2008-02-28 17:42:20 CET

2008-02-28 17:43:19 CET


Lithuanian English
Utenos Trikotazas AB - Notification on material event

Unaudited profit of "Utenos trikotazas"AB in the year 2007.

AB „Utenos trikotažas“ posted the unaudited results of the activities for the
year 2007: the unaudited sales amount to 114,7 million Litas, i.e. 8,1 per cent
less in comparison to the year of 2006, when the sales made total of 124,8
million Litas. The unaudited net loss for the last year amounts to 1,6 million
Litas, the consolidated loss results to 7,7 million Litas, from which 2,4
million Litas was incurred due to the negative currency exchange impact -
devaluation of the Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH) against Euro. 

„The losses of the last year were mostly determined by the following factors as
unfavourable fluctuations of the currency rates, production planning problems,
due to which some orders were not fulfilled; also we had to cumulate 0,7
million Litas for the additional accruals“, - AB „Utenos trikotažas“ director
Gintaras Pileičikas comments on the last year results. 

With reference to factual sales for the months of January and February and
orders for the month of March, in the first quarter of 2008 the Company will
reach the turnover of 29,9 million Litas, i.e. 3 per cent higher in comparison
to the first quarter of 2007. This will be the first quarter with sales
increase after four successive quarters of the falldown. 

Gintaras Pileicikas,
Managing Director of Utenos Trikotazas AB
tel. No. + 370 389 51 445.