2014-02-13 08:00:00 CET

2014-02-13 08:00:04 CET


Viking Line - Financial Statement Release


Mariehamn, 2014-02-13 08:00 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 

Viking Line Abp              FINANCIAL STATEMENT RELEASE             13.2.2014,
9.00 AM 


Consolidated sales of the Viking Line Group during the report period, January 1
- December 31, 2013, increased by 6.4 per cent to 549.4 million euros (EUR
516.1 M during January 1 - December 31, 2012). Other operating revenue amounted
to EUR 23.5 M (0.4). Operating income amounted to EUR 34.7 M (2.4). Net
financial items totalled EUR -7.1 M (-0.8). Consolidated income before taxes
totalled EUR 27.7 M (1.6). Income after taxes amounted to EUR 27.5 M (0.9). 

The Board of Directors proposes to the annual shareholders' meeting that a
dividend of EUR 0,50 per share shall be paid. 



Consolidated sales of the Viking Line Group during the report period, January 1
- December 31, 2013, increased by 6.4 per cent to 549.4 million euros (EUR
516.1 M during January 1 - December 31, 2012). Other operating revenue amounted
to EUR 23.5 M (0.4). Operating income amounted to EUR 34.7 M (2.4). Net
financial items totalled EUR -7.1 M (-0.8). Consolidated income before taxes
totalled EUR 27.7 M (1.6). Income after taxes amounted to EUR 27.5 M (0.9). 

During the full report period, passenger-related revenue increased by 6.5 per
cent to EUR 508.8 M (477.8), while cargo revenue increased by 6.6 per cent to
EUR 36.5 M (34.3). Net sales revenue increased by 8.8 per cent to EUR 398.8 M
(366.5). The placement into service of the Viking Grace on the Turku
(Finland)-Mariehamn/Långnäs (Åland Islands, Finland)-Stockholm (Sweden) route
was the main reason for the improved passenger-and cargo-related revenue.
Earnings were pulled down by the Gabriella's unforeseen dry-docking and 23-day
service interruption during the late spring of 2013. The Amorella's minor
grounding in December also had an adverse effect on the Group's earnings. The
Group's operating expenses increased by 6.4 per cent to EUR 387.6 M (364.4).
Consolidated income before taxes, excluding a capital gain from the sale of the
Isabella, totalled EUR 4.9 M (1.6). 


Consolidated sales of the Viking Line Group during the fourth quarter, October
1 - December 31, 2013, increased by 2.4 per cent to EUR 129.7 M compared to the
corresponding quarter of 2012 (EUR 126.6 M during October 1 - December, 2012).
Operating income during the quarter amounted to EUR 2.0 M (-0.7). Income before
taxes during the fourth quarter of 2013 totalled EUR 0.1 M (-0.9). 

During the fourth quarter, cargo revenue increased by 10.5 per cent to EUR 9.4
M (8.5), while passenger-related revenue increased by 1.8 per cent to EUR 119.3
M (117.1). Total operating expenses rose by 0.5 per cent to EUR 128.1 M


During 2013, the Viking Line Group provided passenger and cargo carrier
services using seven vessels on the northern Baltic Sea. In January 2013, the
Isabella was replaced by the Viking Grace on the
Turku-Mariehamn/Långnäs-Stockholm route. The Isabella was sold in April 2013. 

The number of passengers on Viking Line's vessels during the financial year
increased by 183,747 to 6,533,650 (6,349,903). Viking Line's cargo volume was
119,704 cargo units (116,906). Viking Line achieved a cargo market share of
20.9 per cent (20.0). 

During the report period, Viking Line strengthened its market share on the
Turku-Mariehamn/Långnäs-Stockholm route by 7.3 percentage points to 57.3 per
cent. Market share increased on the Helsinki (Finland)-Mariehamn-Stockholm
route by 0.4 percentage points to 46.1 per cent. In cruise services between
Stockholm and Mariehamn, market share decreased by 0.5 per cent to 51.3 per
cent. On the Helsinki-Tallinn (Estonia) route, market share decreased by 0.6
percentage points to 23.7 per cent. On the short route over the Sea of Åland,
market share decreased by 3.1 percentage points to 42.0 per cent, primarily due
to a reduced number of departures. The Group thus had a total market share in
its service area of 34.6 per cent (33.9). 


Of the Group's investments during the report period, its investment in the
Viking Grace totalled EUR 164.0 M, while its other investments amounted to EUR
8.4 M. The Group's total investments were thus EUR 172.3 M (49.7). Viking Line
Abp took out a loan of EUR 179.0 M in order to finance the Viking Grace. 

