2012-04-26 08:00:02 CEST

2012-04-26 08:01:07 CEST


Finnish English
Olvi Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Olvi Group's sales volume and net sales increased in the first quarter of the
year. Operating profit improved clearly in Estonia and Latvia. 

OLVI PLC              INTERIM REPORT 26 APR 2012 at 9:00 am


Olvi Group's sales volume and net sales increased in the first quarter of the
year. Operating profit improved clearly in Estonia and Latvia. 

January-March in brief:

- The Group's sales volume increased by 3.1 percent to 101.2 (98.1) million

- The Group's net sales increased by 4.6 percent to 58.2 (55.7) million euro

- The entire Group's operating profit amounted to 2.7 (3.4) million euro


                                 1-3/2012  1-3/2011  Change %  1-12/2011
Net sales, MEUR                      58.2      55.7    +4.6        285.2
Operating profit, MEUR                2.7       3.4   -19.0         26.7
Gross capital expenditure, MEUR      14.5      13.2   +10.1         43.2
Earnings per share, EUR              0.11    0.11*)  -              0.65
Equity per share, EUR                6.36    6.06*)      +5.0       6.11
Equity to total assets, %            50.1      53.3                 50.6
Gearing, %                           50.2      37.8                 43.2

*) The per-share ratios have been adjusted for comparability with the 2012

Lasse Aho, Managing Director of Olvi plc, said the following in connection with
the disclosure of the accounts: ”The start to the year 2012 varied across the
different operating areas of Olvi Group. The sales volume in Belarus and
Lithuania grew well. Domestic sales declined in January-February when customers
reduced their beverage stocks acquired in December due to the substantial
excise tax hike at the turn of the year. This was a hindrance to comparable
earnings development in Finland. Net sales improved in all of our geographical
segments. Operating profit improved substantially in Estonia and Latvia. The
comparable result in Belarus was hampered by exchange rate difference due to
devaluation, a high inflation rate and the effects of hyperinflationary
accounting required under IFRS. However, we can look towards the rest of the
year with a confident mind”. 


In the first quarter of 2012, Olvi Group's sales volume was 101.2 (98.1)
million litres, an increase of 3.1 million litres or 3.1 percent. 

Sales in Finland declined by 1.3 million litres, and sales in the Baltic states
improved by a total of 2.0 million litres mainly thanks to good sales in
Lithuania. Ín the reporting period, sales in Belarus improved by 4.3 million
litres and intra-Group sales by 2.0 million litres on the previous year. 

The Group's net sales from January to March amounted to 58.2 (55.7) million
euro. This represents an increase of 2.6 million euro or 4.6 percent. Net sales
increased in all of the Group's operating areas. 

Net sales in Finland amounted to 23.2 (23.1) million euro, while the aggregate
total for the Baltic states was 29.0 (26.1) and the corresponding figure for
Belarus was 9.4 (8.7) million euro. Net sales in Finland increased by 0.2
million euro, in the Baltic states by 3.0 million euro or 11.4 percent, and in
Belarus by 0.7 million euro or 8.0 percent. 

Olvi Group's operating profit for January-March stood at 2.7 (3.4) million
euro, or 4.7 (6.1) percent of net sales. The Group's operating profit declined
by 0.6 million euro. Comparable operating profit in Finland declined by 0.3
million euro. The previous year's operating profit included 1.5 million euro of
sales gains from the sales of decommissioned production machinery. Operating
profit in the Baltic states improved by 0.7 million euro while operating profit
in Belarus declined by 1.0 million euro due to the effects of high inflation
and hyperinflationary accounting. 

Olvi Group's profit after taxes in the period under review was 2.2 (2.2)
million euro. Earnings per share calculated from the profit belonging to parent
company shareholders in January—March was on a par with the previous year at
0.11 (0.11) euro per share (the previous year's figure has been adjusted for


Seasonal nature of the operations

The Group's business operations are characterised by seasonal variation. The
net sales and operating profit from the reported geographical segments do not
accumulate evenly but vary according to season. 


According to delivery statistics by the Federation of the Brewing and Soft
Drinks Industry, the Finnish beverage market in January-March diminished by 1.4
percent compared to the previous year. The sales decline in alcoholic beverages
was almost four percent but there was an increase of 2.4 percent in
non-alcoholic beverages. 

The sales volume of beers declined by -4.6 and ciders by -1.7 percent while the
sales volume of long drinks increased by 1.6 percent. The decline in sales of
alcoholic beverages was affected by a substantial excise tax hike in the
beginning of 2012, due to which retail and horeca customers filled up their
beverage stocks before the turn of the year. 

