2012-04-10 18:52:51 CEST

2012-04-10 18:53:51 CEST


Islandic English
Icelandair Group hf. - Company Announcement

Traffic Data March 2012

Icelandair carried 31% more tourists to Iceland compared to March last year

Icelandair carried close to 119 thousand passengers in the month of March.  The
number of passengers was up by 23% compared to March last year.  Icelandair's
capacity was increased by 15% and the passenger load factor improved
significantly between years or by 4.3 percentage points and was 81%.  The
number of passengers increased in all of Icelandair´s markets, with the highest
increase in the tourist market to Iceland.  Icelandair carried around 54
thousand tourist to the country and the increase between years was 31%. 

The number of Air Iceland passengers increased by 7%, as compared to March last
year and totalled approximately 30 thousand.  The load factor was 75.6%,
increasing by 5.0 percentage points between years. Sold block hours in the
capacity sector decreased by 9% in March. Freight increased by 12%
year-on-year. The number of available room nights at Icelandair Hotels was up
by 11% from last year. The room utilization was 70.4%, 11.7 percentage points
higher than in March 2011. 

ICELANDAIR                     MAR 12    CHG (%)     YTD 12   CHG (%)
Number of Passengers          118,602        23%    305,011       18%
Load Factor                     81.0%    4.3 ppt      75.4%   4.3 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000)   399,781        15%  1,098,735       11%
AIR ICELAND                    MAR 12    CHG (%)     YTD 12   CHG (%)
Number of Passengers           29,955         7%     80,529        5%
Load Factor                     75.6%    5.0 ppt      70.7%   1.6 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000)    12,852         2%     35,816        2%
CAPACITY                       MAR 12    CHG (%)     YTD 12   CHG (%)
Fleet Utilization               83.3%  -11.3 ppt      87.1%  -8.0 ppt
Sold Block Hours                2,488        -9%      8,112       -5%
ICELANDAIR CARGO               MAR 12    CHG (%)     YTD 12   CHG (%)
Available Tonne KM (ATK´000)   12,543         3%     36,596       10%
Freight Tonne KM (FTK´000)      8,065        12%     22,070       19%
ICELANDAIR HOTELS              MAR 12    CHG (%)     YTD 12   CHG (%)
Available Hotel Room Nights    18,382        11%     54,082       13%
Sold Hotel Room Nights         12,935        34%     33,420       33%
Utilization of Hotel Rooms      70.4%   11.7 ppt      61.8%   9.3 ppt

For further detailed information please contact:

Bogi Nils Bogason, CFO, Icelandair Group tel: + 354 665-8801
Íris Hulda Þórisdóttir, Director Investor Relations, Icelandair Group tel: +
354 840-7010