2013-04-25 08:30:00 CEST

2013-04-25 08:30:12 CEST


English Finnish
Biohit Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Biohit Oyj Interim report April 25, 2013 at 9:30 A.M. local time (EET)


January-March 2013

  -- Net sales increased by 25% compared to 2012
  -- Net sales amounted to EUR 0.6 million (0.4)
  -- Operating income came to EUR -1.0 million (-1.1)
  -- Profit before taxes was EUR -1.0 million (-0.9)
  -- The share of international operations was 80.1% of net sales
  -- Earnings per share amounted to EUR -0.07 (-0.07)
  -- Equity ratio 88.5%
  -- Biohit Oyj implemented Euroclone acquisition after review period

Biohit Oyj expanded the Acetium product family by releasing its Acetium lozenge
for sale. The company also expanded its equipment and instrument portfolio by
signing a cooperation agreement according to which Biohit Oyj received the
right to sell the American Gold Standard Diagnostics' automated ELISA analyzer
globally (excluding USA, Puerto Rico and China). 


In the first quarter of 2013, Biohit Oyj's business development focused on
investing in the construction of an international sales network in many
sectors, on mapping the possibilities offered by the company's diagnostic
studies for the development of screening and treatment practices in various
countries, as well as on preparing the launching of new products. 

During the first quarter, Biohit Oyj signed an exclusive licencing and
distribution agreement with Chinese pharmaceutical company GrandPharma
regarding the marketing, distribution and manufacture of Acetium products in
China. The agreement gives GrandPharma exclusive rights to use Biohit's
know-how and intellectual property rights in China. GrandPharma is a
large-scale, modern and comprehensive distributor and producer operating in the
pharmaceutical sector. 

Biohit Oyj has decided to conduct further studies in order to determine the
capacity of the company's new BioAcetium product to treat Helicobacter pylori

Biohit Oyj and Tamro Oyj agreed to tighten the cooperation concerning the
Acetium product family. Now, the cooperation shall also include the marketing
and distribution of the new Acetium lozenge to pharmacies. 

Biohit Oyj strengthened its Nordic diagnostics distribution by signing a
distribution agreement with Fischer Scientific. The agreement covers the
distribution and marketing of Biohit Oyj's diagnostic products in Finland,
Sweden, Norway and Denmark. 


                                              1-3 / 2013  1-3 / 2012  1-12 /2012
Net sales, MEUR                                      0.6         0.4         2.0
Operating profit/loss, MEUR                         -1.0        -1.1        -4.6
Profit/loss before taxes, MEUR                      -1.0        -0.9        -3.7
Profit/loss for the period, MEUR                    -1.0        -0.9        -3.7
Average number of personnel                           35          36          35
Number of personnel at the end of the period          34          36          35
Equity ratio, %                                    88.5%       81.6%       88.7%
Earnings per share, EUR                            -0.07       -0.07       -0.27
Shareholders' equity per share, EUR                  2.5         3.8         2.6
Average number of shares during the period    13,615,593  13,615,593  13,615,593
Number of shares at the end of the period     13,615,593  13,615,593  13,615,593



Net sales increased by 25% compared to 2012.

Operating loss amounted to EUR -1.0 million (EUR -1.1 million in 1-3/2012). In
order to utilize great potential of diagnostics and acetaldehyde binding 
products in building up the business, extensive investments are required to the
construction of a distributor and partner network, to support the resulting
partnerships (sales permits, registrations, marketing), as well as product

Consolidated net sales and operating income

                                         1-3/2013  1-3/2012  Change  1-12/2012
                                         MEUR      MEUR      EUR     MEUR     
Net sales                                     0.6       0.4     0.1        2.0
Change compared to the previous year, %     24.9%      2.3%              -5.7%
Operating income                             -1.0      -1.1     0.1       -4.6
Change compared to the previous year, %      8.4%    -21.3%             -23.3%
Operating income, % of net sales            -179%     -244%              -224%


On 31 March 2013, the balance sheet total was EUR 39.1 million (EUR 63.5
million) and the equity ratio 88.5% (81.6%). 


Biohit Oyj's financial position is good and it allows strong investments in
business and product development as well as in the commercialization. At the
end of the quarter, the company's current financial assets were EUR 29.6
million. In addition, the company has EUR 6.8 million in receivables in an
escrow account from a business transaction made at the end of 2011. The funds
will be released on 31 March 2014, provided no claims concerning the
transaction are made. 


Research and development has focused on the further development and improvement
of existing innovations and products. The company also uses external experts
and subcontractors in its research and development operations. The development
expenditure has not been capitalised. 

