2014-05-08 08:30:00 CEST

2014-05-08 08:30:03 CEST


Finnish English
Biohit Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Biohit Oyj Stock Exchange Release, 8 May 2014 at 9:30 am local time (EEST)


January-March 2014

  -- Net sales grew by 67.5 % compared with Q1/2013
  -- Net sales EUR 0.9 million (EUR 0.6 million)
  -- Operating result, continuing operations EUR -1.2 million (EUR -1.0 million)
  -- Result for the reporting period, continuing operations EUR -1.0 million
     (EUR -1.0 million)
  -- Result for the reporting period, discontinued operations EUR 3.3 million
     (EUR 0.0 million)
  -- Total result for the reporting period EUR 2.2 million (EUR -1.0 million)
  -- Net sales from international operations 90.7% (80.1%) of total net sales
  -- Equity ratio 91.1% (88.5%)


We focused on supporting our international distributor network, investing in
clinical research and preparing for new product launches in business operations
during the first quarter 2014. 

During the reporting period, we strengthened our existing partnership with
Mexican ProGalénika, our distributor partner for Acetium® products. In the
first quarter, we extended this cooperation in Mexico to cover the distribution
of GastroPanel, having initiated the registration of this product. In April, we
also completed the registration of an acetaldehyde-binding capsule in Mexico. 

During the reporting period, we signed the following new distributor
agreements. Productos Weens SRL is our new distributor of diagnostics products
in Peru, Biomed SA is our new diagnostics distributor in Spain, Youlum
Biotechnology Co. is our distributor of GastroPanel in Taiwan, and Gulf Orlando
Medical Co. is the distributor of Biohit quick tests in Kuwait. We signed a
distributing agreement with Korean MoiGen to boost the sales and marketing of
Biohit monoclonal antibodies in the IVD industry and research institutes in
Korea. We also signed a cooperation agreement with Biospacific Inc. in relation
with the distribution of Biohit's antibodies in the diagnostics industry and
research communities in the US and Canada. 

In April, we launched two clinical trials with Acetium® capsule for prevention
of migraine-type headache, assessing the efficacy of Acetium® capsules for a
new use. The research projects aim at assessing the efficacy of Acetium®
capsules in preventing headache episodes for persons suffering from migraine
and cluster/Horton headaches. Both projects are implemented as multicentre
studies in partnership with Terveystalo Oy and Aava Medical Centre in six
centres across Finland. 

In the beginning of May, new Acetium® research results we introduced in the
major international meeting for gastroenterologists (Digestive Disease Week) in
Chicago. The Congress examined the replicated and confirmed Acetium® capsule
results from the studies carried out in Japan and Sweden. In addition, an
Italian study, according to which Acetium® capsule seems to improve gastric
acid secretion in patients with acid-free stomach (atrophic gastritis) caused
by either H. pylori or autoimmune disorder. In relation to the earlier
announced study, this is a follow-up phase with a larger number of patients and
longer treatment time. 

During the reporting period, we introduced to the market a calprotectin test,
which enables the differentiation of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) from
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and is suited to the monitoring of the
aforementioned conditions. The calprotectin test further extends Biohit's range
of diagnostic tests for the gastrointestinal tract. 

In April, the GastroPanel validation project was completed for Dynex
Technologies' automated DS2 - ELISA processing system. DS2 users can now run
the GastroPanel test in accordance with a protocol validated by Biohit."


