2010-12-15 16:37:49 CET

2010-12-15 16:38:42 CET


Lithuanian English
Klaipedos Nafta AB - Notification on material event

Public company Klaipėdos nafta has signed an agreement with UAB Transchema

Public company Klaipėdos nafta has signed an agreement with UAB Transchema

On 2010 December 15th public company Klaipėdos nafta (hereinafter -- Issuer)
signed Venezuela's fuel oil transshipment services frame agreement with
Belarusian BNK's subsidiary Transchema (hereinafter -- Customer). 

According to this agreement Issuer ensures to Customer oil transshipment when
both parties have corresponding conditions to ensure the transshipment. 

Issuer also informs that UAB Transchema is utilizing Belarusian oil companies'
fuel oil trade programme under FOB Klaipėda conditions. 

Irena Barauskaitė-Gaižiūnienė

+370 46 391 626