2011-03-03 07:57:33 CET

2011-03-03 07:58:33 CET


Lithuanian English
Klaipedos Nafta AB - Notification on material event

AB Klaipėdos nafta transshipment results in February 2011

In February 2011 Company reloaded 673 thousand tons of oil products to the
tankers (28% more than February 2010) and unloaded 609 thousand tons of oil
products in to the shore tanks (8 % more than in February 2010). 

Severe winter weather conditions had big impact on the transshipment capacity.
In February 2010 and 2011 the weather was very unfavorable nevertheless in 2011
Company‘s logistics were organized more efficient that influenced positively
the increase of reloading volumes and revenues. 

Revenues of the Company for the same period accounted for LTL 11.518 million
(EUR 3.3 million) 32 % increase from February 2010. 

         Chief Financier Johana Bučienė, +370 46 391636