                                                1-3/2014    1-3/2013   1-12/2013
Net sales (MEUR)                                     0.9         0.6         3.5
Operating profit/loss, continuing operations        -1.2        -1.0        -5.9
Profit/loss before taxes (MEUR)                     -1.0        -1.0        -5.9
Profit/loss for the period, continuing              -1.0        -1.0        -5.9
 operations (MEUR)                                                              
Profit/loss for the period, discontinued             3.3         0.0         0.0
 operations (MEUR)                                                              
Profit/loss for the period,                          2.2        -1.0        -5.9
total (MEUR)                                                                    
Average number of personnel                           46          35          44
Number of personnel at the end of the period          47          34          47
Equity ratio (%)                                  91.1 %      88.5 %      79.3 %
Earnings per share, continuing operations          -0.07       -0.07       -0.43
Undiluted earnings per share, discontinued          0.24                        
 operations (EUR)                                                               
Shareholders' equity per share (EUR)                1.81         2.5         1.6
Average number of shares during the period    13,812,426  13,615,593  13,727,251
Number of shares at the end of the period     13,825,593  13,615,593  13,810,593


Biohit's product portfolio consists of GastroPanel (Pepsinogen I, Pepsinogen
II, Gastrin-17 and H.Pylori), the acetaldehyde-binding Acetium products,
diagnostic quick tests and monoclonal antibodies. Due to the small sales volume
of other products such as liquid handling products, instruments and software in
relation to total sales, all business is reported under a single segment. 


January-March 2014

Net sales grew by 67.5% compared with 1-3/2013.

The operating loss from continuing operations was EUR -1.2 million (EUR -1.0
million 1-3/2013). The result for continuing operations during the reporting
period totalled EUR -1.0 million (EUR -1.0 million). In order to exploit the
marked potential of diagnostics and acetaldehyde-binding products and the
resulting business growth, we must make substantial investments in building a
distributor and partner network and supporting these partners (licences,
registrations, marketing) and in product development. 

The result for discontinued operations during the reporting period totalled EUR
3.3 million (EUR 0.0 million). In conjunction with the liquid handling business
divestment in late 2011, EUR 3.5 million of the gains on sale were not
recognised due to the terms of the sale agreement and other factors related to
the sale that remained open at the time. The amount was recognised on 31 March
2014 when the deal was closed. 

The result for the reporting period totalled EUR 2.2 million (EUR -1.0 million).

Consolidated net sales and result for continued operations

                                           1-3/2014  1-3/2013  Change  1-12/2013
Net sales MEUR                                  0.9       0.6     0.4        3.5
Change compared with the previous year       67.5 %                             
Operating result, continuing operations        -1.2      -1.0    -0.2       -5.9
Change compared with the previous year      -15.3 %                             
Operating result (% of net sales)            -123 %    -179 %             -170 %

The impact of currency exchange rates

During the reporting period, exchange rates did not have a significant
influence, EUR 0.0 million (EUR 0.0 million). 


On 31 March 2014, the balance sheet total was EUR 27.5 million (EUR 39.1
million) and the equity ratio was 91.1% (88.5%). 


Biohit Oyj enjoys a strong financial position, which allows determined
investments in an international distributor network as well as the development
and commercialisation of new products. 

At the end of the reporting period, the company's financial assets totalled EUR
22.8 million. The financial assets included EUR 6.8 million of receivables in
the escrow account related to a business transaction completed in 2011. These
were released on 31 March 2014 as no claims concerning the transaction were


R&D operations focused on improvements and further developments to existing
innovations and products, and on their commercialisation. Biohit also employs
external experts and subcontractors in its R&D operations. Development
expenditure on the diagnostics business has not been capitalised. Research and
development expenditure during the reporting period amounted to EUR 0.5 million
(EUR 0.2 million). 

Our development activities focused on the GastroPanel standardisation project
and launch of a five-test package of Helicobacter pylori quick test. 


Gross investments during the reporting period totalled EUR 0.1 million (EUR 0.0


During the reporting period, the average number of personnel employed by the
Group was 46 (35 in 2013) of whom 38 (29) were employed by the parent company
and 8 (6) by its subsidiaries. At the end of the reporting period, the Group
employed 47 (34) personnel, of whom 39 (28) were employed by the parent company
and 8 (6) by the subsidiaries. 