The Isabella was sold to Hansalink Limited on April 22, 2013. The sale of the
Isabella was a planned step in the financing of Viking Line's new cruise vessel
Viking Grace. The sale price was about EUR 30 M and represented a capital gain
of EUR 22.8 M. 

On December 31, 2013 the Group's non-current interest-bearing liabilities
amounted to EUR 221.2 M (73.1). The equity/assets ratio was 35.6 per cent,
compared to 46.2 per cent a year earlier. 

At the end of December 2013, the Group's cash and cash equivalents amounted to
EUR 96.1 M (45.3). Net cash flow from operating activities amounted to EUR 38.4
M (32.8). 


Fluctuations in bunker (vessel fuel) prices have a direct impact on the Group's
earnings. The Group is also exposed to various financial risks, among them
fluctuations in currency exchange rates. Revenue is generated in euros and
Swedish kronor. Most operational influx of cash and cash equivalents consists
of euros. Prices of goods for sale and bunker are affected by foreign
currencies, especially the US dollar. The Group endeavours to maintain good
liquidity in order to be prepared to deal with adverse changes in operational
cash flow. 


In January 2014 the Viking XPRS changed from a Swedish to an Estonian flag and
the Rosella from a Swedish to a Finnish flag. 


The average number of Group employees was 3,104 (3,014), of whom 1,947 (1,841)
worked for the parent company. Land-based personnel totalled 697 (715) and
shipboard personnel totalled 2,407 (2,299). 


During the summer 2014 high season - in addition to serving their regular
Helsinki-Stockholm routes - the Mariella and Gabriella will also temporarily
serve the Helsinki-Tallinn route. To offset the extra expenses attributable to
the European Union's new sulphur directive, which enters into force on January
1, 2015, the Group has an ongoing action programme to improve its operational
efficiency. This action programme primarily affects the areas of bunker
consumption, repairs and maintenance, as well as organizational structure. In
January 2014 the Viking XPRS changed from a Swedish to an Estonian flag and the
Rosella from a Swedish to a Finnish flag. The Board of Directors believes that
operating income will improve in 2014 compared to operating income in 2013,
excluding the capital gain from the sale of the Isabella (EUR 11.9 M). 


According to the balance sheet of Viking Line Abp on December 31, 2013
unrestricted equity totalled EUR 68,750,256.44. 

The Board of Directors proposes to the annual shareholders' meeting that:

A dividend of EUR 0,50 per share shall be paid, totalling  EUR   5,400,000.00

Remaining unrestricted equity                                           EUR

No material changes in the Company's financial position have occurred after the
end of the financial year. In the assessment of the Board of Directors, the
dividend is justifiable in light of the demands with respect to the size of the
equity capital which are imposed by the nature, scope, financing and risks
associated with the business. 

