2017-02-16 07:31:06 CET

2017-02-16 07:31:06 CET


English Finnish
Consti Yhtiöt Oyj - Financial Statement Release

Consti Group Plc Financial Statements Bulletin for January - December 2016


Consti Group Plc Financial Statements Bulletin for January - December 2016

Profitable growth continued in 2016

10-12/2016 highlights (comparison figures in parenthesis 10-12/2015):
·       Net sales EUR 74.8 (74.9) million; change -0.2 %
·       EBITDA EUR 4.9 (3.5) million and EBITDA margin 6.5 % (4.7 %)
·       Adjusted EBITDA EUR 4.9 (5.1) million and adjusted EBITDA margin 6.5 %
(6.8 %)
·       Operating profit (EBIT) EUR 4.4 (3.1) million and EBIT margin 5.9 % (4.1
·       Adjusted EBIT EUR 4.4 (4.6) million and adjusted EBIT margin 5.9 % (6.2
·       Order backlog EUR 190.8 (181.3) million
·       Free cash flow EUR 0.5 (1.8) million
·       Earnings per share EUR 0.44 (0.29)

1-12/2016 highlights (comparison figures in parenthesis 1-12/2015):
·       Net sales EUR 261.6 (256.2) million; growth 2.1 %
·       EBITDA EUR 13.1 (10.5) million and EBITDA margin 5.0 % (4.1 %)
·       Adjusted EBITDA EUR 13.1 (12.6) million and adjusted EBITDA margin 5.0 %
(4.9 %)
·       Operating profit (EBIT) EUR 11.0 (8.4) million and EBIT margin 4.2 %
(3.3 %)
·       Adjusted EBIT EUR 11.0 (10.5) million and adjusted EBIT margin 4.2 %
(4.1 %)
·       Free cash flow EUR 10.9 (8.9) million
·       Earnings per share EUR 1.05 (0.61)
·       The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of EUR 0.54 (0.39) per share

Guidance on the Group outlook for 2017:
The Company estimates that its total annual net sales for 2017 will grow
compared to 2016.

|KEY FIGURES (EUR     |10-12/|10-12/|Change %| 1-12/ | 1-12/ |       Change %|
|1,000)               | 2016 | 2015 |        | 2016  | 2015  |               |
|Net sales            |74,823|74,939|  -0.2 %|261,558|256,151|          2.1 %|
|Adjusted EBITDA*     | 4,892| 5,074|  -3.6 %| 13,142| 12,613|          4.2 %|
|Adjusted EBITDA      | 6.5 %| 6.8 %|        |  5.0 %|  4.9 %|               |
|margin, %            |      |      |        |       |       |               |
|EBITDA               | 4,892| 3,493|  40.1 %| 13,120| 10,507|         24.9 %|
|EBITDA margin, %     | 6.5 %| 4.7 %|        |  5.0 %|  4.1 %|               |
|Adjusted EBIT*       | 4,447| 4,633|  -4.0 %| 11,004| 10,520|          4.6 %|
|Adjusted EBIT margin,| 5.9 %| 6.2 %|        |  4.2 %|  4.1 %|               |
|%                    |      |      |        |       |       |               |
|Operating profit     | 4,447| 3,052|  45.7 %| 10,982|  8,414|         30.5 %|
|(EBIT)               |      |      |        |       |       |               |
|Operating profit     | 5.9 %| 4.1 %|        |  4.2 %|  3.3 %|               |
|(EBIT) margin, %     |      |      |        |       |       |               |
|Profit for the period| 3,385| 2,203|  53.7 %|  7,978|  3,260|        144.7 %|
|Order backlog        |      |      |        |190,806|181,301|          5.2 %|
|Free cash flow       |   507| 1,750| -71.0 %| 10,865|  8,910|         21.9 %|
|Cash conversion, %   |10.4 %|50.1 %|        | 82.8 %| 84.8 %|               |
|Net interest-bearing |      |      |        | 12,097| 17,407|        -30.5 %|
|debt                 |      |      |        |       |       |               |
|Gearing, %           |      |      |        | 40.8 %| 70.9 %|               |
|Number of personnel  |      |      |        |    935|    890|          5.1 %|
|at period end        |      |      |        |       |       |               |
|Earnings per share,  |  0.44|  0.29|  52.8 %|   1.05|   0.61|         71.3 %|
|undiluted (EUR)      |      |      |        |       |       |               |
 * New ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) guidelines on
 Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) are effective for the financial year
 2016. Consti presents APMs to reflect the underlying business performance
 and to enhance comparability between financial periods. APMs should not be
 considered as a substitute for measures of performance in accordance with
 the IFRS. As of Q1 2016, Consti relabels the previously referenced "before
 non-recurring items" with "before items affecting comparability" (IAC). For
 a more detailed description of items affecting comparability, see section
 "Sales, result and order backlog".

CEO Marko Holopainen's comment

Profitable growth continued in 2016

"2016 progressed nearly as expected at Consti. Our entire year's net sales was
261.6 million euro, which is 2.1 percent more than the previous year. Our
comparable EBIT grew to 11.0 million euro which is 4.2 percent of net sales,
when in the previous year it was 10.5 million euro and 4.1 percent of net sales.
Order intake during the year was 4.5 percent more than in the previous year, and
at the end of the year our order backlog was 190.8 million euro.

The slower than anticipated net sales growth was mainly due to our net sales
cumulating from relatively small projects, the competition for skilled personnel
caused by the active new construction market, and the slow start of large
projects. Although the growth of our net sales was slightly slower than we
anticipated, 2016 was Consti's best year to date by many measures. Our net
sales, result and order backlog were all better than ever. The strong
development of our order backlog also warrants positive expectations for 2017.

