2008-08-08 07:49:25 CEST

2008-08-08 07:50:36 CEST

Lithuanian English
Snaige AB - Prospectus

Due emission of shares issue prospectus of AB „Snaige“

Lithuanian Securities commission, on 7 August 2008 has approved the Prospectus
of 4 000 000 ordinary shares issue of AB „Snaige“. 

The main information about the issued shares:
•	Name of the securities issued: Ordinary shares of AB „Snaigė“
•	Number of issued shares: 4 000 000 units
•	Subscription price of one share: 2.50 LTL
•	Nominal value of the whole issue: 4 000 000 LTL
•	Subscription period: 8 August 2008 - 27 August 2008
•	Validity of preemptive right for the shareholders to subscribe shares: 8
august 2008 - 21 August 2008. 
The shareholder so AB „Snaige“ have a preemptive right to acquire the issued
shares during the first 14 days of the subscription period (8 august 2008 - 21
August 2008) proportionally to the number of AB „Snaige“ shares they owned on
the rights record day (4 August 2008) of the general shareholder meeting of 21
July 2008. During the remaining subscription period (22 August 2008 - 28 August
2008) all the other interested investors will have a right to acquire the
issued shares. 
Investors can sign the shares subscription agreement during the subscription
period at the headquarters of UAB FMĮ „Orion securities“, A.Tumėno str.4B (9
floor), LT - 01109, Vilnius during the weekdays from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm. 

At interim as Managing Director Vytautas Adomaitis. 
 +370 315 56206