2015-10-23 12:38:16 CEST

2015-10-23 12:39:16 CEST


Lithuanian English
Amber Grid - Notification on material event

Re Decision adopted by the National Commission for Energy Control and Prices

On 22 October 2015, the National Commission for Energy Control and Prices
(hereinafter - the NCC) after the routine inspection of regulated natural gas
transmission activity in 2009-2013, concluded that the amount of AB Amber
Grid's expenses and eliminated revenues unreasonably included into the
regulated activities amounts EUR 466.86 thousand. Given the aforesaid
circumstance, the NCC decided to eliminate the aforesaid amount when adjusting
the transmission service price caps for the year 2016. 

Considering the fact that the tariffs charged by AB Amber Grid for its gas
transmission services are lower than the price caps set by the NCC, the NCC‘s
decision does not have impact on AB Amber Grid‘s operating result. 

The individual authorised by AB Amber Grid (the issuer) to provide additional
information on the material event: 

Danas Janulionis

Head of Strategic Planning and External Relations Division

tel. +370 5 232 7747

fax +370 5 236 0850

e-mail: d.janulionis@ambergrid.lt