The sales of soft drinks increased in January-March by 3.5 percent and mineral
waters by 2.8 percent. 

Olvi's sales in January-March amounted to 27.4 (28.7) million litres. Sales
declined by 1.3 million litres or 4.5 percent. In Finland, the sales of all
other Olvi product groups increased but the sales of beers and soft drinks
declined on the previous year. The excise tax hike in the beginning of the year
had the largest impact on the sales of beers and soft drinks. 

According to statistics by the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks
Industry, Olvi's market share in alcoholic beverages (beers, ciders and long
drinks) in January-March 2012 was 23.3 (24.0) percent. 

Olvi's exports and tax-free sales declined slightly to 1.0 (1.1) million
litres. Exports and tax-free sales represented 3.6 (3.8) percent of total

Olvi's net sales from January to March amounted to 23.3 (23.1) million euro,
representing an increase of 0.2 million euro or 0.8 percent. 

The operating profit stood at 1.3 (3.2) million euro, which was 5.6 (13.7)
percent of net sales. Commensurate operating profit stood at 1.3 (1.6) million
euro. Commensurate operating profit fell 0.3 million euro short of the previous
year when non-recurring sales gains in the previous year are excluded. The
previous year's operating profit included 1.5 million euro of sales gains from
the sales of decommissioned production machinery. 

AS A. LE COQ (A. Le Coq)

The Estonian subsidiary AS A. Le Coq's January-March sales amounted to 27.2
(26.6) million litres. Sales increased by 0.6 million litres or 2.3 percent. 

The sales of A. Le Coq beers, long drinks and ciders was approximately on a par
with the previous year, the sales of mineral waters improved, but the sales of
juices declined slightly. 

A. Le Coq has retained its good position in the Estonian beverage market. The
company is the clear market leader in long drinks and juices. In beers and
ciders, the company has achieved the number one position by a narrow margin,
and in soft drinks it is the clear number two player. The market share in
mineral waters has also improved little by little (Nielsen December-January

The company's exports and tax-free sales declined by 6.7 percent on the
previous year. Exports and tax-free sales represented 3.6 (4.0) percent of
total sales. 

A. Le Coq's net sales in the first quarter amounted to 15.8 (14.5) million
euro. Net sales improved by 1.3 million euro or 9.5 percent thanks to an
improvement in the average price of net sales. 

Operating profit in January-March stood at 2.0 (1.6) million euro, which was
12.4 (10.9) percent of net sales. This is the best first-quarter figure ever
posted by A. Le Coq. The operating profit increased by 0.4 million euro or 23.7
percent compared to the previous year. 

A/S CESU ALUS (Cesu Alus)

The sales of Cesu Alus operating in Latvia amounted to 13.6 (13.9) million
litres in the first quarter of 2012. Sales declined by 0.3 million litres or
2.4 percent. 

The sales of Cesu Alus beers declined, while sales of ciders, long drinks and
juices improved and the sales of soft drinks remained on a par with the
previous year. 

In ciders, Cesu Alus is the clear market leader, and in beers and long drinks
the company is competing for the number one position with an equal main
competitor (Nielsen December-January 2012). 

Cesu Alus's net sales from January to March amounted to 6.8 (6.1) million euro,
representing an increase of 0.7 million euro or 11.7 percent. Net sales
improved in spite of declined sales volumes thanks to an improvement in the
average price of net sales. 

First-quarter operating profit in 2012 improved clearly on the previous year by
0.4 million euro. 

AB VOLFAS ENGELMAN (Volfas Engelman)

Volfas Engelman's sales from January to March amounted to 14.5 (12.8) million
litres, representing an increase of 1.7 million litres or 13.3 percent. 

The sales of the company's beers and long drinks improved but the sales of
ciders declined slightly. The sales of soft drinks (including kvass) were on a
par with last year. 

Volfas Engelman has improved its position in the Lithuanian beverage market.
The company is a clear market leader in long drinks and kvass, and it has
reached the number one position in ciders during the last 12 months. The market
share in beers has also improved little by little (Nielsen December-January

The company's first-quarter net sales amounted to 6.4 (5.5) million euro. Net
sales improved by 0.9 million euro or 16.3 percent. Net sales increased
slightly more than the sales volume thanks to improved average price of net

Volfas Engelman's operating profit in January—March was on a par with the
previous year at -0.2 million euro. 


The January-March sales of OAO Lidskoe Pivo operating in Belarus amounted to
25.9 (21.6) million litres. Sales increased by 4.3 million litres or 20.1
percent on the previous year. The sales of beers and soft drinks (including
kvass) improved clearly, and the sales of mineral waters doubled. The sales of
ciders was on a par with the previous year but the sales of juices declined. 

