2016-11-10 07:30:12 CET

2016-11-10 07:30:12 CET


Finnish English
Consti Yhtiöt Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Consti Group Plc Interim Report for January - September 2016


Consti Group Plc Interim Report for January - September 2016

Net sales on par with last year, profitability improved

7-9/2016 highlights (comparison figures in parenthesis 7-9/2015):
·       Net sales 70.6 (70.4) million euro; growth 0.3 %
·       EBITDA 4.5 (3.6) million euro and EBITDA margin 6.4% (5.1%)
·       Adjusted EBITDA 4.5 (3.8) million euro and adjusted EBITDA margin 6.4%
·       Operating profit (EBIT) 3.7 (3.0) million and operating profit (EBIT)
margin 5.3% 4.2%)
·       Adjusted EBIT 3.7 (3.2) million euro and adjusted EBIT margin 5.3%
·       Order backlog 185.6 (172.3) million euro
·       Free cash flow 6.6 (0.1) million euro
·       Earnings per share 0.37 (0.25) euro

1-9/2016 highlights (comparison figures in parenthesis 1-9/2015):
·       Net sales 186.7 (181.2) million euro; growth 3.0 %
·       EBITDA 8.2 (7.0) million euro and EBITDA margin 4.4 % (3.9 %)
·       Adjusted EBITDA 8.3 (7.5) million euro and adjusted EBITDA margin 4.4%
·       Operating profit (EBIT) 6.5 (5.4) million and operating profit (EBIT)
margin 3.5% (3.0%)
·       Adjusted EBIT 6.6 (5.9) million euro and adjusted EBIT margin 3.5%
·       Free cash flow 10.4 (7.2) million euro
·       Earnings per share 0.60 (0.23) euro

Guidance on the Group outlook for 2016:
Consti adjusted its net sales guidance with a stock exchange release on October
26(th) 2016, in which it stated that the company estimates its net sales to grow
compared to 2015. The company previously estimated that "its total annual net
sales for 2016 will grow approximately 5-10 percent compared to 2015."

|KEY FIGURES    | 7-9/  | 7-9/ |Change %| 1-9/  | 1-9/  |Change %|   1-12/   |
|(EUR 1,000)    | 2016  | 2015 |        | 2016  | 2015  |        |   2015    |
|Net sales      | 70,554|70,361|   0.3 %|186,735|181,212|   3.0 %|    256,151|
|Adjusted       |  4,521| 3,788|  19.4 %|  8,250|  7,539|   9.4 %|     12,613|
|EBITDA*        |       |      |        |       |       |        |           |
|Adjusted EBITDA|  6.4 %| 5.4 %|        |  4.4 %|  4.2 %|        |      4.9 %|
|margin, %      |       |      |        |       |       |        |           |
|EBITDA         |  4,521| 3,598|  25.7 %|  8,227|  7,014|  17.3 %|     10,507|
|EBITDA margin, |  6.4 %| 5.1 %|        |  4.4 %|  3.9 %|        |      4.1 %|
|%              |       |      |        |       |       |        |           |
|Adjusted EBIT* |  3,729| 3,156|  18.2 %|  6,558|  5,887|  11.4 %|     10,520|
|Adjusted EBIT  |  5.3 %| 4.5 %|        |  3.5 %|  3.2 %|        |      4.1 %|
|margin, %      |       |      |        |       |       |        |           |
|Operating      |  3,729| 2,966|  25.7 %|  6,535|  5,362|  21.9 %|      8,414|
|profit (EBIT)  |       |      |        |       |       |        |           |
|Operating      |       |      |        |       |       |        |           |
|profit (EBIT)  |  5.3 %| 4.2 %|        |  3.5 %|  3.0 %|        |      3.3 %|
|margin, %      |       |      |        |       |       |        |           |
|Profit for the |  2,791| 1,245| 124.2 %|  4,593|  1,057| 334.5 %|      3,260|
|period         |       |      |        |       |       |        |           |
|Order backlog  |       |      |        |185,614|172,299|   7.7 %|    181,301|
|Free cash flow |  6,610|    90|7244.8 %| 10,357|  7,160|  44.7 %|      8,910|
|Cash           |146.2 %| 2.5 %|        |125.9 %|102.1 %|        |     84.8 %|
|conversion, %  |       |      |        |       |       |        |           |
|Net interest-  |       |      |        | 11,667| 19,441| -40.0 %|     17,407|
|bearing debt   |       |      |        |       |       |        |           |
|Gearing, %     |       |      |        | 44.6 %| 88.6 %|        |     70.9 %|
|Number of      |       |      |        |       |       |        |           |
|personnel at   |       |      |        |    931|    928|   0.3 %|        890|
|period end     |       |      |        |       |       |        |           |
|Earnings per   |       |      |        |       |       |        |           |
|share, undil.  |   0.37|  0.25|  48.2 %|   0.60|   0.23| 161.0 %|       0.61|
|(EUR)          |       |      |        |       |       |        |           |
 * New ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) guidelines on
 Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) are effective for the financial year
 2016. Consti presents APMs to reflect the underlying business performance
 and to enhance comparability between financial periods. APMs should not be
 considered as a substitute for measures of performance in accordance with
 the IFRS. As of Q1 2016, Consti relabels the previously referenced "before
 non-recurring items" with "before items affecting comparability" (IAC). For
 a more detailed description of items affecting comparability, see section
 "Sales, result and order backlog".

