2016-11-18 08:00:49 CET

2016-11-18 08:00:49 CET


Finnish English
Säästöpankkien Keskuspankki Suomi Oyj - Company Announcement

Säästöpankkien Keskuspankki Suomi Oyj: Standard & Poor's Rating Services confirms a 'BBB+' credit rating for Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc, with positive outlook

Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc - Company Announcement

Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc: Standard & Poor's Rating Services
confirms a 'BBB+' credit rating for Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc,
with positive outlook

Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc
Stock Exchange Release
18 November 2016 at 9.00 (CET +1)

Credit rating agency Standard & Poor's Rating Services (S&P) confirmed the
Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc a credit rating of 'BBB+' for long-
term investment grade and a rating of 'A-2' for short-term investment grade on
17 November 2016.

S&P revised the outlook to positive from stable.

Previous S&P's rating report was from May 2016.

A pdf-document containing S&P's rating report is attached to this release.


Further information:
Pasi Kämäri, Chairman of the Board, pasi.kamari@saastopankki.fi and
Kirsi Autiosalo, CEO, kirsi.autiosalo@saastopankki.fi

Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc belongs to the Savings Banks
Amalgamation. The role of the Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc is to
ensure the liquidity and borrowing activities of the Savings Banks Group. It
acquires funds and operates in the money markets and capital markets on behalf
of the Group as well as manages payment transfers. The Central Bank also manages
the internal balancing of the Group's liquidity