Lidskoe Pivo is the clear market leader in kvass, and has achieved the number
one position in the cider market during the last 12 months. The market share in
beers has also continuously improved. The company has improved its market share
in mineral waters, while the market share in soft drinks has remained

Lidskoe Pivo's exports increased by more than 50 percent in the review period.
Exports accounted for 7.8 (6.2) percent of total sales. 

The company's net sales from January to March amounted to 9.4 (8.7) million
euro. Net sales improved by 0.7 million euro or 8.0 percent. 

The operating result in January—March showed a loss at -0.3 (0.7) million euro.
The decline in earnings was affected by hyperinflationary accounting under IAS
29 as well as the high inflation in the country, due to which the costs of
production and raw materials increased more rapidly than the prices of finished


Olvi Group's balance sheet total at the end of March 2012 was 266.1 (239.4)
million euro. Equity per share in January-March was 6.36 (6.06) euro, the
previous year's figure has been adjusted for comparability. The equity to total
assets ratio was 50.1 (53.3) percent. The amount of interest-bearing
liabilities was 69.4 (57.9) million euro, including current liabilities of 30.8
(11.6) million euro. 

During the period under review, Olvi Group's gross capital expenditure amounted
to 14.5 (13.2) million euro. The parent company Olvi accounted for 5.9 million
euro and the subsidiaries in the Baltic states for 1.7 million euro of the
total. Lidskoe Pivo's gross capital expenditure in the first quarter was 6.9
million euro. The largest investments in Finland in 2012 included the
completion of a new can filling line and tank cellar extension, as well as
modernisation of beer filtering. 

A substantial share of the year's investments will be completed during the
second quarter of the year, and the full-year investment level will be clearly
lower than in the previous year. 

In the Baltic States, A. Le Coq's largest investments comprise extensions to
storage facilities and the pressure tank cellar, as well as a labelling machine
for glass bottles. Cesu Alus's investments include conveyors for the glass
bottle line and other small production machinery and equipment. Volfas
Engelman's investments consist of a general renovation of the brewery, a glass
bottle reform, wine and kvass mixing equipment and other smaller purchases of
machinery and equipment. 

The first stage of Lidskoe Pivo's extensive investment programme is mainly
completed.  It includes, among other things, storage, filling department and
tank cellar buildings, filling line machinery and equipment, an extension to
the kvass cellar, a new beer filter and air compressor. 


Research and development includes projects to design and develop new products,
packages, processes and production methods, as well as further development of
existing products and packages. The R&D costs have been recognised as expenses.
The main objective of Olvi Group's product development is to create new
products for profitable and growing beverage segments. 



Olvi's new products for summer 2012 have been presented in the financial
statements bulletin disclosed on 23 February 2012. 


A. Le Coq launched Estonia's first vegetable-based tomato-carrot juice and a
banana-pear nectar in the Aura family of juices. Furthermore, A. Le Coq will be
the first player in Estonia to enter the organic beers segment with A. Le Coq
Organic. Two new flavours were introduced in ciders: FIZZ Gold Raspberry and
FIZZ Gold Pear. The non-carbonated Aura Still Lemon was introduced in waters.
The traditional Limonaad soft drink was introduced in a long neck glass bottle. 

Volfas Engelman of Lithuania launched the Volfas Engelman Pilzeno beer and the
fully non-alcoholic Volfas Engelman beer in January-March. The import beer
range was extended by Sandels and Edelweiss beers, Heineken can multi-packs as
well as Krušovice Černė and Imperial beers. New launches in ciders included
Sherwood Pear and Sherwood Apple, FIZZ Fragolino as well as Fizz Gold Raspberry
and Fizz Gold Pear ciders. The G:N long drink range saw two new flavours
Cranberry and Tonic, and the 4 FUN long drink range was complemented by the
Grapefruit & Juniper and Melon flavours. 

Cesu Alus in Latvia and Lidskoe Pivo in Belarus did not launch any new products
during the review period. 


Olvi Group's average number of personnel in January-March was 1,911 (1,963).
The Group's average number of personnel decreased by 52 people or 2.6 percent.
The total number of personnel at the end of March was 1,939 (1,998). 

