2016-08-09 08:00:01 CEST

2016-08-09 08:00:01 CEST


Suomių Anglų
Ponsse Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Vieremä, Finland, 2016-08-09 08:00 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 

– Net sales amounted to EUR 237.1 (H1/2015 206.6) million.
– Q2 net sales amounted to EUR 122.0 (Q2/2015 115.4) million.
– Operating result totalled EUR 26.2 (H1/2015 22.0) million, equalling 11.1
(10.7) per cent of net sales. 
– Q2 operating result totalled EUR 14.1 (Q2/2015 14.8) million, equalling 11.6
(12.8) per cent of net sales. 
– Profit before taxes was EUR 28.2 (H1/2015 21.2) million.
– Cash flow from business operations was EUR 3.8 (-1.7) million.
– Earnings per share were EUR 0.82 (0.61).
– Equity ratio was 45.0 (36.9) per cent.
– Order books stood at EUR 166.1 (170.5) million.


Demand for PONSSE forest machines continued to be good. Order intake was good
during the second quarter, and the order books increased compared to the
previous quarter. The order books were strong, totalling EUR 166.1 (170.5)
million at the end of the period under review. International business
operations accounted for 77.9 (74.4) percent of net sales. 

The company's net sales for the second quarter were EUR 122.0 (115.4) million
and the growth in net sales was 5.7 percent. The growth in net sales for the
first half of the year was 14.8 percent. The operating profit for the quarter
amounted to EUR 14.1 (14.8) million and for the first half of the year EUR 26.2
(22.0) million, representing an increase of 18.9 percent. The second quarter
was normal and proceeded according to plans. With regard to the figures for the
comparison period, the differences in machine deliveries during the quarters of
the first half of 2015 should be taken into consideration. The operating result
equalled 11.6 (12.8) percent of net sales for the period under review and 11.1
(10.7) percent for the first half of the year. Cumulative cash flow improved on
the comparison period and amounted to EUR 3.8 (-1.7) million. 

North and South America account for a significant share of the net sales, and
the demand for forest machines has continued to be active in North America. The
demand for forest machines has continued at a good level in Russia, and Russia
has slightly increased its share of net sales. The share of Northern European
net sales decreased, while Central Europe's share of net sales increased during
the past quarter. The market situation is good. Service operations continued
their growth during the quarter and the trade-in machine business has also
grown strongly during the first half of the year. The accelerated growth in
services is related both to the growing machine base and new business concepts
in services. 


Consolidated net sales for the period under review amounted to EUR 237.1
(206.6) million, which is 14.8 per cent more than in the comparison period.
International business operations accounted for 77.9 (74.4) per cent of net

Net sales were regionally distributed as follows: Northern Europe 36.2 (40.6)
per cent, Central and Southern Europe 23.5 (18.9) per cent, Russia and Asia
11.8 (8.7) per cent, North and South America 26.5 (31.5) per cent and other
countries 2.1 (0.3) per cent. 


The operating result amounted to EUR 26.2 (22.0) million. The operating result
equalled 11.1 (10.7) per cent of net sales for the period under review.
Consolidated return on capital employed (ROCE) stood at 30.9 (27.9) per cent. 

Staff costs for the period totalled EUR 36.8 (33.4) million. Other operating
expenses stood at EUR 21.9 (19.9) million. The net total of financial income
and expenses amounted to EUR 1,9 (-0.8) million. Exchange rate gains and losses
with a net effect of EUR 2.6 (-0.1) million were recognised under financial
items for the period. Result for the period under review totalled EUR 22.9
(17.0) million. Diluted and undiluted earnings per share (EPS) came to EUR 0.82


At the end of the period under review, the total consolidated statements of
financial position amounted to EUR 284.3 (259.3) million. Inventories stood at
EUR 128.9 (114.5) million. Trade receivables totalled EUR 36.1 (39.3) million,
while liquid assets stood at EUR 15.1 (12.4) million. Group shareholders’
equity stood at EUR 126.2 (94.6) million and parent company shareholders’
equity (FAS) at EUR 118.7 (110.2) million. The amount of interest-bearing
liabilities was EUR 70.5 (82.5) million. The company has used 33 per cent of
its credit facility limit. The parent company's net receivables from other
Group companies stood at EUR 88.6 (91.5) million. The parent company’s
receivables from subsidiaries mainly consisted of trade receivables.
Consolidated net liabilities totalled EUR 55.2 (70.0) million, and the
debt-equity ratio (net gearing) was 43.8 (74.0) per cent. The equity ratio
stood at 45.0 (36.9) percent at the end of the period under review. 