Biohit's key risks have to do with the investments required for business
growth. There are risks involved in areas such as the success of clinical
trials, new market areas, the selection and development of distribution
channels, personnel recruitment, registration processes, product pricing, and
the political decision-making affecting the progress of screening programmes.
Significant short-term risks are associated with the selection of new market
areas, the timing of expansion into selected markets, and product success in
these markets. 

The duration of the product registration process is different in each market
area, and affects the company's business development. It is a big challenge to
accurately assess the time it takes to complete all registrations in the main
markets and to begin generating net sales. 

When investing liquid assets, the objective is to gain a return on investment
with a minimum risk of equity loss. The investment portfolio consists of
deposits, money market investments and corporate loans. A fundamental aspect in
portfolio management is sufficient diversification across different asset
classes, investment instruments and counterparties. Biohit conducts its
investment activities with at least two partners. 

Thanks to its wide customer base, Biohit does not materially depend on any
individual customers or individual project deliveries, with the exception of
GastroPanel sales in China, which currently represents a major business for
Biohit. Most of the company's business is conducted in euro, and the indirect
effects of currency exchange rate fluctuations are considered minor. 


New distributor agreements

During the reporting period, we strengthened our existing partnership with
Mexican ProGalénika, our distributor partner for Acetium® products. During the
first quarter of 2014, we extended this cooperation in Mexico to cover the
distribution of GastroPanel, having initiated the registration of this product.
In April, we also completed the registration of an acetaldehyde-binding capsule
in Mexico. 

During the reporting period, we signed the following new distributor
agreements. Productos Weens SRL is our new distributor of diagnostics products
with exclusive rights in Peru, Biomed SA is our new diagnostics distributor in
Spain, Youlum Biotechnology Co. is our distributor of GastroPanel in Taiwan,
and Gulf Orlando Medical Co. is the distributor of Biohit quick tests in
Kuwait. We signed an exclusivea distributing agreement with Korean MoiGen to
boost the sales and marketing of Biohit monoclonal antibodies in the IVD
industry and research institutes in Korea. We also signed a cooperation
agreement with Biospacific Inc. in relation with the distribution of Biohit's
antibodies in the diagnostics industry and research communities in the US and

Online shopping expansion in Finland and in international deliveries

In Finland, Biohit and Tamro amended their agreement concerning the Acetium®
lozenge, whereby sales of the product with GastroPanel giftcard were launched
on the Biohit Shop online in January 2014, in addition to pharmacy sales. In
April, we strengthened the sales of the both Acetium® products into
international deliveries via online shopping. 

Two patents for Biohit for binding the acetaldehyde found in foods: the United
States and Japan 

Biohit Oyj has been granted a US patent (application US2010239663A1), which
will expire on 21 May 2026. The patent comprises a composition and method
forbinding acetaldehyde present in the stomach. A Japanese patent (JP4691312B2)
for the same method and preparation for binding acetaldehyde in the saliva,
stomach and large intestine, is in effect until 29 October 2020. The patented
invention comprises a composition including an acetaldehyde-binding substance.
This innovation is intended to reduce the concentration of harmful acetaldehyde
in the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach as well as the small and large
intestine, and thereby reduce the risk of cancer in these parts of the body. 

Indian patent for prediction of gastric condition

Biohit Oyj has been granted an Indian patent (no. 258567), which is in effect
until 4 March 2024. An anacidic stomach caused by atrophic gastritis is the
best-known risk factor for gastric and esophageal cancer. The patented method
enables detection of a normal gastric mucosa and antrum atrophic, corpus
atrophic and non-atrophic gastritis. 

Research aimed at Helicobacter pylori infection eradication

Clinical trial, launched by Biohit, the purpose of which was to find out the
ability of BioAcetium® to treat H. pylori infection, has not produced clear-cut
results. The study will be continued in laboratory tests in which the
combination Acetium® capsule and ampicillin antibiotic are tested against
different helicobacter strains in laboratory tests. If the combinations prove
to be effective, research can be continued in patients. 

