2008-08-07 12:30:00 CEST

2008-08-07 12:30:00 CEST


Finnish English
Stromsdal - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


STROMSDAL CORPORATION                                                           
INTERIM REPORT                                                         
August 7, 2008, at 1.30 pm (Finnish time)                                       

INTERIM REPORT FOR JANUARY-JUNE 2008                                            

- January-June net sales were EUR 28.6 million (EUR 27.8 million).              
- January-June pre-tax loss was EUR -2.0 million (EUR -3.1 million).            
- The result impact from the sale of excess pollution rights and electricity    
hedges was EUR 2.8 million (EUR 0.0 million)                                    
- The second quarter net sales were EUR 14.1 million (EUR 14.4 million)         
- The second quarter pre-tax loss was EUR -0.5 million (EUR -1.8 million)       
- The extensive capital expenditure programme, which the company started in     
2007 came to an end with the June 2008 investments. The main benefit of the     
investment programme is the improved quality control and efficiency in the      
production of TECTA food packaging paperboard. The capital expenditure for the  
January-June period amounted to EUR 3.2 million (EUR 1.8 million).              
- Stromsdal and Pyroll Oy signed an agreement concerning the outsourcing of     
Stromsdal's finishing department to Pyroll.                                     

MARKETS AND SALES                                                               

The competition in the European paperboard markets was tight and the continues  
increasing production costs, and the weakening of the US dollar and pound       
sterling against the Euro makes the competition even more challenging.          

The average backlog for the period January-June was 8 days (12 days).           

The company focuses on high premium-quality graphical paperboards and on        
specialty paperboards like TECTA food packaging paperboards. Effective July 1,  
2008 price increases were made on some market areas, and the company announced  
price increases of 10 percent on all market areas as of September 1, 2008. In   
addition the company has reduced its currency risks by switching on July 1, 2008
also the rest of its US dollar agreements to Euro based.                        

NET SALES AND RESULTS                                                           

Stromsdal Group's consolidated net sales for January 1 - June 30 totalled EUR   
28.6 million (EUR 27.8 million). Consolidated operating result was EUR -1.6     
million (EUR -2.3 million). Net loss was EUR -2.0 million (EUR -3.1 million).   

Net sales in April - June period were EUR 14.1 million (EUR 14.4 million).      
Operating loss was EUR -0.1 million (EUR -1.4 million). Pre-tax loss for the    
period was EUR -0.6 million (EUR -1.8 million).                                 

Net sales were 2.9 percent higher in January - June 2008 compared to the        
previous year. The high share of commodity boards, however, still reduced the   
financial results for the period.                                               

In February the company sold its 2008 excess pollution rights for EUR 0.6       
million. The company has for years 2009 - 2012, mainly price hedged, excess     
pollution rights amounting to EUR 3.0 million. In June the company sold all its 
electricity price hedges for EUR 2.2 million. Both transactions are booked in   
the Income Statement under “Other operating income”. Without these transactions 
operating loss for the period January 1 - June 30 would have been EUR -4.4  
million (EUR -2.3 million), and the operating loss for the period April 1 - June
30 would have been EUR -2.9 million (EUR -1.4 million). On June 30, 2008 the    
company didn't have any electricity price hedges left.                          

The production volume reached 30,700 tons (30,400 tons). The one week investment
shut down in February and the one week investment/maintenance shut down in June 
significantly weakened the production volume and results for the period. In     
addition, the main sheeting machine had a serious break-down during April-May,  
which forced the company during that time to do most of its sheeting outside    
Juankoski. This break-down meant EUR 0.4 million in extra costs. The insurance  
will cover most of the expenses and the company accrued in the second quarter   
EUR 0.2 million as insurance cover.                                             

Electricity, energy, pulpwood, labour and transportation costs rose             
significantly during the period compared to the same time previous year.        

FINANCIAL POSITION                                                              

The operative cash flow was EUR 1.5 million (EUR -1.1 million) and included in  
the operative cash flow is the sale of excess pollution rights and electricity  
price hedges, total EUR 2.8 million (EUR 0.0 million).                          
Cash flow from investments was EUR -2.2 million (EUR -1.3 million).             

In June 2006 the Ministry of Trade and Industry granted the company an          
investment aid of EUR 1.5 million. The first part of the investment aid, EUR 0.5
million was received in March 2007, the second one in February 2008 was EUR 0.4 
million and the last one EUR 0.6 million was received in June 2008.             

