2016-04-25 15:47:21 CEST

2016-04-25 15:47:21 CEST

Liettua Englanti
Klaipedos Nafta - Other information

Regarding allocation of capacities of the Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal

AB “Klaipedos Nafta” (hereinafter - the Company) hereby informs that on 25th of
April 2016 the Company has announced the annual liquefied natural gas
(hereinafter - LNG) terminal capacities allocation procedure and an invitation
for the potential users of the LNG Terminal to submit their requests for
allocation of LNG terminal capacities for the upcoming Gas Year, lasting from
the 1st of October, 2016 to the 1st of October, 2017. Text of the invitation
(Annex No. 1) is provided along with this notification on material event and is
also published on the website: www.sgd.lt. Upon coming into force of the new
edition of the Regulations, for the allocation of capacities, contract
conclusion with Terminal Users, preparation of Terminal use schedules and other
procedures provided in the Regulations, provisions of the new approved edition
of the Regulations will apply. 

The Company performs the allocation of capacities according to the publicly
announced Regulations for Use of Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal (hereinafter -
the Regulations), which were verified and approved by the National Commission
for Energy Control and Prices (hereinafter, the NCECP) and the Board of the
Company. The Company notified about the pre-approval by NCECP of the
Regulations currently in force as well as about the approval of the main
provisions of these Regulations by the Board of the Company by publishing a
notification of material event on the 15th of June, 2015. It should be noted,
that at the moment a new edition of the Regulations has been prepared and
announced for public consultation by NCECP and which can be found at the
database of legal acts of Seimas. Upon coming into force of the new edition of
the Regulations, for the allocation of capacities, contract conclusion with
Terminal Users, preparation of Terminal use schedules and other procedures
provided in the Regulations, provisions of the new approved edition of the
Regulations will apply. 

During the allocation procedure of the LNG terminal capacities the LNG
regasification capacities and seasonal LNG reloading capacities shall be
allocated. The total volume of the LNG terminal capacity being allocated is
3.75 bcm per annum, which is equivalent to 6.5 mln m3 of LNG per annum applying
a relative coefficient of expansion of 1:580 at the following reference
conditions: temperature (combustion/measurement)- 25/0 oC, pressure – 1.01325
bar.  The Company at its website shall constantly announce and update the
information regarding free capacities of the LNG terminal, which shall be
available for acquisition during the Gas Year as well. 

The Company shall accept the requests of potential LNG terminal users until
25th of May, 2016, 4 p.m. Lithuanian time. 

Annex No. 1 – Invitation to provide LNG terminal capacity allocation requests.

         Marius Pulkauninkas, Director of the Finance and Administration
Department, 8 46 391 763