2011-05-04 19:00:39 CEST

2011-05-04 19:01:39 CEST


Islandų Anglų
Icelandair Group hf. - Company Announcement

Traffic Data April 2011

Record passenger numbers and load factor

Icelandair carried 48% more passengers in April 2011 than in April 2010 and had
a record load factor of 79.2%. The Eyjafjallajökull eruption caused great
flight disturbances in April 2010 and it affects last years numbers and makes
comparison between years difficult. It is however clear that Icelandair carried
more tourists to Iceland in April than ever before in that month. 

Number of passengers at Air Iceland increased by 28% and the load factor
improved by 3.3 ppt.  Freight Tonne Kilometers were 38% more than last year and
the utilization of hotel rooms improved by 9.6 ppt. 

ICELANDAIR            APR 11   APR 10   CHG (%)   YTD 11     YTD 10     CHG (%) 
Number of Passengers  115,212   77,830       48%    373,279    305,554       22%
Load Factor (%)         79.2%    68.9%  10.3 ppt      73.4%      68.3%   5.1 ppt
Available Seat KM     397,314  297,683       33%  1,388,232  1,185,762       17%
AIR ICELAND           APR 11   APR 10   CHG (%)   YTD 11     YTD 10     CHG (%) 
Number of Passengers   29,071   22,775       28%    106,049    102,603        3%
Load Factor (%)         67.9%    64.6%   3.3 ppt      68.5%      68.2%   0.3 ppt
Available Seat KM      14,577   10,493       39%     49,825     43,442       15%
CAPACITY              APR 11   APR 10   CHG (%)   YTD 11     YTD 10     CHG (%) 
Fleet Utilization       94.6%    93.1%   1.5 ppt      95.0%      89.5%   5.5 ppt
Sold Block Hours        2,971    2,635     12.8%     11,528     10,609      8.7%
ICELANDAIR CARGO      APR 11   APR 10   CHG (%)   YTD 11     YTD 10     CHG (%) 
Available Tonne KM     11,751    8,498       38%     45,095     42,792        5%
Freight Tonne KM        5,582    4,050       38%     24,136     24,125        0%
ICELANDAIR HOTELS     APR 11   APR 10   CHG (%)   YTD 11     YTD 10     CHG (%) 
Available Hotel Room   15,960   15,960        0%     63,840     63,600        0%
Sold Hotel Room        10,182    8,642       18%     35,306     36,128       -2%
Utilization of Hotel    63.8%    54.1%   9.6 ppt      55.3%      56.8%  -1.5 ppt

For further detailed information please contact:

Bogi Nils Bogason, CFO Icelandair Group tel: + 354 665-8801

Íris Hulda Þórisdóttir, Director Investor Relations Icelandair Group tel: + 354