2008-11-04 13:59:55 CET

2008-11-04 14:00:55 CET


Lithuanian English
Siauliu Bankas AB - Notification on material event

Moody‘s Investors Service approved ratings of Šiaulių bankas AB

The international rating agency Moody‘s Investors Service approved the following
ratings of Šiaulių bankas AB on 2008-10-31: long-term deposit rating - Ba2,     
short-term deposit rating - NP, financial strength rating - D. The outlook on   
long-term deposit rating and financial strength rating was changed from stable  
to negative. The rating agency grounds its change of outlook on the deceleration
of growth of Lithuanian economy.                                                

Director of the Treasury Department
Pranas Gedgaudas
Tel. +370 41 595653