2007-11-26 09:06:14 CET

2007-11-26 09:06:14 CET


Islandic English
Exista hf. - Company Announcement

Exista's participation in Kaupthing Bank rights issue

The financial services group Exista is announcing today that it will exercise
its rights in Kaupthing Bank's forthcoming share rights issue, which is a part
of the financing for the acquisition of the Dutch bank NIBC. Exista, the
largest shareholder in Kaupthing Bank, has pre-committed to subscribe for its
full rights (approximately 13 million shares) in the issue, which is expected
to take place prior to the end of the first quarter of 2008. 

Up to 210 million new Kaupthing Bank shares will be issued in relation to the
acquisition of NIBC, including 70 million shares in the form of a rights issue.
Exista has agreed in principle to underwrite up to 50% of the rights issue, or
a total of 35 million shares (including the 13 million shares already
subscribed for). The equity increase will dilute Exista's shareholding from
more than 23% to approximately 20-22% after the rights issue. A consortium of
shareholders led by J.C. Flowers & Co has agreed in principle to underwrite the
remaining 50% of the rights issue. 

Lydur Gudmundsson, Executive Chairman of Exista:
“As Kaupthing Bank's largest shareholder over the past six years, we have
gained greatly from supporting and participating in Kaupthing's expansion
strategy. We believe the acquisition of NIBC will significantly fortify
Kaupthing Bank's leading position in financial services for SMEs and affluent
individuals in Northern Europe. We are therefore determined to exercise our
rights in this offering, and we welcome the opportunity to participate in the
underwriting of the rights issue.” 

Exista hf. 
Sigurdur Nordal
Managing Director
Group Communications
ir@exista.com           +354 550 8620  / +354 860 8620

About Exista
Exista is a financial services group with operations in the areas of insurance,
asset finance and investments. The company is a leading insurance underwriter
in Iceland, as well as being the country's largest provider of asset finance
products. As an international investor, Exista has strategic holdings in
several companies, including Sampo Group, Kaupthing Bank, Bakkavör Group, and
Skipti (Iceland Telecom). Exista is listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange in
Iceland and its shareholders number over 30 thousand. 

Information on Exista can be found on the group's website: www.exista.com