2008-01-14 10:00:00 CET

2008-01-14 10:00:00 CET


Kesko Oyj - Company Announcement

Kesko's 2007 sales increased by 9.0%


Kesko's 2007 sales increased by 9.0%

The Kesko Group's sales, excluding VAT, in December 2007 totalled
€813.9 million, an increase of 2.7% over the corresponding period
of the previous year. In January-December the sales, excluding
VAT, were €9,660.1 million, up 9.0% on the previous year. In
January-December, the sales of foreign operations were €2,177.1
million, accounting for 22% of the Group's sales.

Kesko Food's sales increase was 6.7% in December. During the week
before Christmas, several K-food stores broke their retail sales
records. Sales grew strongly both in the grocery, and home and
speciality goods trade.

Rautakesko's sales in December grew by 8.1% and were €170.1
million. Sales in Finland were at the level of the previous year
(+0.3%). Abroad, sales increased by 11.4%. Sales growth in the
Baltic countries was 17.4% and 33.9% in Russia.

VV-Auto's sales in December were €31.7 million, which is down by
19.4% on the previous year. In Finland, the number of first
registrations of passenger cars decreased by 63.3% in December.
The market share of passenger cars represented by VV-Auto was
16.1% (12.0%). The amendment of the Car Tax Act, passed by the
Parliament on 12 December 2007, postponed a significant number of
passenger car deliveries to customers to 2008.

Anttila's Christmas sales grew markedly on the previous year. The
sales in December were €88.5 million, an increase of 4.6%. The
sales of the Kodin Ykkönen department stores were up by 8.6% and
those of the Anttila department stores by 3.2%. NetAnttila's
online and catalogue sales in Finland were up by 5.6%.

Kesko Agro's sales in December were €67.3 million, down 5.5%.
Sales in Finland increased by 5.5%, which is attributable to the
tractor and grain trade. In the Baltic countries, sales dropped by
20.7% as a result of the decrease in the grain and animal feed and
chemicals trade.

The Kesko Group's sales, excluding VAT, in December 2007  December  2007        1.1. - 31.12.20
                             € million   Change,         €   Change,
                                               %   million         %
Kesko Food, Finland              381.6       6.6   3,904.0       7.3
Kesko Food, other countries        1.6      21.8      16.9       3.3
Kesko Food, total                383.2       6.7   3,920.9       7.3
Rautakesko, Finland               47.3       0.3     943.7      10.7
Rautakesko, other countries      122.8      11.4   1,636.4      24.5
Rautakesko, total                170.1       8.1   2,580.1      19.1
VV-Auto, Finland                  30.7     -18.7     794.5       1.0
VV-Auto, other countries           0.8     -38.5      25.8      27.1
VV-Auto, total                    31.7     -19.4     820.3       1.7
Anttila, Finland                  87.8       5.5     546.3       3.6
Anttila, other countries           0.7     -49.4      19.3      -5.7
Anttila, total                    88.5       4.6     565.6       3.3
Kesko Agro, Finland               43.6       5.5     502.0       3.7
Kesko Agro, other countries       23.7     -20.7     295.9       7.8
Kesko Agro, total                 67.3      -5.5     797.9       5.2
Other operating activities,       61.2      -7.9     819.4       3.8
Other operating activities,       14.4     -11.9     191.8      13.0
other countries
Other operating activities,       75.6      -8.7   1,011.2       5.4
Common operations and             -2.5               -35.9          
Finland, total                   650.2       2.6   7,483.0       6.1
Other countries, total           163.7       3.2   2,177.1      20.5
Grand total                      813.9       2.7   9,660.1       9.0

Other operating activities consist of Konekesko, Intersport
Finland, Indoor Group, Musta Pörssi, Kenkäkesko, Tähti Optikko
Group and Kauko-Telko.

Starting from 1 March 2006, VV-Auto's sales figures include the
sales of the new Volkswagen and Audi retail outlets acquired.

Kesko is looking into opportunities to dispose of Kauko-Telko.
Kauko-Telko will be classified as a discontinuing operation in
compliance with the IFRS 5 when it meets the criteria of the

Rautakesko's sales figures include the sales of the Belorussian
OMA, a subsidiary of Rautakesko's subsidiary Senukai, with effect
from July.

Change, % indicates the change over the corresponding period of
the previous year.

In December 2007, the number of trading days in Kesko's wholesale
was 17, which was one less than in December 2006. The total number
of trading days was the same as in the previous year.

Kesko publishes advance information about the K-Group's retail
sales quarterly, in connection with the interim financial reports.

Further information is available from Jukka Erlund, Vice
President, Corporate Controller, tel. +358 1053 22338.

Kesko Corporation

Paavo Moilanen
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications

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