CEO Marko Holopainen's comment

Net sales on par with last year

"Demand for renovation construction and technical building services continued on
a fairly good level during the third quarter of the year. Order intake in July-
September was 6.3 percent higher than in the corresponding period last year.
Thus our order backlog also developed positively. Our order backlog in euros at
the end of the reporting period was 185.6 (172.3) million euro. Our net sales
for the third quarter of the year grew 0.3 percent and was 70.6 million euro.
Net sales grew in Technical Building Services and Renovation Contracting, but
decreased in Building Facades. Net sales in July-September was affected by
greater than anticipated challenges in obtaining personnel resources, which in
turn reflected on the progress and start of projects and also somewhat on
attaining new projects. Thus our order backlog - which had strengthened during
the beginning of the year - was not realised as net sales at the anticipated
pace. Nevertheless, our profitability improved during the quarter. Our adjusted
EBIT was 3.7 million euro, which is 5.3 percent of the net sales, while
corresponding figures from the third quarter of 2015 were 3.2 million euro and
4.5 percent of the net sales.

Market situation remained at a fairly good level

In general, the market situation in renovation construction and technical
building services continued to be fairly good. The increase in new construction
has, however, in our opinion decreased the amount of large-scale office premise
renovation projects. Pipeline renovations and façade renovations of residential
buildings came to the fore in orders we obtained during the quarter, as did
service-work in general. All in all, the order intake during July-September grew
compared to last year, but the orders will by the large be carried out in 2017.

Internally, personnel issues were emphasised

We need more competent personnel to support growth and thus we have increased
our investments into for example personnel recruitment, training, and career
paths. In addition, we are aiming at strengthening Consti's employer image, as
the fight for competent personnel is fierce in our industry.

Outlook for the rest of the year

Based on our current market and business outlook, we believe that the demand for
renovation construction and technical building services will remain at a fairly
good level during the rest of the year as well. The fourth quarter's net sales
will be affected by greater than anticipated challenges in obtaining personnel
resources, and also in part by project schedules moving forward. Consequently,
we adjusted our guidance on the Group net sales outlook slightly downwards. We
estimate that net sales for 2016 will grow compared to 2015."

Operating environment

The Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT (CFCI) estimates in its
October review of business conditions that housing construction will grow in
2016 by approximately 8 percent compared to the previous year. Renovation
construction is estimated to grow 1.5 percent and new construction is estimated
to grow 14 percent from last year.

CFCI expects renovation construction growth to be more moderate than in previous
years as the increase in new construction is decreasing activity in renovation
construction. Although renovation construction growth is slowing down somewhat,
the renovation needs of existing building stock are believed to sustain steady
growth in to the next decade.

The Finnish Association of HPAC Technical Contractors estimated in their October
review that business conditions for technical building services have improved,
especially in new construction. Approximately 75 percent of HPAC-contractors
felt that the economic conditions were at least satisfactory. In renovation
construction about 86 percent of respondents said that conditions were at least
satisfactory, as did 91 percent of respondents from maintenance services.

The relative portion of renovations in the Finnish building market has grown
during the past decade, and it is now already larger than the new construction
market. The Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT (CFCI) estimates
that renovation amounted to approximately 54 percent of the building market's
total value in 2015. The general economic situation has a significantly smaller
impact on renovation construction and technical building services than it does
on the new construction market.