Olvi Group's average number of personnel by country:

Finland               364        (354)

Estonia               305        (309)

Latvia                219        (209)

Lithuania             206        (198)

Belarus               817        (893)

Total                1911       (1963)


During the review period, A. Le Coq acquired 49 percent of the stock of the
Estonian company AS Karme. Karme owns the Karks brewery that produces beers,
ciders and wine. Thanks to the acquisition, A. Le Coq gets access to Karks's
wine production capacity for the manufacture of ciders and other fermented

At the end of March 2012, Olvi Group's holding in A. Le Coq was 100.0 percent,
in Cesu Alus 99.63 percent, in Volfas Engelman 99.57 percent and in Lidskoe
Pivo 91.58 percent. 


Olvi's share capital at the end of March 2012 stood at 20.8 million euro. The
total number of shares was 20,758,808, of these 17,026,552 or 82.0 percent
being Series A shares and 3,732,256 or 18.0 percent Series K shares. Each
Series A share carries one (1) vote and each Series K share carries twenty (20)
votes. Series A and Series K shares have equal rights to dividends. 

The Olvi A share was quoted on Nasdaq OMX Helsinki (Helsinki Stock Exchange) at
17.47 (18.50) euro at the end of March 2012. In January-March, the highest
quote for the Series A share was 17.60 (18.73) euro and the lowest quote was
14.75 (15.30) euro. The average price was 16.18 (16.78) euro. 

In January-March, a total of 389,199 (839,814) Olvi A shares were traded,
representing 2.3 (4.9) percent of the total number of Series A shares. The
value of trading was 6.3 (14.1) million euro (all of the previous year's
per-share figures have been adjusted for comparability). 

At the end of March 2012, the market capitalisation of Series A shares was
297.5 (315.0) million euro and the market capitalisation of all shares was
362.7 (384.0) million euro. 

Olvi had a total of 9,316 (8,352) shareholders at the end of March 2012.
Foreign holdings plus foreign and Finnish nominee-registered holdings
represented 16.3 (18.2) percent of the total number of book entries and 5.8
(6.2) percent of total votes. 

Foreign and nominee-registered holdings are reported in Table 5, Section 8 of
the tables attached to this interim report, and the largest shareholders are
reported in Table 5, Section 9. 


There were no changes in the number of treasury shares held by Olvi in
January-March 2012. At the end of March 2012, Olvi held 1,124 of its own Series
A shares. Treasury shares held by Olvi plc are reported in the tables section
of this interim report, in Table 5, Section 5. 


The Annual General Meeting was held on 11 April 2012. A separate stock exchange
release was issued on the same day regarding the decisions made and
authorisations given by the meeting. 


Risk management is a part of Olvi Group's everyday management and operations.
It increases corporate security and contributes to the achievement of
operational targets. The objective of risk management is to operate proactively
and create operating conditions in which business risks are managed
comprehensively and systematically in all of the Group companies and all levels
of the organisation. In addition to the company itself, risk management
benefits its personnel, customers, shareholders and other related groups. 

The objective of risk management is to ensure the realisation of the company's
strategy and secure the continuity of business. Olvi Group identifies,
assesses, manages and monitors its crucial risks regularly. With regard to
identified risks, the effects, scope and probability of realisation are
assessed together with the means of eliminating or reducing the risk.
Furthermore, risk management aims to identify and utilise any business
opportunities that may arise. 

Olvi Group's strategic risks refer to risks related to the characteristics of
the company's business and strategic choices. The Group's operations are
located in several countries that differ substantially in terms of their social
and economic situations and the phases and directions of development. For
example, strategic risks relate to changes in tax legislation and other
regulations, the environment and foreign exchange markets. If realised,
strategic risks can substantially hamper the company's operational
preconditions. The Group's most substantial identified strategic risks relate
to Belarus, particularly the situation in the country's economy and politics. 

The Group's most substantial identified operational risks relate to the
procurement and quality of raw materials, the production process, markets and
customers, personnel, information security and systems, as well as changes in
foreign exchange rates. 

Raw materials

General economic development and annual fluctuations in crop yield affect the
prices and availability of major raw materials used within Olvi Group.
Disruptions in raw material deliveries may hamper customer relations and
business operations. Purchases of major raw materials are made under
procurement contracts standardised at the Group level. The predictability of
purchase prices for the most critical raw materials is improved through
long-term procurement agreements and potentially derivatives. All units
emphasise the significance of the quality of raw materials and other production
factors in the overall production chain. 

Production process

The aim is to minimise production risks through clear documentation of
processes, increasing the degree of automation, compliance with quality
management system and the pursuit of clear operating methods in relation to
decision-making and supervision. The efficiency and applicability of processes
and methods are monitored using internal indicators. The monitoring and
development of production efficiency includes, among other things, the
reliability and utilisation rate of production machinery, development of the
working environment and factors related to people's work. The Group has a
property and loss-of-profits insurance programme covering all of the operating
areas, and its coverage is reviewed annually. 