Development expenditure for the reporting period totalled EUR 0.2 million (EUR
0.2 million 1-3/2012). 


Gross investments during the reporting period totalled EUR 0.0 million (EUR 0.0


During the reporting period, the average number of personnel employed by the
Group was 35 (36 in the corresponding period in 2012), of whom 29 (29) were
employed by the parent company and 6 (7) by subsidiaries. At the end of the
reporting period, the number of personnel was 34, of whom 28 were employed by
the parent company. 


The company's key risk factors are related to the development of the business
environment and the demand for the company's supply. These risk factors include
financial development of the selected market areas, the ability and willingness
of various countries to improve their healthcare systems (development
priorities, reimbursement practices, import restrictions, lengths of
registration times) and requirements set by customers on the products. In the
management of short-term risk factors, it is vital to take into account the
timely selection of new market areas, as well as the selection of professional
partners for them and the marketing of the requested product supply. 

Business development and the launching of new products require significant

The aim of the investment activities related to the company's liquid assets is
to achieve profit at very low risk of capital loss. The investment portfolio
consists of deposits, money market investments and corporate loans. Sufficient
distribution of investments between asset categories, investment instruments
and counterparties is essential. The company uses at least two partners in its
investment activities. 


Net sales for 2013 are expected to increase compared to 2012. In April 2013,
Biohit Oyj purchased an Italian diagnostics company through a directed share
issue and, at the same time, updated its guidelines. Predicting earnings in
this major restructuring and development phase is very challenging. However,
Biohit Oyj expects earnings to turn positive during 2014. 


Biohit signs licensing agreement with GrandPharma

Biohit Oyj signed a distributor agreement with Chinese pharmaceutical company
GrandPharma Ltd. The agreement covers the marketing and distribution of
Biohit's Acetium in China and gives GrandPharma exclusive rights to use
Biohit's know-how and intellectual property rights in the distribution and
production of Acetium products in China. GrandPharma is a large-scale, modern
and comprehensive distributor and producer operating in the pharmaceutical

Clinical trial

Biohit Oyj has received the preliminary results of a clinical trial conducted
to determine the capacity of the company's new BioAcetium product to treat
Helicobacter pylori infections. Based on the results, Biohit Oyj has decided to
conduct further studies using longer treatment times. In the further studies,
BioAcetium will also be combined with an antibiotic that does not cause
development of antibiotic-resistant strains of the bacteria. 

Acetium lozenge

Biohit Oyj and Tamro Oyj have agreed to tighten the cooperation concerning the
Acetium product family. Now, the cooperation shall include the marketing and
distribution of the new Acetium lozenge to pharmacies in Finland. This lozenge
effectively removes acetaldehyde dissolved into saliva during smoking. In 2008,
WHO stated that acetaldehyde is one of the major carcinogens in cigarette
smoke, and reducing exposure to these carcinogens should be mandatory. In
Finland, the new product became available for sale in pharmacies in April. 

Acetaldehyde measurements

Biohit Oyj has carried out new measurements of acetaldehyde concentrations in
beer and yoghurts. Acetaldehyde is an apple-scented chemical compound that is
abundantly present in food produced through fermentation processes, such as
alcoholic beverages, vinegar and dairy products. In 2009, the International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health
Organisation (WHO), classified acetaldehyde, which derives from alcoholic
products and forms in the body after their ingestion, as a Group I human

Biohit Laboratory Services Oy

At the end of 2012, the company decided to incorporate its service laboratory
activities. From the beginning of 2013, Biohit Laboratory Services Oy offers
analyses of diagnostic tests developed by Biohit and the determination of
acetaldehyde concentrations in food and alcoholic beverages. 


Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Biohit Oyj held on Monday 8 April 2013
approved the financial statements of the parent company and the consolidated
financial statements for 2012 and discharged the members of the Board of
Directors and the President and CEO from liability. 

Distribution of dividends

In accordance with the proposal by the Board of Directors, the AGM decided
that, on the basis of the financial statements for the financial year ended on
31 December 2012, a dividend of EUR 0.4964 for each A share and EUR 0.4998 for
each B share be paid.  Dividends were paid to shareholders recorded in the
company's shareholder register on the record date for the payment of dividends,
i.e., on 11 April 2013. Dividends were paid out on 18 April 2013. 

In accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors, the AGM decided also
that, on the basis of the financial statements for the financial year ended on
31 December 2012, funds from the invested non-restricted equity fund be
distributed to shareholders as a capital repayment, with the capital repaid
amounting to EUR 0.237 for each A and B share. Capital was repaid to
shareholders recorded in the company's shareholder register on the record date
for the repayment of capital, i.e., on 11 April 2013. The capital repayment was
made on 18 April 2013. 

