2008-02-29 15:06:38 CET

2008-02-29 15:07:39 CET


Lithuanian English
Hanner AB - Interim information

Hanner AB company's and consolidated unaudited financial statements for 2007

Hanner AB announces company's and consolidated unaudited financial statements
for 2007. 

Unaudited consolidated results of 2007 :
Revenue amounts to 201.97 mln. LTL (58.5 mln EUR), operating profit amounts
82.3 mln. litų (23.8 mln. EUR),  net profit - 57.8 mln. LTL (16.7 mln EUR). 

Enclosed: Hanner AB company's and consolidated unaudited financial
statements for 2007. 

For more information, please contact Tomas Pauliukonis, tel 370 5 248 7266.