Markets and customers

The Group's business operations are characterised by substantial seasonal
variation. The net sales and operating profit from the reported geographical
segments do not accumulate evenly but vary substantially according to the time
of the year and the characteristics of each season. 

Negative changes in the economy may impact consumers' purchasing behaviour and
hamper the liquidity of hotel and restaurant customers in particular. All Group
companies employ efficient credit controls as a major method for minimising
credit losses. 

Legislative changes and other changes in the operations of authorities, such as
changes in excise taxes and marketing restrictions, may affect the demand for
the Group's products and their relative competitive position. 


Risks related to personnel include, among others, risks in obtaining labour,
employment relationship risks, key person risks, competence risks and risks
arising from insufficient well-being and accidents at work. 

Crucial focal points in HR management include maintaining and developing a good
employer image, as well as ensuring the availability and commitment of
personnel. Other focal points include maintaining and developing well-being and
safety at work, management, training and incentive schemes, as well as the
construction and maintenance of backup personnel systems. 

Information security and IT

Olvi Group employs an information security policy pertaining to all of the
companies. It defines the principles for implementing information security and
provides guidelines for its development. 

Risks related to information technology and systems are manifested as
operational disruptions and deficiencies, for example. The availability and
correctness of data is ensured through the choice of operating methods and
various technical solutions. The Group's operations in Finland and the Baltic
states utilise a common enterprise resource planning system. The system will be
introduced into use in Belarus during the financial year 2012. A risk analysis
pertaining to information security and the operation of information systems is
carried out annually. 

Financing risks

The Group operates in an international market and is therefore exposed to
foreign exchange risk due to changes in exchange rates. Foreign exchange risk
consists of sales, purchases and balance sheet items in foreign currency
(transaction risk), as well as investments and loans in foreign subsidiaries
(valuation risk). Foreign exchange risk is reduced by the fact that most of the
Group's product sales and purchases of raw materials are denominated in euro. 

The objective of financing risks management is to protect the Group against
unfavourable changes in the financial markets and to secure the Group's
earnings development, liquidity and equity. The parent company's financial
management bears central responsibility for the Group's financing and the
management of financing risks in accordance with principles confirmed by the
Group's Board of Directors. The objectives of centralisation include
optimisation of cash flows, cost savings and efficient risk management. 

Financing risks are described in more detail in the Investors section of the
corporate Web site. 


The economic situation and future development in Europe is still characterised
by uncertainty. However, the outlook for the daily consumer goods market can be
considered stable in comparison to many other industries. The economic
situation in Estonia is stable, and the economies of Latvia and Lithuania are
showing signs of resurrection. 

The most substantial factor hampering the predictability of Olvi Group's
business relates to Belarus and its economic and political outlook for the next
few years. The IAS 29 standard “Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary
Economies” will probably be applied at least until 2014. 


The full-year sales volumes and net sales level are expected to develop
favourably in 2012. The full-year operating profit for 2012 is estimated to
equal or slightly exceed the previous year's result. 

Further information:

Lasse Aho, Managing Director

Phone +358 17 838 5200 or +358 400 203 600


Board of Directors


- Statement of comprehensive income, Table 1

- Balance sheet, Table 2

- Changes in shareholders' equity, Table 3

- Cash flow statement, Table 4

- Notes to the interim report, Table 5


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Key media


OLVI GROUP                                                               TABLE 1
INCOME STATEMENT                                                                
EUR 1,000                                                                       
                                                           1-3/    1-3/    1-12/
                                                           2012    2011     2011
Net sales                                                 58239   55679   285174
Other operating income                                       13     163      522
Operating expenses                                       -50659  -47762  -240376
Depreciation and impairment                               -4849   -4692   -18637
Operating profit                                           2744    3388    26683
Financial income                                            641     404     8352
Financial expenses                                         -743   -1080   -16596
Financial expenses - net                                   -102    -676    -8244
Earnings before tax                                        2642    2712    18439
Taxes *)                                                   -406    -524    -5485
NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                                  2236    2188    12954
Other comprehensive income items:                                               
Translation differences related to foreign subsidiaries    2038   -4646   -15170
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                  4274   -2458    -2216
Distribution of profit:                                                         
- parent company shareholders                              2258    2148    13506
- non-controlling interests                                 -22      40     -552
Distribution of comprehensive profit:                                           
- parent company shareholders                              4278   -2182     -340
- non-controlling interests                                  -4    -276    -1876
Earnings per share calculated from the profit belonging                         
to parent company shareholders, EUR                                             
-   undiluted                                              0.11    0.11     0.65
-   diluted                                                0.11    0.11     0.65
*) Taxes calculated from the profit for the review period.                      

