2009-05-22 16:15:25 CEST

2009-05-22 16:16:35 CEST


Islandic English
Icebank - Company Announcement

Winding-Up Committee for Sparisjóðabanki Íslands hf. (Icebank) - A commissioner of the Resolution Committee resigns

On 20 May 2009 the District Court of Reykjavik appointed a Winding-Up Committee
of Sparisjóðabanki Íslands hf. (Icebank). The members of the Winding-Up
Committee are: Andri Árnason Supreme Court Attorney, Berglind Svavarsdóttir
Supreme Court Attorney and Tómas Jónsson Supreme Court Attorney and assistance
during the financial reorganization (moratorium) of the bank. 

Áslaug Björgvinsdóttir has left her post as commissioner of the Resolution
Committee of Sparisjóðabanki Íslands hf. (Icebank). Hereafter the following
individuals are the members of the Resolution Committee of bank: Erling
Tómasson, Chairman and certified public accountant, Hjördís Edda Harðardóttir
Supreme Court Attorney and Jón Ármann Guðjónsson District Court Attorney.