                                         Oct 1,     Oct 1,     Jan 1,     Jan 1,
                                          2013-      2012-      2013-      2012-
EUR M                                   Dec 31,    Dec 31,    Dec 31,    Dec 31,
                                           2013       2012       2013       2012
SALES                                     129.7      126.6      549.4      516.1
Other operating revenue                     0.3        0.1       23.5        0.4
Goods and services                         35.7       38.2      150.6      149.6
Salary and other employment benefit        31.5       31.9      130.1      125.2
Depreciation and impairment losses          8.3        7.3       35.7       28.5
Other operating expenses                   52.5       50.0      221.9      210.7
                                          128.1      127.4      538.2      514.1
OPERATING INCOME                            2.0       -0.7       34.7        2.4
Financial income                            0.3        0.3        1.2        1.6
Financial expenses                         -2.2       -0.5       -8.3       -2.5
INCOME BEFORE TAXES                         0.1       -0.9       27.7        1.6
Income taxes                                6.7        0.1       -0.2       -0.7
INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                       6.7       -0.8       27.5        0.9
Other comprehensive income                                                      
Items that can be transferred to the income                                     
Translation differences                     0.0       -0.1       -0.4        0.1
Investments available for sale              0.0          -        0.0          -
                                            0.0       -0.1       -0.4        0.1
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE          6.7       -0.8       27.1        1.0
Income attributable to:                                                         
Parent company shareholders                 6.7       -0.8       27.5        0.9
Total comprehensive income                                                      
 attributable to:                                                               
Parent company shareholders                 6.7       -0.8       27.1        1.0
Earnings per share before and after        0.62      -0.07       2.54       0.09
 dilution, EUR                                                                  
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
EUR M                                                       Dec 31,    Dec 31,  
                                                             2013       2012    
Non-current assets                                                              
Intangible assets                                                 0.8        0.9
Land                                                              1.1        1.1
Buildings and structures                                         11.7       12.3
Renovation costs for rented                                       0.7        0.5
Vessels                                                         365.2      174.2
Machinery and equipment                                           8.0        8.1
Advance payments                                                    -       61.1
Investments available for sale                                    0.0        0.0
Receivables                                                       0.5        0.7
Total non-current assets                                        388.1      258.9
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                                                      15.0       15.2
Income tax assets                                                 0.2        1.9
Trade and other receivables                                      31.0       29.1
Cash and cash equivalents                                        96.1       45.3
Total current assets                                            142.2       91.5
TOTAL ASSETS                                                    530.3      350.4
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                          
Share capital                                                     1.8        1.8
Reserves                                                          0.0        0.0
Translation differences                                          -0.3        0.1
Retained earnings                                               187.5      160.0
Equity attributable to parent company                           189.0      162.0
Total equity                                                    189.0      162.0
Non-current liabilities                                                         
Deferred tax liabilities                                         29.7       29.7
Non-current interest-bearing                                    221.2       73.1
Total non-current liabilities                                   250.8      102.8
Current liabilities                                                             
Current interest-bearing liabilities                             15.1        8.7
Trade and other payables                                         75.4       76.9
Total current liabilities                                        90.4       85.6
Total liabilities                                               341.3      188.4
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                    530.3      350.4
CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                
                                                               Jan 1,     Jan 1,
                                                                2013-      2012-
EUR M                                                         Dec 31,    Dec 31,
                                                                 2013       2012
OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                            
Income for the period                                            27.5        0.9
Depreciation and impairment losses                               35.7       28.5
Capital gains from non-current                                  -22.8        0.0
Other items not included in cash                                 -0.4        0.1
Interest expenses and other financial expenses                    7.1        1.6
Interest income and other financial                              -0.1       -0.4
Dividend income                                                   0.0        0.0
Income taxes                                                      0.2        0.7
Change in working capital                                                       
Change in trade and other                                        -1.9       -0.2
Change in inventories                                             0.3       -1.6
Change in trade and other payables                               -4.1        7.1
Interest paid                                                    -3.7       -1.6
Financial expenses paid                                          -0.8       -0.1
Interest received                                                 0.1        0.5
Financial income received                                         0.1        0.1
Taxes paid                                                        1.4       -2.7
NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING                                     38.4       32.8
INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                            
Investments in vessels                                         -168.6       -4.0
Investments in other tangible and intangible                     -3.7      -11.0
Advance payments                                                    -      -34.7
Divestments of vessels                                           29.9          -
Divestments of other tangible and intangible                      0.2        0.1
Payments received for non-current                                 0.2        0.2
Dividends received                                                0.0        0.0
NET CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING                                   -142.0      -49.5
FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                            
Increase in non-current liabilities                             179.1        1.0
Amortization of non-current                                     -24.6       -9.4
Dividends paid                                                      -       -5.4
NET CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING                                    154.4      -13.7
CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                              50.8      -30.4
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of                        45.3       55.7
Change in held-to-maturity                                          -       20.0
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF                              96.1       45.3

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CONSOLIDATED EQUITY                                     
                                     Equity attributable to parent              
                                      company shareholders                      
                                      Share           Translati  Retaine   Total
                                                             on        d        
EUR M                                capita  Reserve  differenc  earning  Equity
                                          l        s         es        s        
Equity, Jan 1, 2012                     1.8      0.0        0.1    164.4   166.3
Income for the period                                                0.9     0.9
Translation differences                          0.0        0.0      0.1     0.1
Remeasurement of investments                                                   -
 available for sale                                                             
Total comprehensive income for the        -      0.0        0.0      1.0     1.0
Dividend to shareholders                                            -5.4    -5.4
Equity, Dec 31, 2012                    1.8      0.0        0.1    160.0   162.0
Income for the period                                               27.5    27.5
Translation differences                          0.0       -0.4      0.0    -0.4
Remeasurement of investments                     0.0                         0.0
 available for sale                                                             
Total comprehensive income for the        -      0.0       -0.4     27.5    27.1
Dividend to shareholders                                                       -
Equity, Dec 31, 2013                    1.8      0.0       -0.3    187.5   189.0