OLVI GROUP                                                               TABLE 2
BALANCE SHEET                                                                   
EUR 1,000                                                                       
                                                31.3.2012  31.3.2011  31.12.2011
Non-current assets                                                              
Tangible assets                                    147070     125889      142443
Goodwill                                            17118      16276       16761
Other intangible assets                              1548       1178        1017
Shares in associates                                 1000          0           0
Financial assets available for sale                   552        545         548
Loan receivables and other non-current                142        138         141
Deferred tax receivables                              221       1856         196
Total non-current assets                           167651     145882      161106
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                                         42021      40966       35875
Accounts receivable and other receivables           53711      41316       52718
Income tax receivable                                 252       1218           0
Other non-current assets available for sale            56          0          56
Liquid assets                                        2458       9728        3836
Total current assets                                98498      93228       92485
TOTAL ASSETS                                       266149     239110      253591
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                            
Shareholders' equity held by parent company shareholders                        
Share capital                                       20759      20759       20759
Other reserves                                       1092       1092        1092
Treasury shares                                        -8       -222          -8
Translation differences                            -16228      -8732      -18248
Retained earnings                                  126347     111907      123286
Total shareholders' equity held by parent company  131962     124804      126881
Share belonging to non-controlling interests         1398       1973        1341
Total shareholders' equity                         133360     126777      128222
Non-current liabilities                                                         
Loans                                               36535      44707       29436
Other liabilities                                    1998       1638        1513
Deferred tax liabilities                             2152       1950        2097
Current liabilities                                                             
Loans                                               29730      10579       27039
Accounts payable and other liabilities              62374      53416       64953
Income tax liability                                    0         43         331
Total liabilities                                  132789     112333      125369
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES         266149     239110      253591

OLVI GROUP                                                               TABLE 3
CHANGES IN CONSOLIDATED SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                    
                        Share   Other  Treasu  Translat  Accrue  Share of  Total
                       capita  reserv      ry       ion       d  non-cont       
                            l      es  shares  differen  earnin   rolling       
                                       accoun        ce      gs  interest                          t                           s       
EUR 1,000                                                                       
Oma pääoma 1.1.2011     20759    1092    -222     -4402  109750  2277     129254
Comprehensive income                                                            
Net profit for the period                                  2148    40       2188
Other comprehensive income                                                      
Translation                                       -3436          -316      -3752
Total comprehensive income                        -3436    2148  -276      -1564
 for the period                                                                 
Changes in holdings in subsidiaries                                             
Acquisition of shares from                                                      
non-controlling                                               9                9
Change in share belonging to non-controlling                                    
interests                                                         -28        -28
Shareholders' equity    20759    1092    -222     -7838  111907  1973     127671
 31 March 2011                                                                  

                    Share    Other  Treasu  Transl  Accrue      Share of   Total
                   capita  reserve      ry   ation       d  non-controll        
                        l        s  shares  differ  earnin           ing        
                                    accoun    ence      gs     interests
EUR 1,000                                                                       
Shareholders'       20759     1092      -8  -18248  123286          1341  128222
 equity 1 Jan                                                                   
Adjustments for                                        803            74     877
Adjusted            20759     1092      -8  -18248  124089          1415  129099
 equity 1 Jan                                                                   
Net profit for the period                             2258           -22    2236
Other comprehensive                                                             
 income items                                                                   
Translation differences                       2020                    18    2038
Total comprehensive income for the            2020    2258            -4    4274
Transactions with shareholders                                                  
Payment of dividends                                                 -13     -13
Shareholders'          20759  1092      -8  -16228  126347          1398  133360
 equity 31 Mar                                                                  
Other reserves include the share premium account, legal reserve and other       

OLVI GROUP                                                                 TABLE
CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                             
EUR 1,000                                                                       
                                                             1-3/   1-3/   1-12/
                                                             2012   2011    2011
Net profit for the period                                    2258   2188   12954
Adjustments to profit for the period                         4147   4913   32530
Change in net working capital                               -5848  -7904   -3910
Interest paid                                                -559   -213   -2205
Interest received                                             505     18     151
Taxes paid                                                   -950  -1336   -5064
Cash flow from operations (A)                                -447  -2333   34456
Investments in tangible assets                              -9827  -8141  -33358
Investments in intangible assets                             -657   -203    -295
Capital gains on disposal of tangible and intangible           32    617     130
Expenditure on other investments                             -508      0   -2980
Cash flow from investments (B)                             -10960  -7727  -36503
Withdrawals of loans                                        19810  13016   30266
Repayments of loans                                         -9670  -1119  -17103
Increase (-) / decrease (+) in current interest-bearing         2      0       0
 business receivables                                                           
Dividends paid                                                  0      0  -10377
Cash flow from financing (C)                                10142  11897    2785
Increase (+)/decrease (-) in liquid assets (A+B+C)          -1265   1837     738
Liquid assets 1 January                                      3836   7891    7891
Effect of exchange rate changes                              -113      0   -4793
Liquid assets 31 Mar/31 Dec                                  2458   9728    3836

