2013-08-06 08:00:00 CEST

2013-08-06 08:00:05 CEST


Finnish English
Wulff-Yhtiöt Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Wulff Group Plc’s Interim Report for January 1 – June 30, 2013

Market Situation Remained Difficult, Net Sales and Operating Result below last
year's level 


INTERIM REPORT                 August 6, 2013 at 9:00 A.M.


Market Situation Remained Difficult, Net Sales and Operating Result below last
year's level 

  -- Net sales totalled EUR 43.5 million (EUR 45.4 million) in January-June and
     EUR 20.7 million (EUR 22.0 million) in the second quarter.
  -- In January-June, EBITDA was EUR -0.08 million (EUR 0.84 million) being -0.2
     percentages (1.9 %) of net sales. In the second quarter, EBITDA was EUR
     -0.49 million (EUR 0.36 million) being -2.3 percentages (1.7 %) of net
  -- In January-June, operating result (EBIT) was EUR -0.65 million (EUR 0.32
     million) being -1.5 percentages (0.7 %) of net sales. In the second
     quarter, operating result (EBIT) was EUR -0.77 million (EUR 0.11 million).
  -- Earnings per share (EPS) were EUR -0.11 (EUR 0.03) in January-June and EUR
     -0.12 (EUR 0.00) in the second quarter.
  -- Equity-to-assets ratio was 42.6 percentages (December 31, 2012: 44.3 %).
  -- Equity per share amounted to EUR 2.30 (December 31, 2012: EUR 2.51).
  -- In spring 2013 Wulff established its fair service sales in the Swedish


Net sales totalled EUR 43.5 million (EUR 45.4 million) in January-June and EUR
20.7 million (EUR 22.0 million) in the second quarter. Net sales decreased by
four percentages from last year. In January-June, EBITDA was EUR -0.08 million
(EUR 0.84 million) being -0.2 percentages (1.9 %) of net sales. In the second
quarter, EBITDA was EUR -0.49 million (EUR 0.36 million) being -2.3 percentages
(1.7 %) of net sales.  In January-June, operating result (EBIT) was EUR -0.65
million (EUR 0.32 million) being -1.5 percentages (0.7 %) of net sales. In the
second quarter, operating result (EBIT) was EUR -0.77 million (EUR 0.11
million). The general economic situation remained difficult which impacted the
demand in the office supply markets. The Group continues to review its expense
structure and optimise its operations to improve the profitability of its

Wulff Group's CEO Heikki Vienola: “The difficult market situation has decreased
the demand for our products and services. It is probable that we will not reach
the operating profit level of year 2012. Large companies and groups adjust
their operations with personnel layoffs and diminishing their operations, which
has had a direct impact on our sales. It has been essential to react quickly to
the market situation and we have adjusted our own operations and cost
structure. Our organizational changes and cost saving programs will affect our
result positively during the second half of the year. We strongly believe that
focusing on key issues brings results. Following our strategy, we focus on
constant improvement of Wulff's competitiveness and the most cost-conscious
operations. When the markets get more active we are in a good position as the
industry pioneer and the most professional partner to serve the customers as
broadly and versatile as possible. In the times of a weak general economy, the
customers seek especially for partners with cost-saving solutions - and this is
something Wulff can offer. For instance, our web shop Wulffinkulma.fi is a
quick and cost-efficient purchasing channel of office products for small and
mid-sized companies as well as consumers.” 

In January-June the financial income and expenses totalled (net) EUR -0.29
million (EUR -0.04 million) including dividend income of EUR 0.01 million (EUR
0.02 million), interest expenses of EUR 0.09 million (EUR 0.13 million) and
mainly currency-related other financial items (net) EUR -0.21 million (EUR
+0.07 million). In the second quarter the financial income and expenses
totalled (net) EUR -0.24 million (EUR -0.05 million). 