                                                    2013   2013   2013   2013
EUR M                                                 Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1
SALES                                              129.7  164.4  140.3  115.0
Other operating revenue                              0.3    0.2   22.9    0.1
Goods and services                                  35.7   43.4   39.6   31.9
Salary and other employment benefit expenses        31.5   31.9   33.7   32.9
Depreciation and impairment losses                   8.3    8.8    9.3    9.3
Other operating expenses                            52.5   53.8   55.6   59.9
                                                   128.1  137.9  138.3  133.9
OPERATING INCOME                                     2.0   26.6   25.0  -18.9
Financial income                                     0.3    0.3    0.4    0.2
Financial expenses                                  -2.2   -2.0   -2.0   -2.0
INCOME BEFORE TAXES                                  0.1   25.0   23.3  -20.7
Income taxes                                         6.7   -6.1   -5.8    5.0
INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                                6.7   18.9   17.6  -15.7
Other comprehensive income                                                   
Items that can be transferred to the income statement                        
Translation differences                              0.0   -0.1   -0.2    0.0
Investments available for sale                       0.0      -      -      -
                                                     0.0   -0.1   -0.2    0.0
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD            6.7   18.8   17.4  -15.8
Income attributable to:                                                      
Parent company shareholders                          6.7   18.9   17.6  -15.7
Total comprehensive income attributable to:                                  
Parent company shareholders                          6.7   18.8   17.4  -15.8
Earnings per share before and after dilution, EUR   0.62   1.75   1.63  -1.45

                                     Jan 1, 2013-  Jan 1, 2012-
OPERATING SEGMENTS, EUR M            Dec 31, 2013  Dec 31, 2012
Vessels                                     544.7         511.1
Unallocated                                   4.9           5.3
Total, operating segments                   549.6         516.3
Eliminations                                 -0.2          -0.2
Total sales of the Group                    549.4         516.1
Operating income                                               
Vessels                                      81.2          52.5
Unallocated                                 -46.4         -50.0
Total operating income of the Group          34.7           2.4

PLEDGED ASSETS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                       
EUR M                                                        Dec 31,     Dec 31,
                                                                2013        2012
Contingent liabilities                                         236.9        83.5
Assets pledged for own debt                                    315.7       112.2
Investment commitments not included in the accounts                -       191.9
- contractual amount                                               -       253.0
FINANCIAL RATIOS AND STATISTICS                                                 
                                                              Jan 1,      Jan 1,
                                                               2013-       2012-
                                                             Dec 31,     Dec 31,
                                                                2013        2012
Equity per share, EUR                                          17.50       15.00
Dividend per share, EUR                                         0.50        0.00
Number of shares on balance sheet date                    10,800,000  10,800,000
Return on equity (ROE)                                        15.6 %       0.6 %
Return on investment (ROI)                                    10.4 %       1.3 %
Equity/assets ratio                                           35.6 %      46.2 %
Investments, EUR M                                             172.3        49.7
- as % of sales                                               31.4 %       9.6 %
Passengers                                                 6,533,650   6,349,903
Cargo units                                                  119,704     116,906
Average number of employees, full time equivalent              3,104       3,014
Earnings per share = (Income before taxes - income taxes +/- minority interest) 
 / Average number of shares                                                     
Equity per share = Equity attributable to parent company shareholders / Number  
 of shares on balance sheet date                                                
Return on equity (ROE), % = (Income before taxes - income taxes) / Equity       
 including minority                                                             
interest (average for the year)                                                 
Return on investment (ROI), % = (Income before taxes + interest and other       
 financial expenses)                                                            
/ (Total assets - interest-free liabilities [average for                        
 the year])                                                                     
Equity/assets ratio, % = (Equity including minority interest) / (Total assets - 
 advances received)                                                             
When rounding off items to the nearest EUR 1,000,000,                           
 rounding-off differences of EUR +/- 0.1 M have                                 
The above figures from the financial statements have                            
 been audited.                                                                  


The annual shareholders' meeting of Viking Line Abp will be held at 12 noon on
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at the Alandica Kultur och Kongress auditorium,
Strandgatan 33, Mariehamn, Åland, Finland. 

An electronic version of the Annual Report for the financial year 2013 will be
published during the week of March 3, 2014 on the Company's website,
www.vikingline.com. The printed Annual Report will be published in Swedish and
Finnish during the week of March 17, 2014. 


During the financial year 2014, Viking Line Abp's interim reports will be
published for the periods January 1 to March 31, 2014; January 1 to June 30,
2014 and January 1 to September 30, 2014. These interim reports will be
published on May 15, August 28 and November 13, 2014, respectively. The press
release on the results for the fiscal year 2014 will be published on February
12, 2015. The Annual Report for the financial year 2014 will be published
during the week of March 16, 2015. 

Mariehamn, Åland, February 12, 2014

The Board of Directors

Mikael Backman
President and CEO

         CEO Mikael Backman, phone: +358-(0)18-27000, e-mail;