2008-03-28 15:30:00 CET

2008-03-28 15:30:01 CET


Lithuanian English
Lietuvos Juru Laivininkyste AB - Notification on material event

The Meeting of shareholders of the AB " Lietuvos jūrų laivininkystė"

The Meeting of shareholders of the AB “Lietuvos jūrų laivininkystė”             

The Meeting of the shareholders of the AB “Lietuvos jūrų laivininkystė” will    
take place on 28 April, 2008, company code 110856039, office address Malūnininkų
3, Klaipėda. The Meeting will be held in Klaipėda at “Žemyna” scool assembly    
hall, Kretingos str. 23, Klaipeda. Registration of the participants from 13.00  
till 14.30. The accounting day of the meeting April 21, 2008.                   

Agenda of the Meeting :                                                         

Regarding Annual report Company's for 2007 year.                                
Auditors resolution on the Company's financial statements for the 2007 year    
(auditors report).                                                              
Approval of the financial statements for the year 2007.                         
Cancellation reserve of 9 779 539 LTL for 2007 year.                            
Profit (Loss) appropriation for 2007.                                           

One can get acquainted with the drafts of documents at the Company office       
(Malūnininkų 3, Klaipėda, Room 409) 10 days before the meeting. Phone No. for   
queries: (8 46) 393107.                                                         
AB “Lietuvos jūrų laivininkystė” Board                                          
Chief Accountant                                                                
Arvydas Stropus                                                                 

(8-46) 393126