Cash flow from operating activities amounted to EUR 3.8 (-1.7) million. Cash
flow from investment activities came to EUR -9.9 (-16.7) million. 


Order intake for the period totalled EUR 252.1 (224.7) million, while
period-end order books were valued at EUR 166.1 (170.5) million. 


No changes took place in the Group structure during the period under review.

The subsidiaries included in the Ponsse Group are Ponsse AB, Sweden; Ponsse AS,
Norway; Ponssé S.A.S., France; Ponsse UK Ltd, the United Kingdom; Ponsse North
America, Inc., the United States; Ponsse Latin America Ltda, Brazil; Ponsse
Uruguay S.A., Uruguay; OOO Ponsse, Russia; Ponsse Asia-Pacific Ltd, Hong Kong;
Ponsse China Ltd, China and Epec Oy, Finland. The Group includes also the
property company OOO Ocean Safety Center, Russia. Sunit Oy, Finland, is an
associate in which Ponsse Plc has a holding of 34 per cent. 


Group’s R&D expenses during the period under review totalled EUR 6.0 (5.9)
million, of which EUR 1.4 (1.5) million was capitalised. 

Capital expenditure totalled EUR 10.0 (16.7) million. It consisted in addition
to capitalised R&D expenses of investments in buildings and ordinary
maintenance and replacement investments for machinery and equipment. 


The following persons were members of the Management Team: Juho Nummela,
President and CEO, acting as the chairman; Petri Härkönen, CFO; Juha Inberg,
Technology and R&D Director; Tapio Mertanen, Service Director; Paula Oksman, HR
Director; Tommi Väänänen, Director of Delivery Chain Process and Jarmo Vidgrén,
Deputy CEO, Sales and Marketing Director. The company management has regular
management liability insurance. 

Changes took place in the Ponsse sales organization during the period under
review. Separate releases were issued on 19 April 2016 and 3 May 2016 on the
changes. These changes concern the division of markets for which area directors
and managing directors of subsidiaries are responsible. 

The geographical distribution and the responsible persons after the changes are
presented below: 

Northern Europe:
Jani Liukkonen (Finland),
Carl-Henrik Hammar (Sweden, Denmark),
Jussi Hentunen (the Baltic countries) and
Sigurd Skotte (Norway),

Central and Southern Europe:
Janne Vidgrén (Austria, Poland, Romania, Germany, Slovakia, the Czech Republic
and Hungary), 
Clément Puybaret (France),
Norbert Schalkx (Spain and Portugal) and
Gary Glendinning (the United Kingdom and Ireland)

Russia and Asia:
Jaakko Laurila (Russia, Belarus),
Norbert Schalkx (Japan, Australia and South Africe) and
Risto Kääriäinen (China),

North and South America:
Pekka Ruuskanen (the United States),
Eero Lukkarinen (Chile),
Teemu Raitis until 1 August 2016, Marko Mattila as of 1 August 2016 (Brazil) and
Martin Toledo (Uruguay).

The area director organisation of sales will be led by Jarmo Vidgrén, the
Group's sales and marketing director, and Tapio Mertanen, service director.
Area directors and managing directors of subsidiaries report to Jarmo Vidgrén,
Ponsse Plc's sales and marketing director. 


The Group had an average staff of 1,413 (1,301) during the period and employed
1,466 (1,348) people at period-end. 


The company’s registered share capital consists of 28,000,000 shares. The
trading volume of Ponsse Plc shares for 1 January – 30 June 2016 totalled
1,383,889, accounting for 4.9 per cent of the total number of shares. Share
turnover amounted to EUR 28.0 million, with the period’s lowest and highest
share prices amounting to EUR 15.57 and EUR 23.53, respectively. 

