2017-07-20 13:40:01 CEST

2017-07-20 13:40:01 CEST


Lithuanian English
Telia Lietuva, AB - Notification on material event

European Commission allowed Lithuanian mobile operators to create a common instant payments platform

The largest Lithuanian mobile operators – Bite, Tele2 and Telia Lietuva – received the European Commission’s permit to create a common platform for provision of instant payments.

The company “Mobilūs mokėjimai“ (“Mobile payments“), a jointly by three operators owned entity, will create a platform required for provision of instant payments. It also will be the main operator and supervisor of this platform.

In May 2017, “Mobilūs mokėjimai“ was granted a limited activities electronic money institution licence by the Bank of Lithuania. The licence is required for provision of instant payment activities.

Instant payment for the users of mobile communication will allow to use mobile phone at various places for settlements for goods and services as well as instantaneously make a money transfers at any time of a day – even during the public holidays and weekends.


         Darius Džiaugys,
         Head of Investor Relations,
         tel. +370 5 236 7878