2008-11-04 17:35:09 CET

2008-11-04 17:35:18 CET


Stora Enso Oyj - Company Announcement

Stora Enso to close down Baienfurt Mill and paper machine at Kabel Mill in Germany

STORA ENSO OYJ STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 4 November 2008 at 16.30 GMT              

The Supervisory Board of Stora Enso's German holding company's has decided to   
close down Baienfurt Mill and Kabel Mill's coated magazine paper machine (PM) 3 
with annual capacity 140 000 tonnes by the end of the year 2008. The reasons    
behind the planned closures, first announced on 10 September 2008, have         
unfortunately not changed. They are due to persistent profitability problems    
caused by European overcapacity, the strength of the euro and cost increases,   
especially for wood and energy.                                                 

In September Stora Enso announced its plans to shut down the cartonboard machine
at Baienfurt in Germany with annual capacity 190 000 tonnes of folding boxboard 
by the end of 2008. It is intended to continue serving the mill's customers from
the Group's other board mills in Finland and Sweden. The sheeting service centre
at Baienfurt will remain in operation to continue providing an excellent service
to customers. The mill has 391 employees, of whom about 40 will continue to work
for the sheeting service centre. The shutdown of Kabel PM 3 will affect about   
170 employees.                                                                  

Stora Enso will seek parties to develop the Baienfurt mill site for industrial  
use other than board or paper production. Stora Enso is also working on a social
plan for employees affected by the restructuring measures.                      

For further information, please contact:                                        
Bernd Rettig, EVP, Country Manager Germany, tel. +49 211 5812310                
Ulla Paajanen-Sainio, Vice President, Investor Relations and Financial          
tel. +358 2046 21242                                                            


STORA ENSO OYJ                                                                  

Jari Suvanto		Ulla Paajanen-Sainio