Members of the Board of Directors

The AGM decided that the number of members of the Board of Directors would be
five (5) and re-elected the following members to the Board until the end of the
next AGM: Professor Osmo Suovaniemi, Professor Mikko Salaspuro, Commercial
Counsellor Eero Lehti and MSc (Eng.) Seppo Luode, as well as President and CEO
Franco Aiolfi as a new member. 

Additionally, the AGM decided that the chairman and the other members of the
Board of Directors would be paid a monthly fee of EUR 1,600 and EUR 1,500,


The AGM elected Authorised Public Accountants Ernst & Young Oy as the company's
auditors, with APA Erkka Talvinko as the head auditor, until the end of the
next AGM. 

Biohit implemented Euroclone acquicition

The new company will function as an Italian subsidiary, focusing on Biohit's
diagnostic products distribution and marketing in Italy. The company was
acquired by direct share issue, which will be 180,000 Biohit B-shares. The
acquisition was closed and the share issue was subscribed in accordance with
the exchange rate of the day prior to the closing (17 April 2013) thus
resulting as the value of the acquisition 
1,126,800.00 €.

Net sales of Euroclone S.p.A.'s business unit focused on gastrointestinal
diagnostic were 0.8 million euros and net income was slightly negative in 2012.
The acquired company has assets and inventory worth of 0.1 million euros and
the company has no debt. The acquired company will employ 2 key employees from
Euroclone S.r.l. When Euroclone Gastro S.r.l. forms a Biohit Oyj subsidiary,
Franco Aiolfi will act as a managing director. One-off expenses that relate to
the acquisition will not be significant. 

As a result of new shares emission, the total number of Biohit shares raises up
to 13,795,593 shares (13,615,593) and the number of B-shares to 10,820,093
shares (10,640,093). The company's share capital will increase from
2,314,650.81 euros to 2,345,250.81 euros. The new shares will correspond to a
percentage of 1.3% of the Biohit Oyj's total number of shares and 0.3% of the
share of voting rights after registration. 

Biohit Group reporting includes Italian subsidiary figures from April 18, 2013

Kazakhstan's GastroPanel screening yields encouraging results

The GastroPanel screening study started by Biohit Oyj and the Medical Center of
the President's Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the
autumn of 2012 has been completed. 


Authorisations of the Board of Directors

Based on a resolution of the AGM held on 13 April 2011, the Board of the
company is authorised to decide on the issue of shares and to issue the special
rights referred to in Chapter 10, section 1 of the Limited Liability Companies
Act so that the maximum number of new Series B shares to be issued pursuant to
the special rights is 2,000,000, which corresponds to approximately 20% of the
company's Series B shares. In August 2011, based on the authorisation, the
Board of Directors decided to arrange a directed share issue to Sartorius in
August 2011 (677,966 B-shares) and to Euroclone in April 2013 (180,000
B-shares). Thereby, the remaining authorisation is for 1,142,034 Series B

According to the resolution, the Board of Directors is entitled to decide on
all terms and conditions regarding the issue of shares and the issue of special
rights entitling to shares. The issue of shares and the issue of special rights
entitling to shares can occur in deviation from the subscription right of
shareholders (special issue) Such authorisation shall remain valid for three
years from the resolution of the AGM. 

Changes to Biohit Oyj's management

Kari Syrjänen, MD, PhD, FIAC, born 1948, was appointed Chief Medical Director
and a member of the management team at Biohit Oyj as of 1 January 2013.
Syrjänen has worked for more than 40 years in various universities and
hospitals in Finland and abroad in positions ranging from professor of
pathology and chief physician to dean of faculty. In addition, he has served as
a visiting professor at several foreign universities and research institutes. 

The other members of the management team are Semi Korpela, President and CEO;
Jussi Kolunen, Chief Financial Officer; Lea Paloheimo, Development Director;
Panu Hendolin, R&D Director; and Anu Mickels, Sales and Marketing Director. 


Biohit Oyj's shares are divided into Series A and Series B shares. There are
2,975,500 Series A shares and 10,640,093 Series B shares, totalling 13,615,593
shares. Series A shares confer 20 votes per share and Series B shares 1 vote
per share. The dividend paid for Series B shares is, however, two (2) per cent
of the nominal value higher than that paid for Series A shares. The total
market capitalisation value (assuming that the market capitalisation value for
Series A and B shares is equal) at the end of the period was EUR 100.1 million
(EUR 51.7 million on 31 March 2012). 

Biohit Oyj's Series B shares have been listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki in the
Small cap/Healthcare group under the code BIOBV. 