At the end of the period, shares closed at EUR 22.90, and market capitalisation
totalled EUR 641.2 million. 

At the end of the period under review, the company held 33,092 treasury shares.


A separate release was issued on 12 April 2016 regarding the authorizations
given to the Board of Directors and other resolutions at the AGM. 


In its decision-making and administration, the company observes the Finnish
Limited Liability Companies Act, other regulations governing publicly listed
companies and the company’s Articles of Association. The company’s Board of
Directors has adopted the Code of Governance that complies with the Finnish
Corporate Governance Code approved by the Board of the Securities Market
Association in 2015. The purpose of the code is to ensure that the company is
professionally managed and that its business principles and practices are of a
high ethical and professional standard. 

The Code of Governance is available on Ponsse’s website in the Investors


Risk management is based on the company’s values, as well as strategic and
financial objectives. Risk management aims to support the achievement of the
objectives specified in the company’s strategy, as well as to ensure the
financial development of the company and the continuity of its business. 

Furthermore, risk management aims to identify, assess and monitor
business-related risks which may influence the achievement of the company’s
strategic and financial goals or the continuity of its business. Decisions on
the necessary measures to anticipate risks and react to observed risks are made
on the basis of this information. 

Risk management is a part of regular daily business, and it is also included in
the management system. Risk management is controlled by the risk management
policy approved by the Board. 

A risk is any event that may prevent the company from reaching its objectives
or that threatens the continuity of business. On the other hand, a risk may
also be a positive event, in which case the risk is treated as an opportunity.
Each risk is assessed on the basis of its impact and probability. Methods of
risk management include avoiding, mitigating and transferring risks. Risks can
also be managed by controlling and minimising their impact. 


The prolonged insecurity in the world economy and weak economic situation may
result in a decline in the demand for forest machines. The uncertainty may be
increased by the volatility of developing countries’ foreign exchange markets.
The geopolitical situation, in particular, will increase the uncertainty
through financial market operations and sanctions. 

The parent company monitors the changes in the Group’s internal and external
trade receivables and the associated risk of impairment. 

The key objective of the company’s financial risk management policy is to
manage liquidity, interest and currency risks. The company ensures its
liquidity through credit limit facilities agreed with a number of financial
institutions. The effect of adverse changes in interest rates is minimised by
utilising credit linked to different reference rates and by concluding interest
rate swaps. The effects of currency rate fluctuations are mitigated through
derivative contracts. 

Changes taking place in the fiscal and customs legislation in countries to
which Ponsse exports may hamper the company’s export trade or its


After the very strong performance in 2015, the Group’s euro-denominated
operating profit is expected to be on a par with 2015 in 2016. 

Ponsse's strongly reformed and competitive product range and new service
solutions have significantly grown the company. Our investments are focused on
developing the level of service and capacity of the supply chain and spare part
logistics and developing the service network in Finland and abroad. 

The expansion of the Vieremä factory has begun, and the investment in the
Iisalmi logistics centre will be completed during October. The factory
investment is associated with the development of the Vieremä factory's safety,
productivity, product quality and capacity during the next two years. The total
investment in the factory is approximately EUR 32 million. 



