2007-03-08 16:32:09 CET

2007-03-08 16:32:09 CET


Finska Engelska
Nokia - Notice to general meeting

Notice to the Annual General Meeting of Nokia Corporation

Notice is given to the shareholders of Nokia Corporation (the "Company") of the
Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday, May 3, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. at
Helsinki Fair Centre, Amfi Hall, Messuaukio 1, Helsinki, Finland. Registration
of the persons who have given a prior notice to attend will commence at 1:30

The matters specified in Article 12 of the Company's Articles of Association as
well as some other matters will be on the agenda of the Meeting as follows: 

1. Presentation of the Annual Accounts and the Auditors' Report; Approval of
the Income Statements and Balance Sheets 

2. Distribution of the profit for the year, payment of dividend 

The Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting a dividend of EUR 0.43 per
share for the fiscal year 2006. The dividend will be paid to shareholders
registered in the Register of Shareholders held by Fin-nish Central Securities
Depository Ltd on the record date, May 8, 2007. The Board proposes that the
dividend be paid on May 24, 2007. 

3. Discharging of the Chairman, the members of the Board of Directors, and the
President, from liability 

4. Amendment of the Articles of Association

The Board proposes that the Annual General Meeting resolve to amend the
Articles of Association mainly due to and to align with the new Finnish
Companies Act effective as from September 1, 2006 as follows: 
- Remove the provisions on minimum and maximum share capital as well as on the
nominal value of a share (Article 2). 
- Remove the provisions on record date (Article 3).
- Amend the maximum number of members of the Board of Directors from ten to
twelve (Article 4). 
- Add a reference that the Board's Corporate Governance and Nomination
Committee shall also make the proposal on the Board remuneration (Article 4). 
- Amend provisions on the right to represent the Company to correspond to the
terminology of the new Companies Act (Article 6). 
- Remove provisions on the timing for submitting the annual accounts to the
auditors (Article 8). 
- Amend the latest date for the Annual General Meeting to be June 30 (Article
- Amend the provisions on the notice of a General Meeting to the effect that it
must be published no earlier than three months prior to the latest date of
registration and also be published on the Com-pany's website (Article 10). 
- Remove the provisions that when the Company's shares are in the book-entry
system the provisions of the law regarding participation in the Annual General
Meeting shall apply (Article 11). 
- Amend “the opinion of the chairman” to “the vote of the chairman” (Article
- Amend the list of agenda items of the Annual General Meeting to correspond to
the new Companies Act (Article 12). 

5. Remuneration to the members of the Board of Directors

The Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee of the Board proposes to the
Annual General Meeting that the remuneration payable to the members of the
Board of Directors to be elected at the Annual General Meeting for term until
the close of the Annual General Meeting in 2008 be as follows: EUR 375 000 for
the Chairman, EUR 150 000 for the Vice Chairman, and EUR 130 000 for each
member. In addition, the Committee proposes that the Chairman of the Audit
Committee and Chairman of the Personnel Committee will each receive an
additional annual fee of EUR 25 000, and other members of the Audit Committee
an additional annual fee of EUR 10 000 each. 

6. Number of the members of the Board of Directors

The Board's Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee proposes to the
Annual General Meeting that the number of Board members be eleven. 

7. Election of the members of the Board of Directors

The Board's Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee proposes to the
Annual General Meeting that the following current Board members: Georg
Ehrnrooth, Daniel R. Hesse, Dr. Bengt Holmström, Per Karlsson, Jorma Ollila,
Dame Marjorie Scardino, Keijo Suila and Vesa Vainio, be re-elected until the
closing of the following Annual General Meeting. The Committee also proposes
that Lalita D. Gupte, Dr. Henning Kagermann and Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo be elected
as new members of the Board for the same term. Ms. Gupte is former Joint
Managing Director of ICICI Bank Limited, the second-largest bank in India, and
currently non-executive Chairman of ICICI Venture Funds Management Co Ltd. Dr.
Kagermann is CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of SAP AG, the world's
leading provider of business software, headquar-tered in Germany. Olli-Pekka
Kallasvuo is President and CEO of Nokia Corporation. 

8. Auditor remuneration

The Board's Audit Committee proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the
external auditor to be elected at the Annual General Meeting be reimbursed
according to the auditor's invoice, and in compli-ance with the purchase policy
approved by the Audit Committee. 

9. Election of the Auditor

Having evaluated the performance and the independence of the current auditor of
Nokia, Pricewater-houseCoopers Oy, for the fiscal year 2006, the Audit
Committee proposes that PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy be re-elected as the
Company's auditor for the fiscal year 2007. 

10. Grant of stock options to selected personnel of Nokia 

The Board proposes that as a part of Nokia's Equity Program 2007 selected
personnel of Nokia Group be granted a maximum of 20 000 000 stock options,
which entitle to subscribe for a maximum of 20 000 000 Nokia shares. 