The result before taxes was EUR -0.94 million (EUR 0.28 million) in
January-June and EUR -1.01 million (EUR 0.06 million) in the second quarter.
The net result after taxes was EUR -0.72 million (EUR 0.23 million) in
January-June and EUR -0.77 million (EUR 0.05 million) in the second quarter.
Earnings per share (EPS) were EUR -0.11 (EUR 0.03) in January-June and EUR
-0.12 (EUR 0.00) in the second quarter. 

Return on investment (ROI) was -3.4 percentages (1.6 %) in January-June and
-3.7 percentages (0.4 %) in the second quarter. Return on equity (ROE) was -4.2
percentages (1.3 %) in January-June and -4.5 percentages (0.3 %) in the second


The Contract Customers Division is the customer's comprehensive partner in the
field of office supplies, IT supplies, business and promotional gifts as well
as international fair services. In January-June the division's net sales
totalled EUR 36.6 million (EUR 38.0 million) and operating result was EUR -0.03
(EUR 0.9 million). In the second quarter the net sales totalled EUR 17.1
million (EUR 18.4 million) and operating result was EUR -0.5 million (EUR 0.4
million). The general economic situation and the decrease in the products'
demand have led to the decrease in net sales. 

International fair services are an even more significant part of Wulff's
business. In spring 2013 Wulff Entre established its fair service sales in the
Swedish markets by opening its own operations in the Southern Sweden. Wulff
Entre's investments in sales and its development have resulted in both stronger
customer relationships and an increase in clientele in Finland, Russia and
Germany. Also in Sweden Wulff Entre has won new customers who have already
given good feedback on Wulff Entre's services and know-how. In 2013 Wulff Entre
exports Finnish companies' know-how to more than 30 countries. Wulff Entre is
the market leader in its field in Finland and the customers have had a solid
trust in Wulff Entre's ability to find the right international venues for over
90 years already. 

The net sales and profitability of Wulff's Scandinavian operator Wulff Supplies
AB have remained at a good level and the company has managed to attract new
contract customers constantly. Today almost 50 percent of the Group's net sales
come from Scandinavia and Wulff's position in the Scandinavian market continues
to strengthen. Wulff Supplies serves the Group's Scandinavian and pan-Nordic

The Group's webstore Wulffinkulma.fi has shown good growth and profit.
According to the strategy, Wulff has developed the Wulff brand, its sales
channels and its whole service range to be more versatile and ecological. Wulff
stores serve locally small and mid-sized corporate customers, entrepreneurs and
consumers. In summer 2013 Wulff Helsinki store moved to new premises in Konala,
Helsinki. The new store is located along excellent traffic routes in a business
centre which enables to attract plenty of new customers. This year for the
first time, the stores exhibit the Group's entire product range, Wulff's Green
products and recycling centres. The stores exhibit also seasonal business

Traditionally the Contract Customers Division's result is affected by the
cycles of the business and promotional gift market: the majority of the
products are delivered and the majority of the annual profit is generated in
the second and the last quarter of the year. The business and promotional gift
markets have not recovered back to the previous years' level. Wulff's
customers' own cost-savings and efficiency improvement initiatives have
impacted negatively the demand for the Group's business and promotional gifts. 


The Direct Sales Division aims to improve its customers' daily operations with
innovative products as well as the industry's most professional personal and
local service. In January-June the division's net sales totalled EUR 6.9
million (EUR 7.4 million) and operating result was EUR -0.1 (EUR -0.1 million).
In the second quarter the net sales totalled EUR 3.7 million (EUR 3.7 million)
and operating result was EUR -0.04 (EUR 0.01 million). 

The Division's profitability is improved by concentrating on profitable product
and service fields and by optimising the operations' efficiency. Wulff invests
strongly in the development of the product and service range and aims to
increase the synergy of the purchasing operations by group-wide competitive
bidding and cooperation. Unifying the sales support systems improve the sales

Wulff's sales growth is fuelled most importantly by the sales personnel.
Successful recruiting affects especially the performance of Direct Sales. New
sales personnel are being actively hunted by the recruitment professionals.
Wulff's own introduction and training programmes ensure that every sales person
gets both a comprehensive starting training and further education on how to
improve one's own know-how. Wulff is prepared to employ even 100 new sales
persons in Finland and in Scandinavia. 