                                                        IFRS      IFRS      IFRS
                                                      1-6/16    1-6/15   1-12/15
NET SALES                                            237,135   206,638   461,928
Increase (+)/decrease (-) in inventories of           17,239    12,719    -1,021
 finished goods and work in progress                                            
Other operating income                                   873       771     2,152
Raw materials and services                          -164,481  -140,163  -289,294
Expenditure on employment-related benefits           -36,845   -33,425   -67,554
Depreciation and amortisation                         -5,817    -4,604    -9,890
Other operating expenses                             -21,893   -19,887   -40,335
OPERATING RESULT                                      26,212    22,049    55,987
Share of results of associated companies                  96       -46       -50
Financial income and expenses                          1,925      -814    -5,552
RESULT BEFORE TAXES                                   28,233    21,190    50,385
Income taxes                                          -5,305    -4,205    -9,105
NET RESULT FOR THE PERIOD                             22,928    16,985    41,280
OTHER ITEMS INCLUDED IN TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE                                     
Translation differences related to foreign units         705     1,794       880
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE RESULT FOR THE PERIOD             23,633    18,779    42,160
Diluted and undiluted earnings per share*               0.82      0.61      1.48
                                                        IFRS      IFRS          
                                                      4-6/16    4-6/15          
NET SALES                                            122,021   115,431          
Increase (+)/decrease (-) in inventories of            9,505     3,710          
 finished goods and work in progress                                            
Other operating income                                   275       379          
Raw materials and services                           -84,225   -74,018          
Expenditure on employment-related benefits           -19,555   -17,733          
Depreciation and amortisation                         -2,921    -2,476          
Other operating expenses                             -10,992   -10,537          
OPERATING RESULT                                      14,109    14,758          
Share of results of associated companies                  47        13          
Financial income and expenses                          2,071      -976          
RESULT BEFORE TAXES                                   16,227    13,795          
Income taxes                                          -2,787    -2,326          
NET RESULT FOR THE PERIOD                             13,440    11,469          
OTHER ITEMS INCLUDED IN TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE                                     
Translation differences related to foreign units         271       -12          
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE RESULT FOR THE PERIOD             13,711    11,457          
Diluted and undiluted earnings per share*               0.48      0.41          


                                               IFRS             IFRS       IFRS
ASSETS                                         30 Jun 16   30 Jun 15  31 Dec 15
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                             
Intangible assets                                  18,823     16,579     18,009
Goodwill                                            3,832      3,440      3,842
Property, plant and equipment                      62,675     58,765     59,294
Financial assets                                      105        105        105
Investments in associated companies                   853        821        817
Non-current receivables                             2,408      3,302      2,134
Deferred tax assets                                 3,876      1,856      2,786
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                           92,573     84,867     86,988
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                 
Inventories                                       128,853    114,549    104,584
Trade receivables                                  36,118     39,268     40,199
Income tax receivables                                310        382        104
Other current receivables                          11,365      7,824      9,288
Cash and cash equivalents                          15,125     12,405     26,495
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                              191,771    174,429    180,670
TOTAL ASSETS                                      284,343    259,296    267,658
SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                           
SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY                                                           
Share capital                                       7,000      7,000      7,000
Other reserves                                      2,452      2,552      2,452
Translation differences                               -91        118       -796
Treasury shares                                      -346       -346       -346
Retained earnings                                 117,148     85,307    109,602
EQUITY OWNED BY PARENT COMPANY SHAREHOLDERS       126,164     94,631    117,912
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                        
Interest-bearing liabilities                       48,550     50,510     39,346
Deferred tax liabilities                              701        664        905
Other non-current liabilities                           6          0          7
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                      49,258     51,173     40,259
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                            
Interest-bearing liabilities                       21,919     31,947     23,056
Provisions                                          7,492      5,326      6,120
Tax liabilities for the period                      2,826      2,957      1,906
Trade creditors and other current liabilities      76,685     73,263     78,405
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                         108,922    113,492    109,487
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES        284,343    259,296    267,658


