2017-12-11 16:00:00 CET

2017-12-11 16:00:13 CET


English Finnish
Revenio Group Oyj - Inside information

Revenio Group Corporation: Revenio acquires minority interest in Oscare Medical Oy

Revenio Group Corporation, Stock Exchange Release December 11, 2017 at 17:00 EET


Revenio Group Corporation ("Revenio", "the company") has signed an agreement to
purchase the minority interest in Oscare Medical Oy, a stake of 46.5% in the
company. Following the transaction, Revenio Group Corporation will own 100% of
Oscare Medical Oy. Prior to the arrangement, Oscare Medical Oy was a Group
company that was 53.5% owned by Revenio Group Corporation. As part of the
agreement, all outstanding receivables of minority shareholders with respect to
Oscare Medical Oy will transfer to Revenio. The terms and conditions of the
agreement include the possibility of an additional purchase cost. As a whole,
the arrangement is of
minor value to Revenio.

Revenio will make impairment-related entries in the financial statements for
2017. The arrangement and the impairments will have a one-off effect of around
EUR 1.4 million on the operating profit (EBIT) for 2017. The impact of the
arrangement and impairments on our net income is expected to be around EUR
300,000. The arrangement will have no effect on Revenio's financial guidance for
the current year.

"Oscare Medical Oy's sales performance has been a disappointment to us. Making
the OsCare Sono® measurement device a standard part of health care employees'
equipment has turned out to be a much slower process than our original plans
forecast, based on decision-making by customers. However, it should be noted
that the product technology is good and it has strong patent protection, which
we have yet to exploit fully. Customer feedback has been very encouraging,
particularly in the Far East, where, unlike western countries, ultrasound
equipment has an extensive market, but this has not been realized in sales. For
this reason, we have decided to take full ownership of the company and wait for
the markets to open up. This will enable us to target our resources more
productively elsewhere," says Timo Hildén, CEO of Revenio Group.

Oscare Medical's small and lightweight Oscare Sono(TM) osteoporosis measurement
device can measure bone strength and identify people with an elevated risk of
osteoporosis. This small, mobile device allows the cost-effective screening of
large populations and reduces the incidence of minor and avoidable,
osteoporosis-related fractures. Patents have been granted for the Oscare Medical
measurement method and device in Europe, the USA, Japan and China.

Revenio Group Corporation

For further information, please contact:
CEO Timo Hildén
Tel. +358 40 580 4774

Nasdaq Helsinki
Financial Supervisory Authority
Principal media

The Revenio Group in brief
Revenio is a Finnish, globally operating health technology corporation whose
worldwide success is based on a strongly patented intraocular pressure
measurement technology. The Revenio Group consists of Icare Finland Oy, Revenio
Research Oy and Oscare Medical Oy. The common denominators of Revenio's business
operations include screening, follow-up and the global need to make cost savings
through preventive health care. Revenio seeks vigorous growth in health
technology. Revenio aims to develop even more efficient and easily adopted
methods for the early-stage detection of diseases with significance for public
health. The focus of Revenio's screening technology is on the early detection of
glaucoma, skin cancer and asthma, and the monitoring of these during the
treatment process.

In 2016, Revenio Group's net sales totaled MEUR 23.4, with its operating margin
for continuing operations standing at 30.1%. Revenio Group Corporation is listed
on Nasdaq Helsinki.