The company has used EUR 0.5 million from the total granted EUR 1.0 million loan
to be used for capital expenditures. The company has agreed with its main       
financiers to postpone all 2008 debt payments.                                  

Based upon Annual General Meeting (AGM) decision and authorization on March 26, 
2008, the Board of Directors decided on June 17, 2008 to issue for subscription 
a total of 2,462,600 new shares in deviation of the shareholders' pre-emptive   
subscription right. The reasoning for the directed share issue is to strengthen 
company's capital structure and liquidity. The total subscription price of      
shares was EUR 0.9 million, and EUR 0.3 million was received as cash and EUR 0.6
million was set off receivables from the company.                               

CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                                                             

The extensive capital expenditure program, which started during summer 2007,    
came to an end with the February and June 2008 investments. During the period   
January - June 2008 capital expenditure totalled EUR 3.2 million (EUR 1.8       

The February and June investments were done mainly to improve quality control   
and efficiency when producing TECTA food packaging paperboard and to develop the
surface and printability properties of all coated grades.                       

During June the unwinder of the offco-machine and the on-line processing of the 
board machine were renewed by changing the electric motors and the gears as well
as their steering.                                                              


Stromsdal and Pyroll Oy signed on June 17, 2008 an agreement concerning the     
outsourcing of Stromsdal's finishing department to Pyroll as of October 1, 2008.
The aim of the co-operation between Stromsdal and Pyroll is to secure the fast  
deliveries to Stromsdal's customers and to further improve the quality and cost 
efficiency of Stromsdal's finishing operations.                                 

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT                                                        

During the period, quality improvements, such as higher brightness, were made on
the graphical boards and development work intended to broaden Tecta food        
packaging applications continues.                                               


During the period the company had an average of 213 (216) employees. At the end 
of the period there were 236 (236) employees, of whom 182 persons were permanent
and 54 persons, were temporary staff and summer vacation replacements.          

During the second quarter Stromsdal launched a rationalization program aiming at
reducing costs. As part of the rationalization program the company started on   
May 9, 2008 the co-operation negotiations regarding the whole workforce. The    
co-operation negotiations ended on June 17, 2008, and the outcome was to reduce 
the number of employees by a total of 18 and to outsource the whole finishing   
department, whereby 30 employees will be transferred from Stromsdal to Pyroll as
established employees  Thus the total headcount reduction is 48 employees. In   
addition, job description will change for 13 employees to better reflect today's

SHARES AND SHARE CAPITAL                                                        

The trading volume of Stromsdal Oyj shares for 1 January - 30 June 2008 totalled
480,747 (1,391,353), accounting for 1.60 percent (8.58) percent of the total    
number of shares. Share turnover came to EUR 0.21 million (EUR 0.93 million)    
with the period's lowest and highest share price amounting to EUR 0.39 and EUR  
0.51, respectively. At the end of the period, the shares closed at EUR 0.39 and 
the market capitalisation totalled EUR 11.7 million.                            

The AGM on 26 March 2008 resolved that the fund for unrestricted equity         
established in year 2002 (EUR 2,025,936.63) and the fund for invested           
unrestricted equity (EUR 5,100,399.45), total EUR 7,126,336.08, are used in full
to cover the confirmed loss in the balance sheet.                               

The AGM further resolved that the registered share capital of the company, EUR  
10,102,906.80, is reduced without compensation by EUR 3,181,441.98 after which  
reduction the company's share capital was EUR 6,921,464.82, divided into        

Of the amount of the share capital reduction, EUR 3,181,441.98 was used to cover
the confirmed loss in the balance sheet in accordance with the provisions in    
Chapter 14, Section 1.1 of the Finnish Companies Act.                           

The reduction of share capital as resolved results into restriction on          
distribution of profits during the next three years according to Chapter 14,    
Section 2.2 of the Finnish Companies Act.                                       

The AGM resolved to authorize the Board of Directors to decide on the issuing of
new shares of the company and on the right to transfer shares in the company    
that are in the possession of the company. The authorization includes the right 
to issue special rights as meant in Chapter 10 Section 1 of the Finnish         
Companies Act, which rights would entitle the holder to receive, against        
payment, new shares in the company or own shares of the company being in the    
possession of the company either by paying the subscription price in cash or by 
using a receivable from the company to set off the subscription price. A maximum
amount of 20,000,000 new shares may be issued. A maximum amount of 1,100,000 own
shares in the possession of the company may be transferred.                     