Publication of Biohit Oyj Annual Report 2013

Biohit Oyj published its 2013 annual report on 24 March 2014, and the printed
Annual Report was distributed to the shareholders at the Annual General

Assets in the escrow account related to the liquid handling business divestment
were released to Biohit Oyj 

In conjunction with the divestment of the liquid handling business, which took
place in late 2011, 10% of the sale price, accounting to EUR 6.8 million, was
transferred to an escrow account to be retained as security against any claims
related to the sale. Biohit Oyj received the remaining sale price of EUR 6.8
million in full on 31 March 2014 since no claims were made.  Due to the terms
of sale and other factors related to the sale, which remained open at the time,
EUR 3.5 million of the gains on sale were not recognised. The remaining,
further specified gains on sale of EUR 3.3 million were recognised in the
result for discontinued operations in first quarter of 2014. 


Registration of Biohit's Acetium® completed in Mexico

The registration of the Acetium® capsule was completed in Mexico at the
beginning of Q2. The delay in the previously estimated registration deadline
(by Q4/2013) was partly attributed to the official requirements, which are
stricter than in the European Union, and the registration requirement which,
following the extended distributor agreement with ProGalénika, now also applies
to Acetium® lozenges. 

The GastroPanel validation project for the automated Dynex system completed

The GastroPanel validation project for the Dynex Technologies DS2 - ELISA
automated system has been completed.  DS2 users can now run the GastroPanel
test in accordance with a protocol validated by Biohit. Automated Dynex DS2
systems have already been delivered to over 1,000 laboratories globally. The
automated Dynex ELISA analyz, that utilizes vertical measument, enhances
GastroPanel's availability and usability (Read more about innovation and
patenting strategy at www.biohithealthcare.com/about-us/history). With the help
of an integrated system, small- and medium-sized laboratories can easily and
cost-effectively add GastroPanel to their range of services. 

Annual General Meeting

Biohit Oyj's Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place on Monday 14 April 2014.
The AGM adopted the parent company's financial statements and the consolidated
financial statements for 2013 and discharged the members of the Board of
Directors and the Chief Executive Officer from liability. 

Dividend payout

As proposed by the Board of Directors, the AGM decided that the loss for the
financial period ended be recorded in the profit and loss account. As proposed
by the Board of Directors, the AGM decided that on the basis of the financial
statements to be adopted for the financial period ended on 31 December 2013, a
dividend of EUR 0.72 per each A share and EUR 0.7234 for each B share be paid.
Dividend was paid to shareholders recorded in the company's shareholder
register on the matching day, 17 April 2014. Dividend was paid out on 28 April

Members of the Board of Directors

The AGM decided that the number of members of the Board of Directors would be
five (5) and re-elected the following members to the Board until the end of the
next AGM: Professor Osmo Suovaniemi, Professor Mikko Salaspuro, Eero Lehti, and
Seppo Luode, MSc (Engineering), as well as President and CEO Franco Aiolfi. A
decision was made at the Annual General Meeting to pay a meeting fee of EUR
1,600 to the Chairman of the Board and a meeting fee of EUR 1,500 to other
Board members. 

Election of the auditor

Authorised public accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy were elected as Biohit
Oyj's auditors, with Authorised Public Accountant Pasi Karppinen as chief
auditor for a term expiring at the end of the next AGM. 

Amendment to the Articles of Association

As proposed by the Board of Directors, the AGM decided to amend Article 3 of
the Articles of Association so as to remove the provisions on the minimum and
maximum numbers of share capital and shares. In addition, as proposed by the
Board of Directors, the AGM decided to abolish par value in Article 4 of the
Articles of Association. 

The new wording of Article 3 of the Articles of Association is as follows:"Article 3 Biohit Oyj's shares are divided into series A and series B shares.
In the general shareholders' meeting, one A series share entitles the holder to
20 votes, while one B series share entitles to 1 vote. 

