2013-04-25 08:30:01 CEST

2013-04-25 08:30:11 CEST


Finnish English
QPR Software - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)





Summary January-March 2013

  -- Net sales EUR 2,082 thousand (2012: 2,212). 
  -- Net sales decreased 6% due to a significant decrease in software license
     net sales. Net sales from software rentals increased 45%.
  -- Recurring revenues (software rentals and maintenance services) increased
     11% and were 56% of total net sales (47).
  -- Operating profit negative EUR 31 thousand (positive 199). 
  -- Cash flow from operating activities EUR 1,269 thousand (1,580).
  -- Profit before taxes negative EUR 42 thousand (positive 197).
  -- Profit for the period negative EUR 36 thousand (positive 149). 
  -- Earnings per share negative EUR 0.003 (positive 0.012).

Outlook 2013

QPR estimates its net sales in 2013 to remain on the same level or to grow
slightly compared to previous year (2012: EUR 9.3 million). Especially net
sales from software rentals and enterprise architecture services are expected
to grow, but license net sales to decrease. Operating profit is likely to be
smaller than in previous year (2012: EUR 0.9 million), but to improve
significantly from the level in January-March 2013. 

In 2013, the Company aims to continue investments in the development of its new
software products. In recent years, QPR has launched two new software products
that have excellent growth prospects. The strong growth of QPR
EnterpriseArchitect business in Finland is estimated to continue, and in 2013
the Company is building a new international reseller network for the product.
QPR EnterpriseArchitect is software for agile management of all dimensions in
the enterprise architecture. The Company also invests in recruiting OEM
partners for its innovative new QPR ProcessAnalyzer software product, which
offers a fast way to automatically discover business processes by using data
stored in the IT systems of an organization. 

The Company is also developing its professional service offering, with the aim
to grow its local business in Finland and to accelerate its international
software sales. Internationally, this happens by offering complementary service
concepts and solutions to the Company's reseller partners. 


EUR in thousands, unless otherwise      Jan-Mar     Jan-Mar   Change,    Jan-Dec
 indicated                                 2013        2012         %       2012
Net sales                                 2,082       2,212      -5.9      9,321
Operating profit                            -31         199    -115.6        874
% of net sales                             -1.5         9.0                  9.4
Profit before tax                           -42         197    -121.3        833
Profit for the period                       -36         149    -124.2        662
% of net sales                             -1.7         6.7                  7.1
Earnings per share, EUR                  -0.003       0.012    -125.0      0.054
Equity per share, EUR                     0.236       0.245      -3.7      0.240
Cash flow from operating activities       1,269       1,580     -19.7      1,777
Cash and cash equivalents                 2,443       2,283       7.0      1,404
Free cash flow                            1,055       1,405     -24.9      1,165
Net liabilities                          -2,104      -1,831      14.9     -1,065
Gearing, %                                -71.7       -60.2                -35.7
Equity ratio, %                            53.1        53.3                 51.3
Return on equity, %                        -4.9        19.7                 22.2
Return on investment, %                    -3.4        22.6                 25.5


This report complies with requirements of IAS 34 ”Interim Financial Reporting”.
Starting from the beginning of 2013, the Company has applied certain new or
revised IFRS standards and IFRIC interpretations as described in the
Consolidated Financial Statements 2012. The implementation of these new and
revised requirements have not materially impacted the reported figures. For all
other parts, the accounting and valuation principles are the same as they were
in the 2012 financial statements. This report is unaudited. 

QPR Software's business operations consist of software and professional
services sales. The Company reports income for products and services as
follows: software license sales, software maintenance services, software
rentals, and professional services. 

QPR reports the following business segments: Direct and OEM business (software
license and rental sales, maintenance and professional services sales to direct
customers and OEM customers) and Resellers (software license and rental sales,
maintenance and professional services sales through resellers and the Russian


Net sales in January-March were EUR 2,082 thousand (2,212) and decreased 6%
from the corresponding period of the previous year. Net sales decreased due to
a clear and stronger than expected decline in software license sales, which was
not fully compensated by the continued strong growth in software rental net

Net sales by product group

EUR in thousands              Jan-Mar 2013  Jan-Mar 2012  Change, %      Jan-Dec
Software licenses                      198           452        -56        1,797
Software maintenance                   771           777         -1        3,223
Software rentals                       390           269         45        1,221
Professional services                  722           714          1        3,080
Total                                2,082         2,212         -6        9,321

New software sales by QPR are increasingly made through software rentals rather
than perpetual license sales, which is reflected as decline in software license
net sales and increase in software rental net sales. In Finland, clear majority
of new sales are made on a rental basis. Internationally, the transition is
still ongoing. 