BIOBV/NASDAQ OMX Helsinki   1-3/2013    1-3/2012
High, EUR                     9.10        3.97  
Low, EUR                      4.00        2.80  
Average, EUR                  6.55        3.65  
Latest, EUR                   7.35        3.80  
Turnover, EUR              36,360,454  4,438,617
Turnover, volume            5,548,216  1,320,492


At the end of the reporting period on 31 March 2013, the company had 5,984
shareholders (4,734 on 31 December 2012). Private households held 96.06%
(96.05%), companies 3.48% (3.43%) and public-sector organisations 0.08% (0.12%)
of the shares. Foreign ownership or nominee registrations accounted for 0.38%
(0.4%) of all shares. 

Further information on the shares, major shareholders and management's
shareholdings is available on the company's website at www.biohit.fi/investors. 


This interim report has been prepared in accordance with the IAS 34 standard.

Following the divestment made on 14 December 2011, the HealthCare business is
presented as continuing operations and the liquid handling business as
discontinued operations. Separate segment-based reporting will no longer be
provided. As of the beginning of 2012, Biohit Oyj reports the income statement
for the current and reference periods according to a function-specific formula.
In other respects, Biohit Oyj has applied the same accounting principles in
preparing this interim report as for its 2012 financial statements. The IFRS
standards that came into effect in 2013 did not affect the accounting

All figures in this interim report have been rounded up or down, so the sums of
individual figures may deviate from the totals shown. 

The figures in this interim report have not been audited.


                                           1-3/2013  1-3/2012  1-12/2012
Net sales                                       0.6       0.4        2.0
Materials and services                         -0.3      -0.3       -1.3
Gross margin                                    0.2       0.2        0.7
Sales and marketing                            -0.4      -0.5       -2.2
Administration                                 -0.6      -0.6       -2.2
Product development                            -0.2      -0.2       -1.0
Other operating income                          0.0       0.0        0.1
Operating profit/loss                          -1.0      -1.1       -4.6
Financial income                                0.0       0.4        1.2
Financial expenses                              0.0      -0.3       -0.3
Profit/loss before taxes                       -1.0      -0.9       -3.7
Income taxes                                    0.0       0.0        0.0
Income for the period                          -1.0      -0.9       -3.7
Translation differences                         0.0      -0.1        0.0
Total comprehensive income for the period      -1.0      -1.0       -3.7

Earnings per share calculated from earnings attributable  1-3/20  1-3/20  1-12/2
 to the owners of the parent company                      13      12      012   
Undiluted earnings per share, EUR                          -0.07   -0.07   -0.27


                                           31 Mar 2013  31 Mar 2012  31 Dec 2012
                                              MEUR         MEUR         MEUR    
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                              
Intangible assets                                  0.2          0.3          0.2
Property, plant and equipment                      0.4          0.1          0.4
Receivables                                7.8*         6.8*         7.8*       
Deferred tax assets                                0.0          0,0          0.0
Total non-current assets                           8.5          7.3          8.5
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                  
Inventories                                        0.5          0.4          0.4
Trade and other receivables                        0.5          3.4          0.6
Financial assets recognised at fair value         26.6         51.0         30.2
 through profit or loss                                                         
Cash and cash equivalents                          3.0          1.5          0.2
Total current assets                              30.6         56.3         31.5
TOTAL ASSETS                                      39.1         63.5         40.0
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                            
Shareholders' equity attributable to the                                        
 owners of the parent company                                                   
Share capital                                      2.3          2.3          2.3
Invested unrestricted equity fund                  3.2         14.3          3.2
Translation differences                            0.0          0.0          0.0
Retained earnings                                 29.0         35.3         30.0
Total shareholders' equity                        34.5         51.9         35.5
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                         
Deferred tax liabilities                           0.0          0.0          0.0
Pension obligations                                0.0          0.0          0.0
Total interest-bearing liabilities                 0.0          0.0          0.0
Other liabilities                                  0.0          0.1          0.0
Total non-current liabilities                      0.0          0.1          0.0
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                             
Trade payables                                     0.3          1.6          0.4
Total interest-bearing liabilities                 0.4          0.4          0.4
Tax liabilities                                    0.0          4.5          0.0
Other liabilities                                  3.8          5.1          3.8
Total current liabilities                          4.5         11.6          4.5
Total liabilities                                  4.5         11.7          4.5
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND                    39.1         63.5         40.0

* Includes EUR 6.8 million in receivables from a business transaction; the
funds are placed in an escrow account. Funds will be released from the escrow
account March 31, 2014, provided no claims concerning the transaction are made. 


