2015-12-10 08:00:52 CET

2015-12-10 08:00:52 CET


Suomi Englanti
Asiakastieto Group Oyj - Company Announcement

Members of Asiakastieto Group Plc's Shareholders' Nomination Board have been appointed

Asiakastieto Group Plc, stock exchange release 10 DECEMBER 2015, 9.00 A.m. EET

Members of Asiakastieto Group Plc's Shareholders' Nomination Board have been

The  Shareholders' Nomination Board  was established in  Asiakastieto Group by a
shareholder's  resolution in March 2015 to prepare  proposals in relation to the
election  and remuneration  of members  of the  Board of  Directors to  the next
Annual General Meeting.

The Nomination Board consists of five members. Based on the Nomination Board's
Charter, representatives of the three largest shareholders on 31 May 2015 are
appointed to the Nomination Board. The Chairman of the company's Board of
Directors and a person nominated by the Board of Directors are expert members of
the Nomination Board. The appointed representative of a shareholder shall resign
from the Nomination Board, if such shareholder transfers more than half of its
shareholding and as a result thereof no longer is amongst the Company's ten
largest shareholders. The Nomination Board shall appoint a new member to the
Nomination Board in case the number of Nomination Board members decreases to
less than three during the members' term of office.

AKT Holdings S.à r.l., Mandatum Life Insurance Company Limited and OP-Delta
Sijoitusrahasto have appointed Roland Pezzutto, Patrick Lapveteläinen and Kalle
Saariaho as members of the Nomination Board. Daniel Lopez-Cruz is a member of
the Nomination Board as the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Bo Harald as
a member appointed by the Board of Directors.

After AKT Holdings S.à r.l. transferred its shareholding in Asiakastieto Group,
the representative of AKT Holdings S.à r.l. has resigned from the Nomination
Board in accordance with the Nomination Board's Charter. As the Nomination Board
still consists of more than three members, no additional members are appointed
to replace the vacated seat.

The Nomination Board elected Daniel Lopez-Cruz as the Chairman of the Nomination
Board in its meeting on 9 December 2015.

The Nomination Board will give its proposal to the Board of Directors of the
company by 31 January 2016.

For further information:
Jukka Ruuska, CEO
Asiakastieto Group Plc
tel. +358 10 270 7111

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