2012-02-03 08:37:11 CET

2012-02-03 08:38:12 CET

Lithuanian English
Ukio Bankas AB - Other information

Regarding the direct transactions in AB Ukio bankas shares in the stock exchange

AB Ukio bankas, with register code 112020136, address: 25 Maironio str.,
LT-44250 Kaunas. 

Hereby we inform that in the period from 24/01/2012 to 02/02/2012 in the stock
exchange NASDAQ OMX Vilnius three direct transactions were executed by which
33,667,077 (9.74%) ordinary shares of AB Ukio bankas were disposed. To the
knowledge of the Bank by these transactions the shareholder of AB Ukio bankas
Vladimir Romanov increased his share of voting rights in the General
shareholders' meeting of AB Ukio bankas up to 62.84% (as at 01/01/2012 Vladimir
Romanov controlled 53.10% of voting rights in the General shareholders' meeting
of AB Ukio bankas). 

As at 23/07/2010 the Board of the Bank of Lithuania passed the resolution to
give permission for Vladimir Romanov to increase his share of AB Ukio bankas
qualified capital and (or) voting rights up to controlling interest. As at
03/09/2010 Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania passed the
resolution to give permission for shareholder Vladimir Romanov to pursue
concentration acquiring up to 100 percent shares of AB Ukio bankas. 

         Marius Arlauskas, Head of Financial Institutions and Fund Raising
Department, +370 37 301 332.