                                                         IFRS     IFRS     IFRS
                                                       1-6/16   1-6/15  1-12/15
CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES:                                          
Net result for the period                              22,928   16,985   41,280
Financial income and expenses                          -1,925      814    5,552
Share of the result of associated companies               -96       46       50
Depreciation and amortisation                           5,817    4,604    9,890
Income taxes                                            5,305    4,205    9,105
Other adjustments                                         638     -102      -26
Cash flow before changes in working capital            32,667   26,550   65,850
Change in working capital:                                                     
Change in trade receivables and other receivables       2,126  -16,955  -19,666
Change in inventories                                 -24,269  -21,815  -11,850
Change in trade creditors and other liabilities        -1,720   12,199   17,238
Change in provisions for liabilities and charges        1,371      579    1,373
Interest received                                         109       80      224
Interest paid                                            -474     -448   -1,069
Other financial items                                    -147      615      723
Income taxes paid                                      -5,860   -2,527   -8,840
NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (A)            3,802   -1,722   43,982
CASH FLOWS USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                        
Investments in tangible and intangible assets         -10,001  -16,712  -24,360
Proceeds from sale of tangible and intangible assets       88        0      193
NET CASH FLOWS USED IN INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES (B)       -9,914  -16,712  -24,167
CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                           
Sales of treasury shares                                    0    1,882    1,118
Withdrawal/Repayment of current loans                  10,000   15,579    3,000
Withdrawal of non-current loans                             0   10,000   17,520
Repayment of non-current loans                         -2,110   -2,923   -9,659
Payment of finance lease liabilities                      176    7,163     -167
Change in non-current receivables                        -374       64      216
Dividends paid                                        -15,382  -12,586  -12,586
NET CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (C)           -7,690   19,179     -558
Change in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C)           -13,802      745   19,257
Cash and cash equivalents on 1 Jan                     26,495   12,719   12,719
Impact of exchange rate changes                         2,432   -1,059   -5,481
Cash and cash equivalents on 31 Mar/31 Dec             15,125   12,405   26,495


A = Share capital                        
B = Share premium and other reserves     
C = Translation differences              
D = Treasury shares                      
E = Retained earnings                                                           
F = Total shareholders’ equity           
                                  EQUITY OWNED BY PARENT COMPANY SHAREHOLDERS   
                                      A      B       C       D        E        F
SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 1 JAN 2016   7,000  2,452    -796    -346  109,602  117,912
Translation differences                            705                       705
Result for the period                                            22,928   22,928
Total comprehensive income for                     705           22,928   23,633
 the period                                                                     
Dividend distribution                                           -15,382  -15,382
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 30  JUN      7,000  2,452     -91    -346  117,148  126,164
SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 1 JAN 2015   7,000    130  -1,676  -2,228   82,790   86,016
Translation differences                          1,794                     1,794
Result for the period                                            16,985   16,985
Total comprehensive income for                   1,794           16,985   18,779
 the period                                                                     
Dividend distribution                                           -12,586  -12,586
Matching Share Plan                      2,422           1,882   -1,882    2,422
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 30 JUN 2015  7,000  2,552     118    -346   85,307   94,631


OPERATING SEGMENTS                                                              
1-6/2016             Northern      Central and     Russia     North and    Total
                       Europe  Southern Europe   and Asia         South         
Net sales of the      163,784           56,411     28,261        64,855  313,311
Sales between         -78,045             -759       -336        -1,939  -81,078
Unallocated sales                                                          4,902
NET SALES FROM         85,739           55,652     27,925        62,917  237,135
Operating result        4,142            9,925      2,803         7,550   24,420
 of the segment                                                                 
Unallocated items                                                          1,792
OPERATING RESULT        4,142            9,925      2,803         7,550   26,212
OPERATING SEGMENTS                                                              
1-6/2015             Northern      Central and     Russia     North and    Total
                       Europe  Southern Europe   and Asia         South         
Net sales of the      142,309           39,480     18,252        66,093  266,133
Sales between         -58,426             -367       -271          -968  -60,033
Unallocated sales                                                            538
NET SALES FROM         83,882           39,113     17,980        65,124  206,638
Operating result        1,928            6,438      3,170        10,914   22,449
 of the segment                                                                 
Unallocated items                                                           -400
OPERATING RESULT        1,928            6,438      3,170        10,914   22,049

                                    30 Jun 16  30 Jun 15  31 Dec 15
1. LEASING COMMITMENTS (EUR 1,000)      1,041        739        914

2. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES (EUR 1,000)  30 Jun 16  30 Jun 15  31 Dec 15
Guarantees given on behalf of others         460        512        462
Repurchase commitments                     4,213      2,214      4,290
Other commitments                            219         35        276
TOTAL                                      4,892      2,762      5,028

3. PROVISIONS (EUR 1,000)  Guarantee provision
1 January 2016                           6,120
Provisions added                         1 914
Provisions cancelled                      -542
30 June 2016                             7,492