Statement of changes in consolidated shareholders' equity on 31 March 2013

       MEUR           Share   Translatio     Invested       Retained  Shareholde
                     capital       n       unrestricted     earnings  rs' equity
                              difference    equity fund                         
Shareholders'            2.3         0.0              3.2       30.0        35.5
 equity 1 Jan 2013                                                              
Total comprehensive                                             -1.0        -1.0
 income for the                                                                 
Shareholders'            2.3                          3.2       29.0        34.5
 equity 31 Mar 2013                                                             

Statement of changes in consolidated shareholders' equity on 31 March 2012

       MEUR           Share   Translatio     Invested       Retained  Shareholde
                     capital       n       unrestricted     earnings  rs' equity
                              difference    equity fund                         
Shareholders'            2.3         0.0             14.3       36.2        52.8
 equity 1 Jan 2012                                                              
Total comprehensive                 -0.1                        -0.9        -1.0
 income for the                                                                 
Shareholders'            2.3         0.0             14.3       35.3        51.9
 equity 31 Mar 2012                                                             


                                              1-3/2013    1-3/2012    1-12/2012 
                                               MEUR        MEUR        MEUR     
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                             
Profit for the period                               -1.0        -0.9        -3.7
Adjustments                                          0.0        -0.2        -0.8
CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL                            0.0         1.0        -0.2
Interest paid and payments on other                  0.0        -0.7        -0.8
 operating financial expenses                                                   
Interest received                                    0.1         0.0         1.1
Realised exchange rate gains and losses              0.0         0.0         0.0
Income taxes paid                                    0.0         0.0        -4.5
Net cash flow from operating activities             -0.8        -0.7        -8.9
CASH FLOW FROM INVESTMENTS                                                      
Investments in tangible and intangible              -0.1         0.0        -0.3
Revenue from disposal of tangible and                0.0         0.0         0.0
 intangible assets                                                              
Net investments in funds and deposits                3.6       -41.0       -20.2
Net cash flow from investments                       3.5       -41.1       -20.5
CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                             
Dividend payout                                      0.0         0.0        -2.7
Repayment of capital                                 0.0         0.0       -10.9
Repayment of loans                                   0.0        -4.7        -4.7
Net cash flow from financing activities              0.0        -4.7       -18.3
Increase (+)/decrease (-) in cash and cash           2.8       -46.4       -47.7
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning           0.2        47.9        47.9
 of the period                                                                  
Effect of exchange rates on cash and cash            0.0         0.0         0.0
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the          3.0         1.5         0.2


There were no substantial changes in related-party transactions during the
reporting period. 


                                                   1-3/2013  1-3/2012  1-12/2012
Collaterals given on behalf of the parent company                               
Corporate mortgages                                     0.0       0.0        0.0
Real estate mortgages                                   0.0       0.0        0.0
Collaterals given on behalf of subsidiaries                                     
Guarantees                                              0.0       0.0        0.0
Other liabilities                                                               
Leasing commitments                                                             
Due for payment in more than 1 year                     0.0       0.1        0.0
Due for payment in more than 1 year but less than       0.0       0.1        0.0
 5 years                                                                        
Due for payment in more than 5 years                    0.0       0.0        0.0
Total                                                   0.0       0.2        0.1
Other rental commitments                                                        
Due for payment in more than 1 year                     0.1       0.2        0.2
Due for payment in more than 1 year but less than       0.3       0.1        0.3
 5 years                                                                        
Due for payment in more than 5 years                    0.0       0.0        0.0
Total                                                   0.4       0.3        0.4
Total other liabilities                                 0.5       0.5        0.4
Total collaterals and contingent liabilities            0.5       0.5        0.5

In Helsinki on April 25, 2013

Biohit Oyj
Board of Directors

Additional information:

CEO Semi Korpela, Biohit Oyj
Tel. +358 9 773 861

Biohit in brief

Biohit Oyj is a globally operating Finnish biotechnology company established in
1988. Biohit's mission is "Innovating for Health". The purpose of the company
is to take social responsibility and produce innovation, new technologies and
analysis systems for use in medicine, research institutions and industry,
helping to promote research and diagnostics and to improve the quality of life
of people by means of preventing disease, human suffering and financial loss.
We are committed to social responsibility and it is our duty to spread
knowledge about the Group 1 human carcinogen, acetaldehyde, and innovate and
develop the marketing and availability of our products and services. Biohit is
headquartered in Helsinki and its subsidiaries are located in China, Italy and
the United Kingdom. Since 1999, Biohit's Series B shares (BIOBV) have been
listed in the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy Small cap/Healthcare sector.