The cash flow from operating activities was EUR -1.6 million (EUR 0.4 million)
in January-June and EUR 0.3 million (EUR 0.7 million) in the second quarter.
Typically in this industry the result and cash flow are generated in the last
quarter. A total of EUR 0.8 million less working capital was tied in the
inventories than a year ago. 

For its fixed asset investments the Group paid a net of EUR 0.51 million (EUR
0.32 million) in January-June and EUR 0.07 million (EUR 0.16 million) in the
second quarter. The parent company shareholders were paid dividends of EUR 0.52
million (EUR 0.46 million) and the subsidiaries' non-controlling shareholders
were paid dividends of EUR 0.11 million (EUR 0.07 million). The Group paid EUR
0.03 million for the acquisition of non-controlling interests in Wulff Supplies
AB to the subsidiary's key person. The Group raised loans of net EUR 1.11
million (EUR 0.53 million, net) in January-June. Loans of EUR 0.17 million net
(EUR 0.64 million net) were paid back in the second quarter. 

In general the Group's cash balance decreased by EUR 1.7 million in
January-June (EUR -1.0 million). The Group's bank and cash funds totalled EUR
2.7 million in the beginning of the year and EUR 1.1 million in the end of the
reporting period. 

In the end of June 2013 the Group's equity-to-assets ratio was 42.6 percentages
(December 31, 2012: 
44.3 %). Equity attributable to the equity holders of the parent company
amounted to EUR 2.30 per share (December 31, 2012: EUR 2.51). 


Wulff Group Plc's share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki in the Small Cap
segment under the Industrials sector. The company's trading code is WUF1V. In
the end of the reporting period the share was valued at EUR 1.77 (EUR 1.90) and
the market capitalization of the outstanding shares totalled EUR 11.6 million
(EUR 12.4 million). 

In January-June 2013 no own shares were reacquired. As a part of Wulff Group's
key personnel's share-based incentive plan introduced in February 2011, the
Board of Directors decided in May 2013 to grant 6,000 treasury shares without
compensation to the Group's key person who may not transfer the shares during a
restriction period of two years. In the end of June 2013, the Group held 79,000
(June 30, 2012: 85,000) own shares representing 1.2 percentage (1.3 %) of the
total number and voting rights of Wulff shares. According to the Annual General
Meeting's authorisation on April 10, 2013, the Board of Directors decided in
its organizing meeting to continue the acquisition of its own shares, by
acquiring a maximum of 300.000 own shares by April 30, 2014. 


In January-June 2013 the Group's personnel totalled 321 (333) employees on
average. In the end of June the Group had 315 (321) employees of which 118
(121) persons were employed in Sweden, Norway, Denmark or Estonia. 

The majority, approximately 60 percentages, of the Group's personnel works in
sales operations and approximately 40 percentages of the employees work in
sales support, logistics and administration. The personnel consists
approximately half-and-half of men and women. 

Wulff's themes for 2013 are “Professional care for customers and personnel
alike” and “Becoming the masters in giving and utilizing feedback”. Wulff has
received plenty of positive feedback on the renewing of its training and
development programs. The coaching-style leadership and the
‘100-percent-responsibility' working attitude have a significant role in
building a well-being, developing and successful organization. Wulff's culture
means that everyone understands the significance of their own work: each and
everyone at Wulff can influence a customer's unique Wulff experience in a
positive way. 


The demand for office supplies is still affected by the organizations'
personnel lay-offs and cost-saving initiatives made during the economic
downturn. The general uncertainty may still continue which will most likely
affect the ordering behaviour of some corporate clients. 

Although the business gifts are seen increasingly as a part of the corporate
communications as a whole and they are utilized also in the off-season, some
cost savings may be sought after by decreasing the investments in the brand
promotion. The ongoing economic uncertainties impact especially the demand for
business and promotional gifts. During the uncertain economic periods, the
corporations may also minimize attending fairs. 

