2010-03-31 17:39:03 CEST

2010-03-31 17:40:02 CEST


Islandic English
Lánamál ríkisins - Company Announcement

Standardisation of names of securities issued by the Treasury of Iceland

It has been decided to standardise the names of the Treasury's domestic
securities so as to co-ordinate them with usage in other countries. Instead of
being called “Treasury bonds,” the Treasury's indexed (inflation-linked)
securities will be called “inflation-linked Treasury bonds.” In English, the
issuer will discontinue the use of the word “notes” for non-indexed (nominal)
securities and will take up the term “nominal bonds.” Over the next business
days, the websites www.lanamal.is and www.bonds.is will be updated to reflect
these changes. It is recommended that analysts and other market participants
use this terminology.