In terms of dividends, B series shares receive dividends that are 2 (two)
percentage points higher than A series shares in relation to the nominal
values. In applying this provision, the share par value is considered EUR 0.17,
which was the par value of the company share at the time when the company
decided to abolish par value of shares. 

In the case of dissolution of the company due to a merger or some other reason,
holders of A and B series shares have an equal right to merger consideration or
other compensation payable due to dissolution. 

The shares of the company are listed in a book-entry security system.

A Series A share can be converted, upon the request of its holder, into a
Series B share by a decision of the Board of Directors, entitling the holder to
receive one Series B share for one Series A share."

As proposed by the Board of Directors, the AGM decided that Article 4 of the
Articles of Association will be replaced by a provision specifying that the
company's shares do not have par value. 

The new wording of Article 4 of the Articles of Association is as follows:"Article 4 The company's shares do not have par values."

Authorisation of the Board of Directors to decide on the issue of shares and
the special rights entitling to shares 

The AGM authorised the Board of Directors to decide on the issue of shares and
the special rights entitling to shares referred to in Chapter 10, Section 1 of
the Limited Liability Companies Act as follows: 

The maximum number of new Series B shares to be issued pursuant to the special
rights is 3,000,000, which corresponds to approximately 30% of the company's
Series B shares. 

The Board of Directors decides on all terms and conditions regarding the issue
of shares and the issue of special rights. The issue of shares and the issue of
special rights entitling to the receipt of shares can occur in deviation from
the subscription right of shareholders (special issue). 

Such an authorisation remains valid for three years from the resolution of the

All decisions taken at the shareholder meeting were unanimous. The minutes of
the AGM are available to shareholders on the company's website at


Biohit Oyj's shares are divided into series A and series B shares. There are
2,975,500 series A shares and 10,850,093 series B shares, totalling 13,825,593
shares. Series A shares confer 20 votes per share and series B shares 1 vote
per share. Supposing that the market capitalisation value for series A and B
shares is equal, the total market capitalisation value at the end of the period
was EUR 102.3 million (EUR 100.1 million on 31 March 2013). 

Biohit Oyj's series B shares are quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki in the Small
cap/Healthcare group under the code BIOBV. 

BIOBV/NASDAQ OMX Helsinki   1-3/2014    1-3/2013
High (EUR)                      8.17        9.10
Low (EUR)                       5.42        4.00
Average (EUR)                   6.68        6.55
Latest (EUR)                    7.40        7.35
Turnover (EUR)             9,513,566  36,360,454
Turnover volume            1,424,013   5,548,216


At the end of the reporting period on 31 March 2014, the company had 6,442
shareholders (6,126 on 31 December 2013). Private households held 78.0%
(77.6%), companies 20.2% (20.6%), public sector organisations 0.0% (0.0%) and
non-profit organisations 0.0% (0.0%). Foreign ownership or nominee
registrations accounted for 1.7% (1.7%) of shares. 

Further information on the shares, major shareholders and management
shareholdings is available on the company's website at


This interim report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of
the IAS 34 standard. 

All business operations are presented as one segment. Biohit Oyj has applied
the same accounting principles in preparing this interim report as for its
financial statements of 2013. The IFRS standards that came into effect in 2014
did not have a material impact on the accounting principles. 

All the figures in the interim report have been rounded up or down, due to
which the sums of figures may deviate from the sum total presented. 

The figures in this interim report have not been audited.