Half of the Group's net sales come from other than euro-currency countries.
Fluctuation of the currencies affects the Group's net result and financial


Wulff is the most significant Nordic player in its industry. Wulff's mission is
to help its corporate customers to succeed in their own business by providing
them with leading-edge products and services in a way best suitable to them.
The markets have been consolidating in the past few years and the Nordic
markets are expected to consolidate in the future as well. Wulff is prepared to
carry out new strategic acquisitions. 

The markets have not improved as expected and the demand for Wulff's products
has decreased from last year. Based on the Group management's outlook for 2013,
it seems probable that the last year's operating profit level will not be
reached. The cost-efficiency improvement actions have been taken as planned and
the Group concentrates on the internal actions with the strongest effect on
profitability. The Group continues taking actions for enhancing profitability.
The Group focuses on sales activities and the development of its sales
operations. The Group expects to win new customers and gain growth especially
along with Wulff Supplies AB in Scandinavia and with the webstore
Wulffinkulma.fi in Finland. Typically in the industry, the annual profit is
made in the last quarter of the year. 


Wulff Group Plc will release its interim report for January-September 2013 on
Tuesday November 5, 2013. 


INCOME STATEMENT                          II       II     I-II     I-II     I-IV
EUR 1000                                2013     2012     2013     2012     2012
Net sales                             20 743   22 039   43 485   45 365   90 238
Other operating income                    14       34       55      122      200
Materials and services               -13 800  -14 078  -28 452  -28 962  -58 260
Employee benefit expenses             -4 626   -4 867   -9 474   -9 939  -18 755
Other operating expenses              -2 817   -2 764   -5 692   -5 747  -11 155
EBITDA                                  -486      364      -79      840    2 269
Depreciation and amortization           -283     -258     -570     -519   -1 136
Operating profit/loss                   -769      106     -649      321    1 132
Financial income                         -44       28       64      126      272
Financial expenses                      -191      -75     -356     -167     -413
Profit/Loss before taxes              -1 005       58     -941      281      990
Income taxes                             240      -10      224      -54     -100
Net profit/loss for the period          -765       47     -717      227      890
Attributable to:                                                                
Equity holders of the parent            -760       25     -731      198      717
Non-controlling interest                  -5       23       14       28      173
Earnings per share for profit                                                   
attributable to the equity holders                                              
of the parent company:                                                          
Earnings per share, EUR                -0,12     0,00    -0,11     0,03     0,11
(diluted = non-diluted)                                                         
EUR 1000                                2013     2012     2013     2012     2012
Net profit/loss for the period          -765       47     -717      227      890
Other comprehensive income which                                                
 may be reclassified to profit or                                               
 loss subsequently (net of tax)                                                 
Change in translation differences       -222       22     -122       89      181
Fair value changes on                    -17      -33      -31       -5      -22
 available-for-sale investments                           
Total other comprehensive income        -239      -11     -153       84      159
Total comprehensive income for the    -1 003       37     -870      311    1 049
Total comprehensive income                                                      
 attributable to:                                                               
Equity holders of the parent            -953       13     -857      252      839
Non-controlling interest                 -50       24      -13       59      210