In the first quarter, software license net sales decreased 56%, which the
growth of 45% in software rental net sales was not able to fully compensate.
The comparative figure for software license net sales in 2012 was positively
impacted by a very significant license sale to the Malaysian public
administration. Net sales from software maintenance services and professional
services remained roughly on the same level as in the corresponding period last
year. In professional services, net sales from enterprise architecture services
grew strongly, while net sales from other professional services decreased due
to, among others, changes in project timing. QPR expects net sales from
professional services to grow during the rest of the year, compared to the
level in the first quarter. 

Total recurring revenue (net sales from software maintenance services and
software rentals) grew 11% in the first quarter. The share of recurring revenue
of total net sales increased to 56% (47). 

 Net sales by business segment

EUR in thousands         Jan-Mar 2013  Jan-Mar 2012  Change, %  Jan-Dec 2012
Direct and OEM business         1,349         1,263          7         5,491
Resellers                         733           949        -23         3,830
Total                           2,082         2,212         -6         9,321

In the first quarter, net sales in the Direct and OEM business grew 7% from the
corresponding period last year. The growth was especially strong in net sales
from software and services aiming at developing enterprise architecture. During
the quarter, QPR strengthened further its personnel resources in this business. 

Net sales in the Resellers unit decreased 23% in the first quarter, mainly due
to decline in software license net sales, which was not fully compensated by
the growth in software rental net sales. 


Operating profit by business segment:

EUR in thousands         Jan-Mar 2013  Jan-Mar 2012  Change, %  Jan-Dec 2012
Direct and OEM business            18           223        -92           848
Resellers                          40            81        -51           402
Unallocated                       -89          -105        -15          -376
Total                             -31           199       -116           874

The Group's operating profit in the first quarter was negative, as net sales
declined by 6%. Operating profit in the Direct and OEM business declined due to
continued outlays in the growth businesses. Operating profit in the Resellers
unit declined in the first quarter mainly due to lower net sales. 

The Group's expenses grew 6% due to outlays in the growth businesses. Personnel
expenses grew 18% and were 71% of total expenses (64). 

Net financial expenses were EUR 11 thousand (2). Profit before taxes was
negative EUR 42 thousand (positive 197). Profit for the period was negative EUR
36 thousand (positive 149) and earnings per share was negative EUR 0.003
(positive 0.012). 


Cash flow from operating activities was EUR 1,269 thousand (1,580). Cash and
cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period were EUR 2,443 thousand

Investments in the reporting period totaled EUR 214 thousand (175). Slightly
more than half of the investments were made in product development. 

Interest-bearing liabilities decreased and were EUR 339 thousand (452) at the
end of the reporting period. The gearing ratio was -72% (-60). Current
liabilities include deferred revenue in total of EUR 2,028 thousand (1,938).
Return on investment was negative 3% (positive 23). 

Equity ratio was 53% (53). The consolidated shareholders' equity stood at EUR
2,935 thousand (3,046). Return on equity was negative 5% (positive 20). 

The Annual General Meeting on March 14, 2013 authorized the Board of Directors
to decide on issuing a maximum of 4,000,000 new shares, to decide on conveyance
of a maximum of 550,000 own shares held by the Company, and to decide on
acquiring a maximum of 250,000 own shares. The authorizations are in force
until the next Annual General Meeting. On March 20, 2013, the Company issued a
stock exchange release on a decision to start acquiring own shares through
public trading in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. 


Product development expenses in the reporting period were EUR 461 thousand
(403), representing 22% (18) of net sales. Product development expenses do not
include amortization of capitalized product development expenses. 

During the quarter, product development expenses were capitalized for a total
amount of EUR 110 thousand (101). The amortization period for capitalized
product development expenses is four years. The amortization of capitalized
product development expenses in the reporting period was EUR 69 thousand (67). 

Product development employed 28 persons at the end of the quarter, which
corresponds to 33% of the total personnel. 

In the reporting period, product development activities were especially focused
on the QPR ProcessAnalyzer and QPR EnterpriseArchitect products. 

By developing its service products, the Company aims to grow its local business
in Finland, and to accelerate its international software sales by offering
complementary service concepts and solutions to its reseller partners. 


At the end of the quarter, QPR employed a total of 84 persons (73). Average
number of personnel in the reporting period was 84 (74). Personnel expenses in
the quarter totaled EUR 1,528 thousand (1,294). 

