2008-01-09 13:15:00 CET

2008-01-09 13:15:00 CET


Finnish English
Efore - Notice to general meeting


EFORE PLC    Stock Exchange Release     January 9, 2008    at 2.15 p.m.         

NOTICE OF EFORE PLC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING                                      

The shareholders of Efore Plc are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting  
to be held on Thursday, December 31, 2008 at 6 p.m. at Crowne Plaza Helsinki at 
the address Mannerheimintie 50, 00260 Helsinki. Registration of shareholders who
have given a prior notice to attend commences at 5 p.m.                         

The following matters will be transacted at the Annual General Meeting:         

1. The business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting under Article 13 
of the Articles of Association                                                  

2. Proposal by the Board of Directors to authorize the Board of Directors to    
resolve on the issuance of shares, option rights and other special rights       
entitling to the shares                                                         

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting would authorise 
the Board of Directors to resolve on the issuance, in one or several            
instalments, of shares, option rights and special rights pursuant to chapter 10,
section 1 of the Finnish Companies Act. The Board of Directors may, on the basis
of the authorisation, resolve on the issuance of new shares, to convey own      
shares in the company's possession and to grant option rights and special rights
pursuant to chapter 10, section 1 of the Finnish Companies Act, in one or       
several instalments, so that the aggregate maximum number of shares granted on  
the basis of the authorisation, including option rights or shares entitled on   
the basis of special rights, will be 13,000,000 shares. The authorisation       
includes the right for direct issue of shares, option rights or special rights, 
in deviation from the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right on the terms 
and conditions prescribed by law. The authorisation is proposed to be valid     
until the next Annual General Meeting.                                          

3. Proposal by the Board of Directors to authorize the Board of Directors to    
resolve on the acquisition of the Company's own shares                          

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting would authorise 
the Board of Directors to resolve on the acquisition of the company's own       
shares, in one or several instalments. A maximum of 4,000,000 own shares, or a  
lower amount that in addition to the shares already owned by the company is less
than 10 per cent of all shares, may be acquired on the basis of the             
authorisation. The authorisation includes the right to acquire own shares       
otherwise than in proportion to the holdings of the shareholders. The           
authorisation is proposed to be valid until the next Annual General Meeting.    

4. Proposal by the Board of Directors to authorize the Board of Directors to    

The Board of Directors proposes to that the Annual General Meeting would        
authorise the Board of Directors to resolve on the distribution of dividend     
pursuant to chapter 13, section 6 of the Finnish Companies Act. On the basis of 
the authorisation, the Board of Directors may decide on the distribution of     
dividend so that the amount of dividend on the basis of the authorisation in    
total does not exceed EUR 0.05 per share, or in total EUR 2,026,482.40. Dividend
may be distributed one or several times. The authorisation is proposed to be    
valid until the beginning of the next Annual General Meeting.                   

Right to attend                                                                 

In order to take part in the Annual General Meeting, shareholders must be       
registered in the shareholders' register maintained by the Finnish Central      
Securities Depository Ltd. not later than January 21, 2008. In order to enable  
participation at the Annual General Meeting, nominee registered shareholders    
shall contact the relevant account holder so that a provisional registration per
January 21, 2008 can be made in the shareholders' register.                     


Notification of intended participation at the Annual General Meeting must be    
given to the company not later than January 24, 2008 at 4 p.m. Notice may be    
given by letter to Efore Plc, Anu Virokannas, Linnoitustie 4 A, 02600 Espoo, by 
e-mail anu.virokannas@efore.fi, by phone +358 9 478 46341, or by telefax +358 9 
478 46500. When registering by letter, the letter must arrive to the            
abovementioned address before the notification period expires. Any proxies are  
requested to be delivered with the notices before the notification period       
expires. The proxy form is available from the company's website www.efore.com.  

Financial statements and Board of Directors' proposals to the Annual General    

The accounts for the financial year and the proposals of the Board of Directors 
to the Annual General Meeting will be on display from [January 24, 2007] at the 
headquarters of the company and the company's website. Copies of the documents  
will be sent upon request.                                                      


The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that for the      
financial period ended on October 31, 2007 the shareholders of the company will 
be paid dividend of EUR 0.05 per share, or in total EUR 2,026,482.40.           

Provided that the Annual General Meeting approves the proposal by the Board of  
Directors on dividend for the financial period November 1, 2006 - October 31,   
2007, the dividend shall be paid to the shareholders registered in the          
shareholders' register maintained by the Finnish Central Securities Depository  
Ltd on the record date, February 5, 2008. The dividend shall be paid on the     
fifth banking day following the record date.                                    

Proposal for the composition of the Board of Directors                          

The Board of Directors proposes in accordance with the proposal of the          
Nomination Committee to the Annual General Meeting the following six members to 
be elected to the Board of Directors: Mr. Isto Hantila, Mr. Jukka Harju, Mr.    
Marki Luoma, Mr. Esa Korvenmaa, Mr. Timo Syrjälä and Mr. Matti Tammivuori, all  
according to their consent.                                                     

Proposal for the Company's auditor                                              

The Board of Directors proposes that KPMG Oy, Authorized Public Accountants be  
elected as the Company's auditor, with Authorised Public Accountant Mr Lasse    
Holopainen as auditor in charge.                                                

EFORE PLC                                                                       

Board of Directors                                                              

For further information please contact Mr. Reijo Mäihäniemi, President and CEO, 
tel. +358 9 4784 6312                                                           

DISTRIBUTION   Helsinki Stock Exchange                                          
               Principal media                                                  

The Efore Electronics Group is an international company providing services for  
the telecommunications, industrial automation and health care industries. Its   
operations comprise custom-designed power supply solutions, power systems,      
manufacturing of demanding electronics, and related service and maintenance.    

Efore's head office is in Espoo, Finland. Besides Finland, the company's product
development and marketing units are located in China, the USA and Sweden. Its   
production units are located in China, Estonia and the USA. In the fiscal year  
ending in October 2007, consolidated net sales totaled EUR 80,2 million and the 
Group's personnel averaged 766. The shares of the parent company Efore Plc are  
listed at the Helsinki Stock Exchange.                                          