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION                         June 30  June 30  Dec 31
EUR 1000                                                   2013     2012    2012
Non-current assets                                                              
Goodwill                                                  9 491    9 500   9 546
Other intangible assets                                   1 343    1 218   1 308
Property, plant and equipment                             1 757    2 137   1 890
Non-current financial assets                                                    
Interest-bearing financial assets                            35       78      43
Non-interest-bearing financial assets                       277      361     327
Deferred tax assets                                       2 358    1 835   1 972
Total non-current assets                                 15 260   15 129  15 085
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                                               9 293   10 060  10 236
Current receivables                                                             
Interest-bearing receivables                                 20       52      16
Non-interest-bearing receivables                         14 548   15 085  13 350
Financial assets recognised at fair value through             3       60      78
Cash and cash equivalents                                 1 056    1 469   2 749
Total current assets                                     24 919   26 725  26 429
TOTAL ASSETS                                             40 179   41 854  41 513
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                          
Equity attributable to the equity holders of the                                
 parent company:                                                                
Share capital                                             2 650    2 650   2 650
Share premium fund                                        7 662    7 662   7 662
Invested unrestricted equity fund                           223      223     223
Retained earnings                                         4 476    5 257   5 849
Non-controlling interest                                  1 110    1 135   1 283
Total equity                                             16 121   16 928  17 667
Non-current liabilities                                                         
Interest-bearing liabilities                              5 462    6 633   6 008
Deferred tax liabilities                                     92      121     102
Total non-current liabilities                             5 554    6 754   6 109
Current liabilities                                                             
Interest-bearing liabilities                              3 342    2 378   1 685
Non-interest-bearing liabilities                         15 162   15 794  16 052
Total current liabilities                                18 504   18 172  17 737
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                             40 179   41 854  41 513

STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW                    II       II     I-II     I-II     I-IV
EUR 1000                                2013     2012     2013     2012     2012
Cash flow from operating                                                        
Cash received from sales              20 800   22 918   42 293   46 369   93 018
Cash received from other operating        20        6       65       22       65
Cash paid for operating expenses     -20 328  -22 189  -43 508  -45 563  -89 063
Cash flow from operating activities      491      736   -1 150      827    4 020
 before financial items and income                                              
Interest paid                            -30       -6      -84      -81     -169
Interest received                         11        1       19       32       39
Income taxes paid                       -200      -55     -402     -415     -592
Cash flow from operating activities      273      676   -1 618      365    3 297
Cash flow from investing                                                        
Investments in intangible and            -76     -193     -566     -517     -946
tangible assets                                                                 
Proceeds from sales of intangible          7       37       53      202      269
and tangible assets                                                             
Disposal of other non-current                                                 12
Loans granted                             -3       -6       -6       -6      -13
Repayments of loans receivable                      1       33        5        8
Cash flow from investing activities      -72     -160     -485     -316     -670
Cash flow from financing                                                        
Dividends paid                          -611     -491     -632     -531     -531
Dividends received                                           7       20       20
Payments for subsidiary share                      -2      -33     -129     -129
Payments received for subsidiary                   81                81       81
share disposals                                                                 
Cash paid for (received from)              5        8       82       -3      -32
short-term investments (net)                                                    
Withdrawals and repayments of            129      -79    1 890      156     -254
short-term loans                                                                
Withdrawals of long-term loans                                      355      355
Repayments of long-term loans           -295     -557     -778   -1 044   -1 952
Cash flow from financing activities     -772   -1 039      536   -1 096   -2 443
Change in cash and cash equivalents     -571     -523   -1 566   -1 048      184
Cash and cash equivalents at the       1 747    1 973    2 749    2 464    2 464
 beginning of the period                                                        
Translation difference of cash          -120       18     -127       52      101
Cash and cash equivalents at the       1 056    1 469    1 056    1 469    2 749
 end of the period                                                              


