2016-11-29 15:00:37 CET

2016-11-29 15:00:37 CET


Finnish English
Sp Mortgage Bank Plc - Company Announcement

Sp Mortgage Bank Plc elects Finland as its Home Member State for the purposes of the Transparency Directive

Sp Mortgage Bank Plc - Company Announcement

Sp Mortgage Bank Plc elects Finland as its Home Member State for the purposes of
the Transparency Directive

Sp Mortgage Bank Plc
Stock Exchange Release
29 November 2016 at 4 p.m. (CET +1)

Sp Mortgage Bank Plc has elected Finland as its Home Member State for disclosure
of periodic information

Sp Mortgage Bank Plc has elected Finland as its Home Member State for disclosure
of  periodic  information.  Sp  Mortgage  Bank  Plc's  home  member  state under
corporate law is Finland, and it issues covered bonds.

Sp Mortgage Bank Plc

Further information:

Kirsi Autiosalo, CEO (Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc)
+358 50 4200867

Sp  Mortgage  Bank  is  part  of  the  Savings Banks Group and the Savings Banks
Amalgamation.  The role of  Sp Mortgage Bank  is, together with  Central Bank of
Savings  Banks  Finland  Plc,  to  be  responsible for obtaining funding for the
Savings  Banks  Group  from  money  and  capital  markets.  Sp  Mortgage Bank is
responsible  for the Savings  Banks Group's mortgage-secured  funding by issuing
covered bonds.

Read more: http://www.saastopankki.fi/debtinvestors
