2008-03-07 17:34:00 CET

2008-06-03 14:07:10 CEST


Islandic English
Lánamál ríkisins - Company Announcement

- Auction Announcement - RIKB 19 0226

On Thursday, 13 March, 2008, at 14:00, the Central Bank of Iceland will conduct 
an auction of non-indexed Treasury Notes.                                       

This is a series of Treasury Notes, RIKB 19 0226, with an annual coupon of 8,75%
and a final maturity date on February 26, 2019.                                 

The maximum total amount offered in this auction will be 8,000 m.kr. nominal    
value. Only primary dealers in Government securities are authorised to submit   
bids in this auction. They also submit bids on behalf of investors. The minimum 
amount of each bid is 1 m.kr. nominal value.                                    

The payment and settlement date is Monday, 17 March, 2008.                      

For this auction, the Central Bank requests bids for the following series:      

Series       | ISIN         | Maturity date    | Outstanding  | Time to      |
RIKB 19 0226


Maturity date 
February 26, 2019  

amount nominal value
10.990 m.kr.

Time to maturity
11 years  
After the results of the auction are available, the Central Bank will offer     
primary dealers the equivalent of 10% of the nominal value sold in the auction, 
at the yield of accepted bids, until 14:00 on the settlement date of the        
auction. Each primary dealer that has submitted an accepted bid in the auction  
has the right to purchase an amount proportional to its total purchase. The     
payment and settlement date for these transactions is one day after the         
transaction date (T+1).                                                         

Further information can be obtained from Björgvin Sighvatsson, International and
Market Department, Central Bank of Iceland, at +354 569 9633.                   
