2010-03-01 06:55:59 CET

2010-03-01 06:57:03 CET


Lithuanian English
Zemaitijos Pienas AB - Interim information

Preliminary financial results of AB Žemaitijos pienas for the year 2009 (unaudit)


        Consolidated turnover of the AB Žemaitijos pienas group for the year
2009 was - LTL 372,9 mln (EUR 108 mln); compared to 2008, sales amount has
reduced by 21%. Such reduction of turnover was determined by reduced prices of
dairy products in the market. 
         Consolidated net profit of the AB Žemaitijos pienas group for the year
2009 made up 3,46 % of the turnover. In 2008, a loss of LTL 3,7 mln was
estimated. Such profit increase was reached by reducing production, transport
and work costs. 

Attachments: AB Žemaitijos pienas Interim Statement of Financial Results for
the Year 2009 (unaudit). 

Gintaras Keliauskas
8 444 22208