The exercise prices (i.e. share subscription prices) applicable upon exercise
of the stock options will be determined on a quarterly basis and the stock
options will also be divided into sub-categories according to their exercise
price. The exercise price for each sub-category of stock options will equal to
the trade volume weighted average price of the Nokia share on the Helsinki
Stock Exchange during the trading days of the first whole week of the second
month of the calendar quarter (i.e. February, May, August or November). The
exercise price paid will be recorded in the fund for invested non-restricted

Stock options in the plan may be granted until the end of 2010, and they have a
term of approximately five years. Exercise period (i.e. share subscription
period) will commence no earlier than July 1, 2008, and terminate no later than
December 31, 2015. 

11. Reduction of the share issue premium

The Board proposes that the Annual General Meeting resolve to reduce the share
issue premium of the Company by a minimum of EUR 2 312 146 296.94 by
transferring all the funds in the share issue pre-mium on the date of the
Annual General Meeting to the fund for invested non-restricted equity. 

12. Recording of the subscription price for shares issued based on stock
options in the fund for invested non-restricted equity 

The Board proposes that the Annual General Meeting resolve that the total
amount of the subscription prices paid for new shares issued after the date of
the Annual General Meeting, based on stock options under the Nokia Stock Option
Plans 2001, 2003 and 2005, be recorded in the fund for invested non-restricted

13. Authorization to the Board of Directors to resolve on the issuance of
shares and special rights entitling to shares 

The Board proposes that the Annual General Meeting authorize the Board to
resolve to issue a maximum of 800 000 000 shares through issuance of shares or
special rights entitling to shares (including stock options) under Chapter 10,
Section 1 of the Companies Act in one or more issues. 

The Board proposes that the authorization be used to finance or carry out
acquisitions or other ar-rangements, to settle the Company's equity-based
incentive plans or to other purposes resolved by the Board. 

It is proposed that the authorization includes the right for the Board to
resolve on all the terms and con-ditions of the issuance of shares and such
special rights, including to whom shares or special rights may be issued as
well as the consideration to be paid. The authorization thereby includes the
right to deviate from the shareholders' pre-emptive rights within the limits
set by law. 

It is proposed that the authorization be effective until June 30, 2010.

14. Authorization to the Board of Directors to resolve to repurchase Nokia

The Board proposes that the Annual General Meeting authorize the Board to
resolve to repurchase a maximum of 380 000 000 Nokia shares by using funds in
the unrestricted shareholders' equity. Repurchases will reduce funds
availablefor distribution of profits. 

The shares may be repurchased in order to develop the capital structure of the
Company, which includes carrying out the announced stock repurchase plan. In
addition, the shares may be repurchased in order to finance or carry out
acquisitions or other arrangements, to settle the Company's equity-based
incentive plans, to be transferred for other purposes, or to be cancelled. 

The shares can be repurchased either
a) through a tender offer made to all the shareholders on equal terms
determined by the Board, in proportion to the shares held by the shareholders,
and for an equal price determined by the Board; or 
b) through public trading and on such stock exchanges the rules of which allow
companies to trade with their own shares. In this case the shares would be
repurchased in another proportion than that of the current shareholders. 

It is proposed that the authorization be effective until June 30, 2008.

Annual Accounts 2006 and the proposals by the Board of Directors

The proposals by the Board presented under items 4 and 10 - 14 and this Notice
of Meeting are available on Nokia's website at www.nokia.com/agm. The document
Nokia in 2006 which includes the Annual Accounts of the Company, the Review by
the Board of Directors and the Auditors' report is available on the same
website no later than as of March 31, 2007. The proposals by the Board and the
Annual Accounts are also available at the Meeting, and copies of them as well
as of this Notice will be sent to shareholders upon request. 

Right to Attend and to Vote at the Meeting

In order to attend the Meeting, a shareholder must be registered in the
Register of Shareholders of Nokia, held by Finnish Central Securities
Depository Ltd., on Monday, April 23, 2007. In order to attend the Meeting,
shareholders who hold their shares under a name of a nominee must contact their
bank, broker or other custodian to be temporarily recorded in the Register of
Shareholders. The recording must be made effective no later than April 23,

Prior Notice to Attend 

In order to attend the Meeting the shareholder must give a prior notice no
later than Thursday, April 26, 2007, at 4:00 p.m. (Finnish time) either 
a) through Nokia's website at www.nokia.com/agm (available only for directly
registered shareholders); 
b) by letter to the Registry of Shareholders, Nokia Corporation, P.O. Box 226,
Fl-00045 NOKIA GROUP; 
c) by telefax to +358 7180 38984; or 
d) by telephone to +358 7180 34700 from Monday to Friday at 10:00 a.m. - 4:00
p.m. (Finnish time). 

The notice through website, letter or telefax should arrive at the Company by
4:00 p.m. (Finnish time) on Thursday, April 26, 2007. 

Advance Delivery of Proxies

Possible proxies for representing a shareholder at the Meeting shall arrive to
Nokia's Registry of Sharehold-ers no later than Thursday, April 26, 2007, at
4:00 p.m. (Finnish time). 

Conduct of the Meeting

The Meeting will be conducted in Finnish, and simultaneous translation will be
available into Swedish and English. 

Espoo, January 25, 2007

Board of Directors