EUR 1000    Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company         
                           for in                                               
                              non           Trans     Re             Non        
                    Share      re          lation    tai            cont        
                      pre  strict           diffe    ned          rollin        
* net of     Share   mium      ed     Own     ren   Earn            inte        
            capita   fund  equity  shares     ces   ings   Total    rest   TOTAL
Equity on    2 650  7 662     223    -283    -116  5 860  15 996   1 198  17 195
 Jan 1,                                                                         
Net profit                                           198     198      28     227
 / loss                                                                         
 for the                                                                        
Change in                                      58             58      31      89
on diff                                                                         
Fair value                                            -5      -5              -5
Comprehens                                     58    194     252      59     311
ive income                                                                      
Dividends                                           -457    -457     -74    -531
Treasury                               11            -11       0               0
Share-                                                 1       1               1
Changes in                                                     0     -48     -48
Equity on    2 650  7 662     223    -272     -58  5 587  15 793   1 135  16 928
 June 30,                                                                       
Equity on    2 650  7 662     223    -283    -116  5 860  15 996   1 198  17 195
 Jan 1,                                                                       
Net profit                                           717     717     173     890
 / loss                                                                         
 for the                                                                        
Change in                                     144            144      37     181
on diff                                                                         
Fair value                                           -22     -22             -22
Comprehens                                    144    695     839     210   1 049
ive income                                                                      
Dividends                                           -457    -457     -77    -534
Treasury                               11            -11       0               0
Share-                                                 5       5               5
Changes in                                                     0     -48     -48
Equity on    2 650  7 662     223    -272      28  6 093  16 384   1 283  17 667
 Dec 31,                                                                        
Equity on    2 650  7 662     223    -272      28  6 093  16 384   1 283  17 667
 Jan 1,                                                                         
Net profit                                          -731    -731      14    -717
 / loss                                                                         
 for the                                                                        
Change in                                     -95            -95     -27    -122
on diff                                                                         
Fair value                                           -31     -31             -31
Comprehens                                    -95   -762    -857     -13    -870
ive income                                                                      
Dividends                                           -522    -522    -110    -632
Treasury                               12            -12       0               0
Share-                                                 5       5               5
Changes in                                                     0     -49     -49
Equity on    2 650  7 662     223    -260     -67  4 803  15 011   1 110  16 121
 June 30,                                                         


SEGMENT INFORMATION                           II      II    I-II    I-II    I-IV
EUR 1000                                    2013    2012    2013    2012    2012
Net sales by operating segments                                                 
Contract Customers Division               17 124  18 380  36 611  37 953  76 250
Direct Sales Division                      3 661   3 699   6 914   7 446  14 023
Group Services                               192     295     394     588   1 079
Intersegment eliminations                   -234    -335    -435    -622  -1 114
TOTAL NET SALES                           20 743  22 039  43 485  45 365  90 238
Operating profit/loss by operating                                              
Contract Customers Division                 -492     350     -26     854   2 041
Direct Sales Division                        -40       5    -127     -89     -38
Group Services and non-allocated items      -237    -250    -496    -444    -872
TOTAL OPERATING PROFIT/LOSS                 -769     106    -649     321   1 132

KEY FIGURES                               II       II     I-II     I-II     I-IV
EUR 1000                                2013     2012     2013     2012     2012
Net sales                             20 743   22 039   43 485   45 365   90 238
Change in net sales, %                -5,9 %   -9,6 %   -4,1 %   -8,6 %   -9,0 %
EBITDA                                  -486      364      -79      840    2 269
EBITDA margin, %                      -2,3 %    1,7 %   -0,2 %    1,9 %    2,5 %
Operating profit/loss                   -769      106     -649      321    1 132
Operating profit/loss margin, %       -3,7 %    0,5 %   -1,5 %    0,7 %    1,3 %
Profit/Loss before taxes              -1 005       58     -941      281      990
Profit/Loss before taxes margin, %    -4,8 %    0,3 %   -2,2 %    0,6 %    1,1 %
Net profit/loss for the period          -760       25     -731      198      717
 attributable to equity holders of                                              
 the parent company                                                             
Net profit/loss for the period, %     -3,7 %    0,1 %   -1,7 %    0,4 %    0,8 %
Earnings per share, EUR (diluted =     -0,12     0,00    -0,11     0,03     0,11
Return on equity (ROE), %            -4,52 %   0,28 %  -4,24 %   1,33 %   5,11 %
Return on investment (ROI), %        -3,70 %   0,41 %  -3,37 %   1,55 %   4,67 %
Equity-to-assets ratio at the end     42,6 %   42,9 %   42,6 %   42,9 %   44,3 %
 of period, %                                                                   
Debt-to-equity ratio at the end of    47,7 %   43,8 %   47,7 %   43,8 %   27,6 %
Equity per share at the end of          2,30     2,42     2,30     2,42     2,51
 period, EUR *                                                                  
Investments in non-current assets         70      209      535      519      972
Investments in non-current assets,     0,3 %    0,9 %    1,2 %    1,1 %    1,1 %
 % of net sales                                                                 
Treasury shares held by the Group     79 000   85 000   79 000   85 000   85 000
 at the end of period                              
Treasury shares, % of total share      1,2 %    1,3 %    1,2 %    1,3 %    1,3 %
 capital and votes                                                              
Number of total issued shares at     6607628  6607628  6607628  6607628  6607628
 the end of period                                                              
Personnel on average during the          320      333      321      333      343
Personnel at the end of period           315      321      315      321      326