OLVI GROUP                                  TABLE 5


The accounting policies used for this interim report are the same as those used
for the annual financial statements 2011. 

The accounting policies are presented in the Annual Report 2011 which was
published on 19 March 2012. The information disclosed in the interim report is

The information in the interim report is presented in thousands of euros (EUR
1,000). For the sake of presentation, individual figures and totals have been
rounded to full thousands, which causes rounding differences in additions. 

The Group has adopted the following new or revised standards in 2012:

  -- IFRS 7 (Amendment), Financial Instruments: Disclosures - Derecognition     
  -- IAS 12 (Amendment), Income taxes - Deferred tax

1. SEGMENT INFORMATION                                 
SALES BY GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENT (1,000 litres)           
                          1-3/2012  1-3/2011  1-12/2011
Olvi Group total            101215     98131     518211
Finland                      27404     28682     149084
Estonia                      27237     26631     133421
Latvia                       13603     13932      75352
Lithuania                    14519     12810      67540
Belarus                      25926     21586     128005
- sales between segments     -7474     -5510     -35191

                           1-3/2012  1-3/2011  1-12/2011
Olvi Group total              58239     55679     285175
Finland                       23257     23066     119788
Estonia                       15835     14464      75964
Latvia                         6784      6074      35184
Lithuania                      6421      5522      29495
Belarus                        9352      8661      39609
- sales between segments      -3410     -2108     -14866

                     1-3/2012   1-3/2011   1-12/2011
Olvi Group total         2744       3388       26683
Finland                  1309       3163       13239
Estonia                  1958       1583       12973
Latvia                    -46       -398         737
Lithuania                -199       -185         411
Belarus                  -271        693         737
- eliminations             -7      -1468       -1414

2. PERSONNEL ON AVERAGE  1-3/2012  1-3/2011  1-12/2011
Finland                       364       354        383
Estonia                       305       309        311
Latvia                        219       209        217
Lithuania                     206       198        205
Belarus                       817       893        916
Total                        1911      1963       2032

3. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                                                   
Employee benefits to management                                                 
Salaries and other short-term employee benefits to the Board of Directors and   
 Managing Director                                                              
EUR 1,000                                                                       
                                           1-3/2012      1-3/2011      1-12/2011
Managing Directors                              401           389           1017
Chairman of the Board                            21            86            150
Other members of the Board                       31            28            125
Total                                           453           503           1292

4. SHARES AND SHARE CAPITAL                
Number of A shares               17 026 552
Number of K shares                3 732 256
Total                            20 758 808
Total votes carried by A shares  17 026 552
Total votes carried by K shares  74 645 120
Total number of votes            91 671 672

The registered share capital on 31.03.12 totalled 20,759 thousand euro.

Olvi plc's Series A and Series K shares received a dividend of 0.50 euro per
share for 2011 (0.50 euro per share for 2010), totalling 10.4 (10.4) million
euro. The dividends were paid on 23 April 2012. 

The Series K and Series A shares entitle to equal dividend.
The Articles of Association include a redemption clause concerning Series K


Olvi plc held a total of 1,124 of its own Series A shares on 1 January 2012.

Olvi plc has not acquired more treasury shares or transferred them to others in
January-March 2012, which means that the number of Series A shares held by the
company is unchanged on 31 March 2012. The purchase price of the Series A
shares held as treasury shares totalled 8.5 thousand euro. 

Series A shares held by Olvi plc as treasury shares represented 0.005 percent
of the share capital and 0.001 percent of the aggregate number of votes. The
treasury shares represented 0.007 percent of all Series A shares and associated

On 11 April 2012, the General Meeting of Shareholders of Olvi plc decided to
revoke any unused authorisations to acquire treasury shares and authorise the
Board of Directors of Olvi plc to decide on the acquisition of the company's
own shares using distributable funds. The authorisation is valid for one year
starting from the General Meeting and covers a maximum of 500,000 Series A
The Annual General Meeting also decided to revoke all existing unused
authorisations for the transfer of own shares and authorise the Board of
Directors to decide on the issue of a maximum of 1,000,000 new Series A shares
and the transfer of a maximum of 500,000 Series A shares held as treasury
shares in accordance with the Board of Directors' proposal. 

