergic benefits. The aim of investments is with active ownership to   
develop the purchased companies and establish additional value. Returns are     
sought both through dividend flow and an increase in value. Neomarkka's B shares
are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki main market.