For incentive purposes, the Company has a bonus program that covers all
employees. Short-term remuneration of the top management consists of salary,
fringe benefits and a possible annual bonus based on net sales and operating
profit performance. The maximum annual bonus of executive management team,
including the CEO, is 40% of the annual base salary. Long-term remuneration of
the executive management team consists of a share-based incentive plan.
Information on incentive plans in the Annual Report 2012: www.qpr.com -->
“Investors” section. 


Trading of shares                         Jan-Mar 2013      Jan-Mar      Jan-Dec
                                                               2012         2012
Shares traded, pcs                             183,806      122,084      501,186
Volume, EUR                                    175,137      104,310      437,890
% of shares                                        1.5          1.0          4.0
Shares and market capitalization               Mar 31,      Mar 31,      Dec 31,
                                                  2013         2012         2012
Total number of shares, pcs                 12,444,863   12,444,863   12,444,863
Treasury shares, pcs                           302,603      201,055      285,887
Book counter value, EUR                           0.11         0.11         0.11
Outstanding shares, pcs                     12,142,260   12,243,808   12,158,976
Number of shareholders                             617          588          597
Closing price, EUR                                0.94         0.89         0.95
Market capitalization, EUR                  11,413,724   10,896,989   11,551,027
Acquired treasury shares in reporting           16,716       21,650      106,482
 period, pcs                                                                    
Book counter value of treasury shares,          33,286       22,116       31,448
Total purchase value of treasury shares,       273,256      185,958      260,906
Treasury shares, % of all shares                   2.4          1.6          2.3

The Annual General Meeting held on March 14, 2013 approved the Board's proposal
that a per-share dividend of EUR 0.04 (0.03), a total of EUR 486 thousand
(367), is paid for the financial year 2012. The dividend was paid to
shareholders entered in the Company's shareholder register, maintained by
Euroclear Finland Oy, on the record date of March 19, 2013. The dividend
payment date was April 3, 2013. 


In March, QPR and the German software company JobRouter AG announced a new
process analysis service based on QPR ProcessAnalyzer software. The companies
have agreed on cooperation, where JobRouter will use QPR ProcessAnalyzer
software in fact-based visualizing and analysis of their customers' processes
in the JobRouter workflow solution. 


In April, after a tender competition, Hansel Oy, the central procurement unit
of the Finnish Government, elected QPR Software as one of the frame agreement
providers of management consulting services for years 2013-2017. The frame
agreement enables QPR to offer its professional services in simplified tender
competitions by government entities in their operational development and
enterprise architecture projects. 

In April, QPR Software published an agreement with CGI, the leading IT and
business process services company, for a new process analysis service based on
QPR ProcessAnalyzer software product. With the service, CGI will be able to
show their customers the real state of their processes and help support them in
reaching operational efficiency. For QPR, the partnership gives the opportunity
to bring QPR ProcessAnalyzer to a larger audience. 


The Annual General Meeting on March 14, 2013 resolved that the Board of
Directors consists of four (4) ordinary members. The AGM elected the following
members to the Board of Directors: Kirsi Eräkangas, Jyrki Kontio, Vesa-Pekka
Leskinen and Topi Piela. In its first meeting following the Annual General
Meeting, the Board of Directors elected Vesa-Pekka Leskinen as Chairman of the

The AGM elected KPMG Oy Ab, Authorized Public Accountants, as QPR Software
Plc's auditors, with Kirsi Jantunen, Authorized Public Accountant, acting as
principal auditor. 

The AGM authorized the Board to decide on issuing new shares and repurchasing
the Company's own shares. 

The conditions of all authorizations of the Board and other decisions made by
the Annual General Meeting are available in their entirety on the stock
exchange release published by the Company on March 14, 2013 and available on
the investors section of the Company's web site, www.qpr.com. 


Internal control and risk management in QPR Software Plc aims to ensure that
the Company operates efficiently and effectively, distributes reliable
information, complies with regulations and operational principles, reaches its
strategic goals, reacts to changes in the market and operational environment,
and ensures the continuity of its business. 

