2008-08-13 15:55:57 CEST

2008-08-13 15:56:57 CEST


English Lithuanian
Gubernija AB - Notification on material event

AB GUBERNIJA reinstated own capital

Seeking to ensure the requirements of the Law of Public Companies of the
Republic of Lithuania article No.38 part III AB GUBERNIJA changed accounting
policy in a way of property estimation in reassessed value. Under the second
reassessing of buildings and constructions done in July 1, 2008 they will
continue be estimated in reassessed value and the production equipment will be
estimated according purchased value in the financial statement. 

In accordance to the second buildings and constructions reassessing and the
production equipment estimation according purchased value, AB GUBERNIJA
reinstated its own capital up to 15,1 million LTL under provisions of the Law
of Public Companies of the Republic of Lithuania. 

The results of accounting policy changes will be announced in 2008 financial
statement for 9 months. 

On behalf of AB Gubernija,

Povilas Stumbrys
Director General
+370 610 09 091