Strong growth in new construction affected renovation
The past year was marked by the strong increase in new construction. This had a
positive impact on the demand of technical building services, as Consti also
operates on the new construction market in this field. However, the effect of
new construction shows in building technology instalments with a slight delay,
and the major share of new construction sites started in 2016 will have building
technology installed during 2017.

In contrast, new construction somewhat decreased interest toward large
renovations in business premises. Demand for residential building pipeline
renovations and facade renovations, as well as maintenance services and service
contracting were highlighted in order intake.

Acquisitions strengthened Service Business

We succeeded in expanding our offering with acquisitions both in the Greater
Helsinki area and in Pirkanmaa and we will continue scouting good acquisition
targets. All three of the acquisitions we made in 2016 strengthen Consti's
Service Business. Our goal to increase the share of our service and maintenance
business was accomplished well this year as Service Businesses' share of the
entire Group's net sales grew from 12 percent to 15 percent.

Outlook for 2017

Based on our current market and business outlook we believe that the demand for
renovations and technical building services will continue to grow steadily next
year as well. As new construction stabilises, achieving organic growth will
become easier as opportunities for hiring skilled professionals improve."

Operating environment

The European construction business research group Euroconstruct estimates that
the Finnish building market in 2016 grew by approximately 8 percent compared to
the previous year. Renovation grew an estimated 1.5 percent and new construction
is estimated to have grown as much as 15 percent from the previous year. Consti
believes that the strong growth in new construction reduced the amount of large-
scale renovations particularly in business premises during 2016.

Although renovation growth slowed down somewhat in 2016, the renovation needs of
existing building stock are believed to sustain steady growth into the next
decade. Euroconstruct's estimate sees Finland's renovation growth in 2017-2019
at approximately two percent per year, while the corresponding time period's
average growth estimate for new construction is approximately -1 percent a year.
The general economic condition has a clearly smaller impact on renovations and
technical building services than on new construction.

In Finland renovation spending has been at least as much as the value of new
construction since 2014. Euroconstruct estimates that the total value of
Finland's renovation market in 2016 was 12.4 billion euro, which is equivalent
to approximately 50 percent of the entire building market. The ageing building
stock increases the demand for technical building renovation, such as pipeline
renovations and facade renovations. At the moment mainly buildings from the
1960s and an increasing number of buildings from the 1970s are being renovated
in Finland. Renovations will start next in the considerably larger building
stock of the 1980s.

In addition to ageing, buildings require more renovation, technical building
services and building technology maintenance services due to heightened energy
efficiency requirements, urbanization, modification of the use of buildings, the
development of housing automatisation and the ageing populations' need for
barrier-free buildings.

Renovation markets are concentrating increasingly clearly to growth centres.
Renovations in areas where population is declining are not always economically
viable. In renovation the largest growth in the next 10 years in expected to
come from renovation needs of apartment buildings owned by housing corporations
in growth centres.

A significant share of the renovation market comes from building technology. The
Finnish Association of HPAC Technical Contractors estimates that the Finnish
building technology market amounted to a total of approximately five billion
euro in 2016. HPAC technology's share of the building technology market is about
two thirds. In new construction the share of building technology continues to
grow and modern building technology is also being installed increasingly much
into buildings being completely renovated. The significance of building
technology and automation is continually emphasised as systems develop and the
amount of technology increases in buildings. The building technology market is
expected to grow faster than the entire renovation market.

The renovation and building technology market is very fragmented in Finland.
Large construction companies focus on new construction with larger projects than
in renovation. Renovation and building technology markets consist of numerous
small, local companies that usually focus on only one segment of renovation or
building technology.

Outlook for 2017

Renovation is expected to continue growing in 2017. Euroconstruct estimated in
its December forecast that renovation in Finland will increase approximately two
percent from the previous year. The general economic conditions have a
considerably smaller impact on renovation and technical building services than
on new construction.

Consti estimates that its total annual net sales for 2017 will grow compared to

Press conference

A press conference for analysts, investors and media will be arranged on
Thursday February 16(th) 2017 at 10.00 a.m. at Hotel Glo Kluuvi, at Kluuvikatu
4, 2nd floor, Helsinki. The conference is hosted by CEO Marko Holopainen and CFO
Esa Korkeela.

Financial reporting in 2017

Consti will publish its Financial Statements, Board of Directors' Report,
Auditors' Report, and Corporate Governance Statement on the company website
during week 11/2017.

Consti Group Plc's Annual General Meeting shall be arranged on Tuesday April
4th 2017 in Helsinki. The complete invitation to the Annual General Meeting,
including the Board of Director's proposals to the Meeting, will be published as
a separate Stock Exchange release.

Consti Group Plc shall publish three interim reports during 2017:

  * Interim report 1-3/2017 published May 4(th) 2017
  * Half-year financial report 1-6/2017 published August 10(th) 2017
  * Interim report 1-9/2017 published November 9(th) 2017


Further information:

Marko Holopainen, CEO, Consti Group Plc, Tel. +358 400 458 158
Esa Korkeela, CFO, Consti Group Plc, Tel. +358 40 730 8568


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.
Major media

Consti  is a leading  Finnish company concentrating  on renovation and technical
services.  Consti offers comprehensive building technology, pipeline renovation,
renovation  contracting, façade renovation and  other demanding construction and
maintenance  services for residential and  commercial buildings. In 2016, Consti
Group's   net  sales  amounted  to  262 million  euro.  It  employs  about  900
professionals in renovation construction and building technology.

Consti  Group Plc  is listed  on Nasdaq  Helsinki. The  trading code  is CONSTI.
