2010-02-09 09:00:00 CET

2010-02-09 09:00:01 CET


Finnska Enska
Scanfil - Company Announcement


SCANFIL PLC         STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE    9 FEBRUARY 2010    10.00 A.M.     

SCANFIL PLC'S ANNUAL SUMMARY 2009                                               

An annual summary of Scanfil plc's stock exchange releases in 2009 is available 
at the company's website www.scanfil.com in section Investors.                  

Some of the information included in the releases might be out of date.          

SCANFIL PLC                                                                     

Harri Takanen                                                                   

Distribution         NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                        
                     Major Media                                                

Scanfil Group comprises the investment and parent company Scanfil plc, and a    
subgroup called Scanfil EMS Oy, which is engaged in contract manufacturing for  
international telecommunications technology and industrial electronics          
manufacturers. The objective of the investment activities is to make the        
management of the company's funds more effective and productive by diversifying 
the risks and finding new growth potential.                                     

Scanfil has over 30 years of experience in demanding contract manufacturing.    
Scanfil is a systems supplier that offers its products and services to          
international telecommunications systems manufacturers and industrial           
electronics customers. Typical telecommunications products include equipment    
systems for mobile and public switched telephone networks. Automation systems,  
frequency converters, lift control systems, equipment and systems for           
electricity production and transmission, analysers, slot machines and different 
meteorological instruments are just some examples of the industrial electronics 
products we manufacture. The company has production facilities in China,        
Estonia, Hungary and Finland.