QPR has identified the following four groups of risks related to its
operations: risks related to business operations (country, customer, service
delivery, personnel, legal and financial risks as well as risks related to the
Company's resellers), risks related to information and products (QPR products,
IPR, data security), risks related to financing (foreign currency, bad debt),
and risks related to new businesses (growth of new business, product
development investments in new business). The Company has an insurance policy
for property, operational and liability risks. The Company monitors country,
customer, personnel and finance risks also in the Russian subsidiary OOO QPR

Financial risks include reasonable credit risk concerning individual business
partners, which is characteristic to any international business. QPR seeks to
limit this credit risk by continuous monitoring of standard payment terms,
receivables and credit limits. The escalated economic crisis in the euro area
has, according to management's estimate, to some extent increased the credit
risk that has remained on a moderate level in recent years. In the reporting
period, EUR 21 thousand (30) of credit losses were recorded. The amount of
trade receivables over 60 days past due was 8% (21) of total trade receivables
at the end of the quarter. 

Approximately 70% of Group's trade receivables are in euro. At the end of the
quarter, the Company had not hedged its foreign currency (non-euro) trade

No significant changes have taken place in QPR's short-term risks and
uncertainties during the reporting period. Risks and risk management related to
the Company's business are further described in the Annual Report 2012, pages
14-15 (www.qpr.com/investors/key-figures-and-reports.htm). 


QPR estimates its net sales in 2013 to remain on the same level or to grow
slightly compared to previous year (2012: EUR 9.3 million). Especially net
sales from software rentals and enterprise architecture services are expected
to grow, but license net sales to decrease. Operating profit is likely to be
smaller than in previous year (2012: EUR 0.9 million), but to improve
significantly from the level in January-March 2013. 

In 2013, the Company aims to continue investments in the development of its new
software products. In recent years, QPR has launched two new software products
that have excellent growth prospects. The strong growth of QPR
EnterpriseArchitect business in Finland is estimated to continue, and in 2013
the Company is building a new international reseller network for the product.
QPR EnterpriseArchitect is software for agile management of all dimensions in
the enterprise architecture. The Company also invests in recruiting OEM
partners for its innovative new QPR ProcessAnalyzer software product, which
offers a fast way to automatically discover business processes by using data
stored in the IT systems of an organization. 

The Company is also developing its professional service offering, with the aim
to grow its local business in Finland and to accelerate its international
software sales. Internationally, this happens by offering complementary service
concepts and solutions to the Company's reseller partners. 


In 2013, QPR Software will publish interim reports on the following dates:

  -- Interim Report Q2/2013: Tuesday, July 30, 2013
  -- Interim Report Q3/2013: Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Further information:

Jari Jaakkola, CEO
Tel. +358 (0) 40 5026 397


NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Main Media

Neither this press release nor any copy of it may be taken, transmitted into or
distributed in the United States of America or its territories or possessions. 

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                   
EUR in thousands,                       Jan-Mar     Jan-Mar   Change,    Jan-Dec
unless otherwise indicated                 2013        2012         %       2012
Net sales                                 2,082       2,212        -6      9,321
Other operating income                       32          15       113        158
Materials and services                       61          87       -30        402
Employee benefit expenses                 1,528       1,294        18      5,491
Other operating expenses                    383         480       -20      2,031
EBITDA                                      142         366       -61      1,555
Depreciation and amortization               173         167         4        681
Operating profit                            -31         199      -116        874
Financial income and expenses               -11          -2       450        -41
Profit before tax                           -42         197      -121        833
Income taxes                                  6         -48      -113       -171
Profit for the period                       -36         149      -124        662
Profit for the period attributable                                              
Shareholders of the parent company          -36         173                  662
Non-controlling interests                     -         -24                    -
Total                                       -36         149                  662
Earnings per share, EUR (basic and       -0.003       0.012      -125      0.054
Consolidated statement of                                                       
 comprehensive income:                                                          
Profit for the period                       -36         149                  662
Other items that may be                                                         
subsequently to profit or loss:                                                 
Exchange rate differences from                                                  
translating foreign operations                2         -48                 -103
Income tax related to other items             -           -                    -
Total comprehensive income                  -34         101                  559
Total comprehensive income                                                      
 attributable to:                                                               
Shareholders of the parent company          -34         125                  559
Non-controlling interests                     -         -24                    -
Total                                       -34         101                  559

