2021-11-16 08:16:45 CET

2021-11-16 08:16:45 CET

Lithuanian English
Ignitis grupė - Other information

On the initiated selections of independent Supervisory Board members of AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” and AB “Ignitis gamyba”, subsidiaries of AB “Ignitis grupė”

AB “Ignitis grupė” (hereinafter – the Group) announced selections for two independent members of the Supervisory Board of AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” (hereinafter – ESO) and two independent members of the Supervisory Board of AB “Ignitis gamyba” (hereinafter – Ignitis gamyba). The selected candidates, after their approval, will take over the positions after the end of the current terms. The term of the Supervisory Board of Ignitis gamyba ends on 25 March 2022, and ESO’s – 29 March 2022.

Advertisements about the ongoing selections of independent members of the Supervisory Boards and the requirements set out for them is published on the Group’s website (link in Lithuanian). Members will be selected according to the general expectations and competences established in the profile of competences of the Supervisory Board (ESO link in Lithuanian and Ignitis gamyba link in Lithuanian). Candidates will be evaluated based on ethics, general requirements, values as well as the independence criteria.

Candidates may apply until 5 December 2021.

The Supervisory Board of ESO comprises six members – two representatives delegated by the principal shareholder – the Group, two independent members, one employees’ representative and one civil servant. The Supervisory Board of Ignitis gamyba comprises five members – two representatives of the principal shareholder – the Group, two independent members and one civil servant. The term of office of the Supervisory Boards is four years.

The selections of independent members of the Supervisory Boards will be conducted by the Group, together with the agency conducting manager and managing personnel recruitment UAB “J. Friisberg & Partners”.

The Group will inform about further actions related to the selection of the independent members of the Supervisory Boards in accordance with the procedure set out in legal acts.


For more information please contact:

Artūras Ketlerius
Head of Public Relations at Ignitis Group
+370 620 76076