MEUR                                              1-3/20  1-3/20  Change  1-12/2
                                                      14      13             013
Net sales                                            0.9     0.6     0.4     3.5
Materials and services                              -0.4    -0.3     0.0    -1.7
Gross margin                                         0.6     0.2     0.3     1.8
Other operating income                               0.1     0.0     0.1     0.0
Sales and marketing                                 -0.5    -0.4     0.0    -2.3
Administration                                      -0.9    -0.6    -0.3    -4.3
Production and product development                  -0.5    -0.2    -0.2    -1.0
Share of profit/loss in Joint Venture                0.0             0.0        
Operating profit/loss, continuing operations        -1.2    -1.0    -0.2    -5.9
Financial income                                     0.2     0.0     0.1     0.2
Financial expenses                                   0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.2
Profit/loss before taxes                            -1.0    -1.0     0.0    -5.9
Income taxes                                         0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0
Income for the period, continuing operations        -1.0    -1.0     0.0    -5.9
Income for the period, discontinued operations       3.3     0.0     3.3     0.0
Income for the period, total                         2.2    -1.0     3.2    -5.9
Other comprehensive income after taxes                                          
Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to                                
 profit or loss in subsequent periods                                           
Available-for-sale financial assets                  0.0     0.0     0.0     0.1
Translation differences                              0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0
Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.1
 profit or loss in subsequent periods                                           
Total comprehensive income for the period            2.3    -1.0     3.3    -5.8

Earnings per share calculated from earnings attributable to equity holders of
the parent company 

                                                    1-3/2014  1-3/2013  1-12/201
Undiluted earnings per share, continuing               -0.07     -0.07     -0.43
 operations (EUR)                                                               
Undiluted earnings per share, discontinued              0.24                    
 operations (EUR)                                                               
Diluted earnings per share, discontinued                0.23                    
 operations (EUR)                                                               


MEUR                                        31.3.2014  31.3.2013  31.12.2013
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                          
Intangible assets                                 1.8        0.2         1.7
Tangible assets                                   0.5        0.4         0.5
Share in Joint Venture                            1.0                    1.0
Other financial long-term assets                  0.0       7,8*         1.0
Deferred tax assets                               0.0        0.0         0.0
Total non-current assets                          3.2        8.5         4.2
CURRENT ASSETS                                                              
Inventories                                       0.7        0.5         0.6
Trade and other receivables                       0.8        0.5        7.7*
Other financial short-term assets                15.4       26.6        15.2
Cash and cash equivalents                         7.4        3.0         0.5
Total current assets                             24.2       30.6        24.1
TOTAL ASSETS                                     27.5       39.1        28.3
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                        
Shareholders' equity attributable to the owners of the parent company       
Share capital                                     2.4        2.3         2.3
Invested unrestricted equity fund                 3.0        3.2         2.8
Translation differences                           0.0        0.0         0.0
Retained earnings                                19.6       29.0        17.3
Total shareholders' equity                       25.0       34.5        22.5
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                     
Deferred tax liabilities                          0.2        0.0         0.2
Other liabilities                                 0.0        0.0         0.0
Total non-current liabilities                     0.2        0.0         0.2
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                         
Trade payables                                    0.3        0.3         0.3
Total interest-bearing liabilities                0.3        0.4         0.4
Tax liabilities                                   0.1        0.0         0.1
Other liabilities                                 0.7        3.8         3.9
Deferred gain                                     1.0                    1.0
Total current liabilities                         2.2        4.5         5.6
Total liabilities                                 2.4        4.5         5.8
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES       27.5       39.1        28.3

* Items include EUR 6.8 million in receivables from a business transaction
completed in 2011; the funds were placed in an escrow account. Funds placed in
the escrow account were released on 31 March 2014. 


Consolidated statement of changes in equity on 31 March 2014

       MEUR            Share  Translatio         Invested   Retained  Shareholde
                     capital           n     unrestricted   earnings  rs' equity
                              difference      equity fund                       
Shareholders'            2.3         0.0              2.8       17.3        22.5
1 Jan 2014                                                                      
Distribution of                                                                 
Capital repayment                                                               
Direct share issue                                                              
Share based                                           0.2                    0.2
Exercise of share        0.0                          0.0                    0.0
Total comprehensive                                              2.3         2.3
 income for the                       
Shareholders'            2.4         0.0              3.0       19.6        25.1
31 Mar 2014                                                                     