The ageing building stock particularly increases the demand for renovation
construction. As buildings age, they require more technical renovations such as
pipeline and façade renovations. At the moment mainly buildings from the 1960s
and an increasing number of buildings from the considerably larger building
stock of the 1970s are being renovated in Finland. In renovation construction
the largest growth during the next decade is expected to come from residential
buildings in large cities. In housing association renovations approximately one
third of the renovations are pipelines, one third façades and the rest other

In addition to ageing, buildings require more renovation, technical building
services and building technology maintenance services due to heightened energy
efficiency requirements, urbanization, modification of the use of buildings, the
development of housing automatisation and the ageing populations' need for
barrier-free buildings.

There are currently a great number of buildings in Finland which would benefit
from renovations modifying their use to match current needs. Such renovations
would improve both the buildings' usability and profitability. Typical
modifications of buildings include the altering of old office buildings and
industrial buildings in growth centres into hotels, apartments and assisted
living facilities. Modifications of the use of buildings are a central part of
Consti's services.

Renovation construction markets are concentrating on growth areas, akin to new
construction. Necessary technical repairs in declining suburbs and less
populated areas are often economically unviable.

The renovation market is very fragmented in Finland. Large construction
companies focus on new building and the field of renovation has typically
consisted of several small companies that usually focus on only one segment of

Measured in net sales, Consti is one of Finland's leading companies in
renovation and technical building services.

Outlook for 2016

Renovation construction is expected to continue growing in 2016. The
Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT (CFCI) estimates in its
October review of business conditions that housing construction will grow in
2016 by approximately 8 percent compared to the previous year. Renovation
construction is estimated to grow 1.5 percent and new construction 14 percent
from last year.

CFCI expects renovation construction growth to be more moderate than in previous
years as the increase in new construction is decreasing activity in renovation
construction. Although renovation construction growth is slowing down somewhat,
the renovation needs of existing building stock are believed to sustain steady
growth in to the next decade.

The Finnish Association of HPAC Technical Contractors estimated in their October
review that business conditions for technical building services have improved
especially in new construction. Approximately 75 percent of HPAC-contractors
felt that the economic conditions were at least satisfactory. In renovation
construction about 86 percent of respondents said that conditions were at least
satisfactory, as did 91 percent of respondents from maintenance services.

The general economic conditions have a considerably smaller impact on renovation
construction and technical building services than on new building.

Consti adjusted its net sales guidance with a stock exchange release on October
26(th) 2016, in which it stated that the company estimates its net sales to grow
compared to 2015. The company previously estimated that "its total annual net
sales for 2016 will grow approximately 5-10 percent compared to 2015."

Press conference

A press conference for analysts, portfolio managers, and media will be arranged
on Thursday November 10(th) 2016 at 10:00 at Hotel Glo Kluuvi at Kluuvinkatu
4, 2nd floor, Helsinki. The conference is hosted by CEO Marko Holopainen and CFO
Esa Korkeela.

Financial reporting in 2017

Consti Group Plc's Financial Statements for 2016 will be published on Thursday
February 16(th) 2017.

The electronic version of the annual report, which includes the full financial
statements for 2016 will be published in week 11/2017.

Consti Group Plc's Annual General Meeting for 2017 is scheduled to take place on
Tuesday, April 4(th) 2017 in Helsinki.

Consti Group Plc shall publish three interim reports during 2017:

  * Interim report 1-3/2017 published May 4(th) 2017
  * Half-year financial report 1-6/2017 published August 10(th) 2017
  * Interim report 1-9/2017 published November 9(th) 2017


Further information:

Marko Holopainen, CEO, Consti Group Plc, Tel. +358 400 458 158
Esa Korkeela, CFO, Consti Group Plc, Tel. +358 40 730 8568


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.
Major media

Consti  is a leading  Finnish company concentrating  on renovation and technical
services.  Consti offers comprehensive building technology, pipeline renovation,
renovation  contracting, façade renovation and  other demanding construction and
maintenance  services for residential and  commercial buildings. In 2015, Consti
Group's   net  sales  amounted  to  256 million  euro.  It  employs  about  900
professionals in renovation construction and building technology.

Consti  Group Plc  is listed  on Nasdaq  Helsinki. The  trading code  is CONSTI.