4. DIVIDENDS PAID (EUR 1,000)            30 Jun 16  30 Jun 15
Dividends per share EUR 0.55 (EUR 0.45)     15,382     12,586

5. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (EUR 1,000)  1-6/16  1-6/15
Increase                                       7,395  14,313
Decrease                                         -72    -508
TOTAL                                          7,323  13,805

6. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                              1-6/16  1-6/15
Management’s employment-related benefits (EUR 1,000)                     
Salaries and other short-term employment-related benefits   2,217   2,069
Benefits paid upon termination of employment                    0       0
Pension liabilities, statutory pension security               315     295
Compensation of the members of the Board of Directors         122     126

KEY FIGURES AND RATIOS                          30 Jun 16  30 Jun 15  31 Dec 15
R&D expenditure, MEUR                                 6.0        5.9       12.2
Capital expenditure, MEUR                            10.0       16.7       24.4
as % of net sales                                     4.2        8.1        5.3
Average number of employees                         1,413      1,301      1,329
Order books, MEUR                                   166.1      170.5      158.1
Equity ratio, %                                      45.0       36.9       44.8
Diluted and undiluted earnings per share (EUR)       0.82       0.61       1.48
Equity per share (EUR)                               4.51       3.38       4.21


Return on capital employed, %:
Result before tax + financial expenses
Shareholder´s equity + interest-bearing financial liabilities (average during
the year) * 100 

Average number of employees:
Average of the number of personnel at the end of each month. The calculation
has been adjusted for part-time employees. 

Net gearing, %:
Interest-bearing financial liabilities – cash and cash equivalents
Shareholders’ equity * 100

Equity ratio, %:
Shareholders’ equity + Non-controlling interests
Balance sheet total - advance payments received * 100

Earnings per share:
Net result for the period - Non-controlling interests
Average number of shares during the accounting period, adjusted for share issues

Equity per share:
Shareholders’ equity
Number of shares on the balance sheet date, adjusted for share issues

ORDER INTAKE (EUR million)  1-6/16  1-6/15  1-12/15
Ponsse Group                 252.1   224.7    469.4

The stock exchange release for the interim report has been prepared observing
the recognition and valuation principles of IFRS standards and all of the
requirements of IAS 34 have been complied with. The same accounting principles
were observed for the interim report as for the annual financial statements
dated 31 December 2015. 

In addition to the consolidated financial statements according to IFRS, the
interim report presents the above-mentioned indicators that aim to illustrate
the operational performance and profitability of the company. The Group has
applied ESMA's (the European Securities and Markets Authority) new Guidelines
on Alternative Performance Measures, which entered into effect on 3 July 2016,
and defined these indicators in accordance with the presented calculation
formulas. The alternative performance measures can be calculated directly from
the figures presented in the consolidated financial statements. 

The above figures have not been audited.

The above figures have been rounded and may therefore differ from those given
in the official financial statements. 

This communication includes future-oriented statements that are based on the
assumptions currently made by the company’s management and its current
decisions and plans. Although the management believes that the future
expectations are well founded, there is no certainty that these expectations
will prove to be correct. This is why the results may significantly deviate
from the assumptions included in the future-oriented statements as a result of,
among other things, changes in the economy, markets, competitive conditions,
legislation or currency exchange rates. 

Vieremä, 9 August 2016


Juho Nummela
President and CEO

Juho Nummela, President and CEO, tel. +358 20 768 8914 or +358 400 495 690
Petri Härkönen, CFO, tel. +358 20 768 8608 or +358 50 409 8362

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Principal media

Ponsse Plc is a company specialising in the sales, manufacture, servicing and
technology of cut-to-length method forest machines and is driven by genuine
interest in its customers and their business. Ponsse develops and manufactures
sustainable and innovative harvesting solutions based on customers’ needs. 

The company was established by forest machine entrepreneur Einari Vidgrén in
1970, and it has been a leader in timber harvesting solutions based on the
cut-to-length method ever since. Ponsse is headquartered in Vieremä, Finland.
The company’s shares are quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic List.