* Equity attributable to the equity holders of the parent company / Number of
shares excluding the acquired own shares 

QUARTERLY KEY FIGURES                 II       I      IV     III      II       I
EUR 1000                            2013    2013    2012    2012    2012    2012
Net sales                         20 743  22 742  25 105  19 768  22 039  23 326
EBITDA                              -486     407     959     470     364     476
Operating profit/loss               -769     120     637     174     106     216
Profit/Loss before taxes          -1 005      64     525     184      58     223
Net profit/loss for the period      -760      29     369     150      25     174
 attributable to the equity                                                     
 holders of the parent company                                                  
Earnings per share, EUR (diluted   -0,12    0,00    0,06    0,02    0,00    0,03
 = non-diluted)                                                                 

RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                      II    II    I-II    I-II    I-IV
EUR 1000                                      2013  2012    2013    2012    2012
Sales to related parties                        46    37     108      91     203
Purchases from related parties                   8     4      58       9      80
Current non-interest-bearing receivables        21     0      21       0       0
 from related parties                                                           
Non-current interest-bearing receivables         0    68       0      68      33
 from related parties                                                           
Current non-interest-bearing liabilities to      0     0       0       0       0
 related parties                                                                
COMMITMENTS                                                 June    June  Dec 31
                                                              30      30        
EUR 1000                                                    2013    2012    2012
Mortgages and guarantees on own behalf                                          
Business mortgage for the Group's loan liabilities         7 550   7 550   7 550
Real estate pledge for the Group's loan liabilities          900     900     900
Subsidiary shares pledged as security for                  4 018   4 018   4 018
group companies' liabilities                                                    
Other listed shares pledged as security for                  145     209     187
group companies' liabilities                                                    
Current receivables pledged as security for                  254     265     272
group companies' liabilities                                                    
Pledges and guarantees given for the group companies'        219     227     232
off-balance sheet commitments                                                   
Guarantees given on behalf of third parties                   81     145     114
Minimum future operating lease payments                    5 451   5 966   6 033

Accounting principles applied in the condensed consolidated financial statements

These condensed consolidated financial statements are unaudited. This report
has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 following the valuation and
accounting methods guided by IFRS principles. The accounting principles used in
the preparation of this report are consistent with those described in the
previous year's Financial Statement taking into account also the possible new,
revised and amended standards and interpretations. Income tax is the amount
corresponding to the actual effective rate based on year-to-date actual tax

The IFRS principles require the management to make estimates and assumptions
when preparing financial statements. Although these estimates and assumptions
are based on the management's best knowledge of today, the final outcome may
differ from the estimated values presented in the financial statements. 

A part of the Group's loan agreements include covenants, according to which the
equity ratio shall be 35 percentages at minimum and the interest-bearing
debt/EBITDA ratio shall be 3.5 at maximum in the end of each financial year. On
December 31, 2012 the covenants were reached successfully. The equity ratio of
44.3 % exceeded the required level and the interest-bearing debt/EBITDA ratio
was below 3.5 in accordance with the covenants. According to the loan
agreements, the covenants are tested next time at year end December 31, 2013. 

The Group has no knowledge of any significant events after the end of the
financial period that would have had a material impact on this report in any
other way that has been already discussed in the review by the Board of

In Vantaa on August 5, 2013



Further information:

CEO Heikki Vienola

tel. +358 9 5259 0050 or mobile: +358 50 65 110

e-mail: heikki.vienola@wulff.fi


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