6. NUMBER OF SHARES                      1-3/2012  1-3/201             1-12/2011
qty *)                                                   1                      
- average                                20757684  2073400  **)         20751392
- at end of period                       20757684  2073400  **)         20757684
*) Treasury shares deducted.                                                    
**) The per-share ratios have been adjusted for comparability.                  
7. TRADING OF SERIES A SHARES ON THE HELSINKI STOCK                             
                                         1-3/2012  1-3/201             1-12/2011
Trading volume of Olvi A shares            389199   839814  *)           3208911
Total trading volume, EUR 1,000              6298    14148                 62299
Traded shares in proportion to                                                  
all Series A shares, %                        2.3      4.9                  18.8
Average share price, EUR                    16.18    16.78  *)             16.68
Price on the closing date, EUR              17.47    18.50  *)             14.75
Highest quote, EUR                          17.60    18.73  *)             19.86
Lowest quote, EUR                           14.75    15.30  *)             13.49
*) The numbers of shares have been adjusted for comparability.                  
8. FOREIGN AND NOMINEE-REGISTERED HOLDINGS ON 31 March 2012                     
                               Book entries          Votes          Shareholders
                               qty       %       qty         %       qty     %  
Finnish total                 173707   83.68   86340164      94.18  9265   99.45
Foreign total                 399179    1.92    2342651       2.56    43    0.46
Nominee-registered (foreign)     593    0.00        593       0.00     2    0.02
Nominee-registered (Finnish)  298826   14.40    2988264       3.26     6    0.07
 total                             4                                            
Total                         207588  100.00   91671672     100.00  9316  100.00

9. LARGEST SHAREHOLDERS ON 31 MARCH 2012                                        
                           Series   Series A  Total     %       Votes     %     
1. Olvi Foundation         2363904    896332   3260236   15.71  48174412   52.55
2. Hortling Heikki          901424    155124   1056548    5.09  18183604   19.84
 Wilhelm *)                                                                     
3. The Heirs of Hortling    187104     25248    212352    1.02   3767328    4.11
 Kalle Einari                                                                   
4. Hortling Timo Einari     165824     34608    200432    0.97   3351088    3.66
5. Hortling-Rinne Laila     102288      2100    104388    0.50   2047860    2.23
6. Pohjola Bank plc, nominee         1895700   1895700    9.13   1895700    2.07
7. Ilmarinen Mutual Pension          1010845   1010845    4.87   1010845    1.10
 Insurance Company                                                              
8. Nordea Bank Finland plc,           861277    861277    4.15    861277    0.94
 nominee register                                                               
9. Oy Autocarrera Ab                  460000    460000    2.22    460000    0.50
10. Fondita Nordic Micro Cap          335000    335000    1.61    335000    0.37
 mutual fund                                                                    
Others                       11712  11350318  11362030   54.73  11584558   12.63
Total                      3732256  17026552  20758808  100.00  91671672  100.00
*) The figures include the shareholder's own holdings and shares held by parties
 in his control.                                                                

10. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                           
EUR 1,000                                                   
                             1-3/2012   1-3/2011   1-12/2011
Increase                        33886      13587       42937
Decrease                       -20085       -578       -6436
Total                           13801      13009       36501
11. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES  31.3.2012  31.3.2011  31.12.2011
EUR 1,000                                                   
Pledges and contingent liabilities                          
For own commitments              7591       5566        4632
For others                        130        809         130
Leasing liabilities:                                        
Due within one year               675        725         644
Due within 1 to 5 years           597        678         663
Due in more than 5 years            0          0           0
Total leasing liabilities        1272       1403        1307
Package liabilities              3466       3000        4208
Other liabilities                1980       1980        1980


Equity to total assets, % = 100 * (Shareholders' equity + non-controlling
interests + voluntary provisions and depreciation difference deducted by
deferred tax liability)/(Balance sheet total - advances received) 

Earnings per share (EPS) = (Profit before taxes - taxes +/- non-controlling
interests)/ Average number of shares during the year, adjusted for share issues 

Equity per share = (Shareholders' equity + voluntary provisions and
depreciation difference deducted by deferred tax liability and non-controlling
interests) / Number of shares at end of period, adjusted for share issues 

Gearing, % = 100 * (Interest-bearing liabilities + advances received - cash and
other liquid assets) /(Shareholders' equity + voluntary provisions and
depreciation difference deducted by deferred tax liability)