Consolidated statement of changes in equity on 31 March 2013

       MEUR            Share  Translatio         Invested   Retained  Shareholde
                     capital           n     unrestricted   earnings  rs' equity
                              difference      equity fund                       
Shareholders'            2.3         0.0              3.2       30.0        35.5
1 Jan 2013                                                                      
Distribution of                                                                 
Capital repayment                                                               
Direct share issue                                                              
Share based                                                                     
Exercise of share                                                               
Total comprehensive                                             -1.0        -1.0
 income for the                                                                 
Shareholders'            2.3         0.0              3.2       29.0        34.5
31 Mar 2013                                                                     


MEUR                                                  1-3/201  1-3/201  1-12/201
                                                            4        3         3
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                             
Profit for the period                                     2.2     -1.0      -5.9
Adjustments                                              -3.1      0.0       1.9
Change in working capital                                 0.1      0.0      -0.5
Interest paid and payments on other operating             0.0      0.0      -0.2
 financial expenses                                                             
Interest received                                         0.2      0.1       0.3
Realised exchange rate gains and losses                   0.0      0.0       0.0
Income taxes paid                                         0.0      0.0       0.1
Net cash flow from operating activities                  -0,6     -0.8      -4.4
CASH FLOW FROM INVESTMENTS                                                      
Investments in tangible and intangible assets            -0.1     -0.1      -0.5
Revenue from disposal of tangible and intangible          0.0      0.0       0.0
Capital gain from the sale of liquid handling             6.8      0.0       0.0
Net investments in funds and deposits                     0.9      3.6      15.1
Net cash flow from investments                            7.6      3.5      14.6
CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                             
Rights issue                                              0.0      0.0       0.0
Dividend payout                                           0.0      0.0      -6.8
Repayment of capital                                      0.0      0.0      -3.2
Repayment of loans                                       -0.1      0.0       0.0
Net cash flow from financing activities                  -0.1      0.0     -10.0
Increase (+)/decrease (-) in cash and cash                6.9      2.8       0.2
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the         0.5      0.2       0.2
Effect of exchange rates on cash and cash                 0.0      0.0       0.0
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period        7.4      3.0       0.5


There have been no noticeable changes in related party transactions during the
review period. 


                                                      1-3/201  1-3/201  1-12/201
                                                            4        3         3
Collateral granted on behalf of the parent company                              
Corporate mortgages                                       0.0      0.0       0.0
Collateral granted on behalf of the subsidiaries                                
Guarantees                                                0.0      0.0       0.0
Other liabilities                                                               
Leasing commitments                                                             
Due for payment in less than one year                     0.1      0.0       0.1
Due for payment in more than one year but less than       0.0      0.0       0.1
 five years                                                                     
Due for payment in more than five years                   0.0      0.0       0.0
Total                                                     0.1      0.0       0.1
Other rental commitments                                                        
Due for payment in less than one year                     0.3      0.1       0.2
Due for payment in more than one year but less than       0.3      0.3       0.3
 five years                                                                     
Due for payment in more than five years                   0.0      0.0       0.0
Total                                                     0.5      0.4       0.5
Total other liabilities                                   0.7      0.5       0.6
Total collaterals and contingent liabilities              0.7      0.5       0.6


The interim report for January-June 2014 (Q2) will be published on Thursday, 21
August 2014 at 9:30 am. 

Helsinki, 7 May 2014

Biohit Oyj
Board of Directors

Additional information:
CEO Semi Korpela, Biohit Oyj
tel. +358 9 773 861

Biohit Oyj in Brief

Biohit Oyj is a globally operating Finnish biotechnology company. Biohit's
mission ‘Innovating for Health' means that we provide innovative products and
services to promote research and early diagnostics. Biohit is headquartered in
Helsinki and has subsidiaries in Italy and the UK. Biohit's Series B share
(BIOBV) is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki under Small cap/Healthcare.