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
EUR in thousands                                     Mar     Mar     Dec  Change
                                                     31,     31,     31,       ,
                                                    2013    2012    2012       %
Non-current assets:                                                             
Intangible assets                                  1,540   1,745   1,557      -1
Goodwill                                             513     513     513       0
Tangible assets                                      197     141     140      41
Other non-current assets                             122      84     120       2
Total non-current assets                           2,372   2,483   2,330       2
Current assets:                                                                 
Trade and other receivables                        2,745   2,870   3,111     -12
Cash and cash equivalents                          2,443   2,283   1,404      74
Total current assets                               5,188   5,153   4,515      15
Total assets                                       7,560   7,636   6,845      10
Equity and liabilities                                                          
Share capital                                      1,359   1,359   1,359       0
Other funds                                           21      21      21       0
Treasury shares                                     -273    -186    -261       5
Translation differences                             -167    -114    -169      -1
Invested non-restricted equity fund                    5       5       5       0
Retained earnings                                  1,990   1,993   2,026      -2
Equity attributable to shareholders of the         2,935   3,078   2,981      -2
 parent company                                                                 
Non-controlling interests                              -     -32       -        
Total equity                                       2,935   3,046   2,981      -2
Non-current liabilities:                                                        
Interest-bearing liabilities                         113     226     113       0
Non-interest-bearing liabilities                      66      85      71      -7
Total non-current liabilities                        179     311     184      -3
Current liabilities:                                                            
Trade and other payables                           4,219   4,053   3,452      22
Interest-bearing liabilities                         226     226     226       0
Total current liabilities                          4,445   4,279   3,678      21
Total liabilities                                  4,625   4,590   3,862      20
Total equity and liabilities                       7,560   7,636   6,845      10

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                
EUR in thousands                          Jan-Mar    Jan-Mar  Change,    Jan-Dec
                                             2013       2012        %       2012
Cash flow from operating activities:                                            
Profit for the period                         -36        149     -124        662
Adjustments to the profit                     166        142       17        548
Working capital changes                     1,188      1,297       -8        744
Interest and other financial expenses          -4        -11      -64        -39
Interest and other financial income             2          3      -33         21
Income taxes paid                             -47          0                -159
Net cash from operating activities          1,269      1,580      -20      1,777
Cash flow from investing activities:                                            
Acquired subsidiaries                          -3          -                 -81
Purchases of tangible and intangible         -214       -175       22       -612
Net cash used in investing activities        -217       -175       24       -693
Cash flow from financing activities:                                            
Repayments of long-term borrowings              -       -113                -226
Repurchase of shares                          -12        -28      -57       -103
Dividends paid                                  -          -                -367
Net cash used in financing activities         -12       -141      -91       -696
Net change in cash and cash                 1,040      1,264      -18        388
Cash and cash equivalents at the            1,404      1,020       38      1,020
 beginning of the period                                                        
Effects of exchange rate changes on            -1         -1                  -4
 cash and cash equivalents                                                      
Cash and cash equivalents at the end        2,443      2,283        7      1,404
 of the period                                                                  

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                     
EUR in          Share   Other  Transla  Treasu  Invested  Retain  Non-con  Total
 thousands     capita   funds     tion      ry  non-rest      ed  trollin       
                    l          differe  shares    ricted  earnin        g       
                                  nces            equity      gs  interes       
                                                    fund               ts       
Equity Jan 1,   1,359      21      -66    -158         5   1,820       -8  2,973
Repurchase of                              -28                               -28
Comprehensive                      -48                       173      -24    101
Equity Mar      1,359      21     -114    -186         5   1,993      -32  3,046
 31, 2012                                                                       
Dividends                                                   -367            -367
Acquisition                                                  -89        8    -81
 of the                                                                         
 20% share in                                                                   
 QPR CIS Oy                                                                     
Repurchase of                              -75                               -75
Comprehensive                      -55                       489       24    458
Equity Dec      1,359      21     -169    -261         5   2,026        -  2,981
 31, 2012                                                                       
Repurchase of                              -12                               -12
Comprehensive                        2                       -36             -34
Equity Mar      1,359      21     -167    -273         5   1,990        -  2,935
 31, 2013                                                                       



This report complies with requirements of IAS 34 ”Interim Financial Reporting”.
Starting from the beginning of 2013, the Company has applied certain new or
revised IFRS standards and IFRIC interpretations as described in the
Consolidated Financial Statements 2012. The implementation of these new and
revised requirements have not materially impacted the reported figures. For all
other parts, the accounting and valuation principles are the same as they were
in the 2012 financial statements. 

When preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is required to
make estimates and assumptions regarding the future and to consider the
appropriate application of accounting principles, which means that actual
results may differ from those estimated. 

All amounts presented in this report are consolidated figures, unless otherwise
noted. The amounts presented in the report are rounded, so the sum of
individual figures may differ from the sum reported. This report is unaudited. 

During the reporting period, the Group did not have any financial instruments
measured at fair value. 

