2013-11-29 15:02:32 CET

2013-11-29 15:03:39 CET


Lithuanian English
Snaige AB - Interim information

AB Snaigė profits grow almost fourfold

Alytus, Lithuania, 2013-11-29 15:02 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Over the first nine
months of this year AB Snaigė turnover was 140.1m LTL (unaudited consolidated
figures) an increase of 27 per cent compared to same period last year. The net
earnings of the company were almost 5.3m LTL, i.e. almost four times higher
than in the same period last year. Consolidated unaudited EBITDA was 12.3m LTL,
i.e. 43 per cent more than in the same period last year. 

 Summing up the results of the nine months of this year AB Snaigė Managing
Director said he was thrilled with company's achievements and strong sales
growth. “We're happy to see that our efforts to maintain rapid growth bore
fruits,” said G.Čeika. The 3rd quarter is the busiest time in the domestic
refrigeration sector. We were successful in not only meeting the market demand
but also in expanding our customer base, developing new products, and
implementing marketing campaigns. This is a result of spectacular team work at
AB Snaigė.” 

 AB Snaigė turnover grew most in Western Europe and Asian markets. Particularly
significant growth of 132% and 128% was recorded in Central Asia and France
respectively. Sales in Lithuania and other Baltic States also grew almost

 Sales growth in France was primarily linked to higher share of Snaigė in the
sales of the largest French chain retailer Conforama. In summer top executives
of Conforama visited Snaigė's plant and were impressed with the state of the
art technology employed in the plat, work organization and quality of Snaigė
products. This subsequently led to an expanded offer of Snaigė products at

The company also welcomes its strengthened positions in Central Asia. “These
are large, profitable markets,” noted G.Čeika. “Thus we're very happy that our
fridges caught the attention of local consumers. In some Central Asian markets
Snaigė is one of the market leaders.” 

 In the 3rd quarter the company offered a number of new products to its
customers and consumers, such as a 163 cm high freezer, and the hottest item of
this year, a fridge/freezer featuring No Frost technology. The recent addition
to the market, the freezer, is very popular among the consumers. “Snaigė
freezers are extremely popular and in high demand on many of our markets,”
claims G.Čeika. “It is our intention to expand our freezer range further since
we see the demand for this product. Many of the company's customers have been
waiting for fridges featuring No Frost technology for quite some time now. This
product marks AB Snaigė's entry into a completely new market segment where the
company hopes to compete successfully with other manufactures of domestic

         Gediminas Čeika
         Managing Director, AB Snaigė
         +370 315 56206