GROUP INTANGIBLE AND TANGIBLE ASSETS                                         
EUR in thousands                     Jan-Mar 2013  Jan-Mar 2012  Jan-Dec 2012
Increase in intangible assets:                                               
Acquisition cost Jan 1                      5,428         5,004         5,004
Increase                                      138           129           427
Increase in tangible assets:                                                 
Acquisition cost Jan 1                      1,234         1,159         1,159
Increase                                       76            46           117
EUR in thousands                     Jan-Mar 2013  Jan-Mar 2012  Jan-Dec 2012
Interest-bearing liabilities Jan 1            339           566           566
Repayments                                      -          -113          -226
Interest-bearing liabilities Mar 31           339           452           339

GROUP COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                    
EUR in thousands                       Mar 31,     Mar 31,     Dec 31,   Change,
                                          2013        2012        2012         %
Business mortgage                        1,337       1,337       1,337         0
Lease liabilities                                                               
Liabilities maturing in one year           404         205         397         2
Liabilities maturing in 2-5 years           11          77          91       -88
Lease liabilities total                    415         282         488          
Total commitments and contingent         1,752       1,619       1,825        -4

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT BY QUARTER                                        
EUR in thousands             Q1 2013       Q4 2012    Q3 2012   Q2 2012  Q1 2012
Net sales                      2,082         2,693      2,011     2,404    2,212
Other operating                   32           104         18        21       15
Materials and                     61           100        100       115       87
Employee benefit               1,528         1,626      1,211     1,360    1,294
Other operating                  383           620        379       552      480
EBITDA                           142           451        339       398      366
Depreciation and                 173           171        174       168      167
Operating profit                 -31           281        165       230      199
Financial income                 -11            -9          4       -34       -2
 and expenses                                                                   
Profit before tax                -42           271        169       196      197
Income taxes                       6           -34        -17       -72      -48
Profit for the                   -36           237        152       124      149
SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                             
EUR in thousands              Jan-Mar 2013  Jan-Mar 2012  Change,   Jan-Dec 2012
Net sales                                                                       
          Direct and OEM             1,349         1,263        7          5,491
          Resellers                    733           949      -23          3,830
          Total                      2,082         2,212       -6          9,321
          Direct and OEM               118           324      -64          1,251
          Resellers                    113           148      -24            680
          Unallocated                  -89          -105      -15           -376
          Total                        142           366      -61          1,555
Operating profit                                                                
          Direct and OEM                18           223      -92            848
          Resellers                     40            81      -51            402
          Unallocated                  -89          -105      -15           -376
          Total                        -31           199     -116            874
Financial income and                   -11            -2      450            -41
Income taxes                             6           -48     -113           -171
Profit for the period                  -36           149     -124            662
Other information:                                                              
Depreciation and                                                                
          Direct and OEM               100           101       -1            403
          Resellers                     73            66       11            278
          Total                        173           167        4            681

Names of the segments have been changed in 2013. Earlier, these segments were
called Finland operations and International operations. 

GROUP KEY FIGURES                                                               
EUR in thousands, unless       Jan-Mar or Mar    Jan-Mar or Mar   Jan-Dec or Dec
 otherwise indicated                 31, 2013          31, 2012         31, 2012
Net sales                               2,082             2,212            9,321
Net sales growth, %                      -5.9               8.7             23.6
Operating profit                          -31               199              874
% of net sales                           -1.5               9.0              9.4
Profit before tax                         -42               197              833
% of net sales                           -2.0               8.9              8.9
Profit for the period                     -36               149              662
% of net sales                           -1.7               6.7              7.1
Return on equity, %                      -4.9              19.7             22.2
Return on investment ,%                  -3.4              22.6             25.5
Interest-bearing                          339               452              339
Cash and cash equivalents               2,443             2,283            1,404
Free cash flow                          1,055             1,405            1,165
Net liabilities                        -2,103            -1,831           -1,065
Equity                                  2,935             3,046            2,981
Gearing, %                              -71.7             -60.2            -35.7
Equity ratio, %                          53.1              53.3             51.3
Total balance sheet                     7,560             7,636            6,845
Investments in non-current                214               175              518
% of net sales                           10.3               7.9              5.6
Product development                       461               403            1,619
% of net sales                           22.1              18.2             17.4
Average number of personnel                84                74               78
Personnel at the beginning                 81                73               73
 of period                                                                      
Personnel at the end of                    84                73               81
Earnings per share, EUR                -0.003             0.012            0.054
Equity per share, EUR                   0.236             0.245            0.240