In addition, the authorization includes the right to decide on a share issue to 
the company itself free of charge so that, as a result, the aggregate amount of 
shares issued to the company is a maximum of one tenth (1/10) of the total      
amount of shares in the company. This amount includes all the shares in the     
company being in the possession of the company itself or in the possession of   
any of its affiliated companies as set out in Chapter 15 Section 11 Paragraph 1 
of the Finnish Companies Act.                                                   

The Board of Directors is entitled to decide on any other issues related with   
the share issue. The authorization is in force for one year as of the decision  
of the AGM. The authorization revokes the authorization decided by the          
shareholder's meeting on 29 March 2007.                                         

The Board of Directors decided on June 17, 2008, according to the authorization 
of the AGM on March 26, 2008, to issue for subscription a total of 2,462,600 new
shares in deviation of the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right. The    
shares were issued to the Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr Harry Salonaho  
(855,000 shares) and to four Finnish professional and institutional investors.  
The subscription price of each new share was EUR 0.35. The shares issued for    
subscription were subscribed in full, and the total subscription price of       
shares, EUR 861,910, was recorded entirely to the fund of invested              
non-restricted equity. The new shares were taken into public trading on June 30,

At the end of the second quarter the fully paid share capital amounted to EUR   
6,921,464.82 divided on 29,977,999 shares.                                      

NEAR FUTURE RISKS                                                               

The price increases of the main raw materials, electricity and transportation   
costs will raise the production costs and reduce the company's profitability.   
This negative impact will be compensated by investments and more efficient      
logistics-, sales- and production processes (i.e. outsourcing of the finishing  
operations), and with the announced 10 percent price increase as of September 1,

The availability of pulpwood and short-fibre pulp is secured for the coming     
months, but the risk of Russia increasing the wood duties, would endanger the   
availability of pulpwood and short-fibre pulp, and would increase prices.       

Downward markets and unfavourable currency exchange rates, especially the pound 
sterling has a negative impact on the company's result. The company has almost  
fully eliminated its US dollar risk during the second quarter.                  

Should the company's profitability and cash flow fail to improve in 2008, its   
financial standing and liquidity may deteriorate substantially.                 

For more information on risk management, please turn to the Financial Statements
in the company's Annual Report for 2007.                                        

FUTURE PROSPECTS                                                                

The future prospects are based on general external financial indicators, order  
forecasts given by customers and on the company's order book.                   

The company still seeks to deliver positive EBITDA in 2008, which includes      
profit from the sales of excess pollution rights and electricity price hedges.  
The goal is very challenging despite price increases in the third quarter. The  
continuing rise in the prices of raw materials erodes profitability. The company
has improved efficiency through investments, which will improve the product     
quality level, the production output and will reduce the production cost level. 

The possible softening of the market and unfavourable exchange rate development,
especially in respect of the pound sterling, will erode the company's financial 
performance. As previously estimated, the financial results for the year 2008   
will be negative.                                                               

STROMSDAL CORPORATION                                                           

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (EUR 1000)                                        

|                       |    IFRS |    IFRS |      IFRS |     IFRS |      IFRS |
|                       |  4-6/08 |  4-6/07 |    1-6/08 |   1-6/07 |   1-12/07 |
| NET SALES             |  14 055 |  14 373 |    28 570 |   27 756 |    56 073 |
| Changes in            |    -727 |   - 834 |    -1 137 |     -618 |     1 158 |
| inventories of        |         |         |           |          |           |
| finished and          |         |         |           |          |           |
| unfinished goods +/-  |         |         |           |          |           |
| Other operating       |   2 460 |      56 |     3 095 |      151 |       309 |
| income                |         |         |           |          |           |
| Materials and         | -10 717 | -10 047 |   -21 687 |  -19 956 |   -42 662 |
| services              |         |         |           |          |           |
| Empolyee benefits     |  -2 984 |  -2 983 |    -5 969 |   -5 743 |   -11 219 |
| expense               |         |         |           |          |           |
| Depreciaton           |    -937 |    -872 |    -1 874 |   -1 747 |    -3 458 |
| Other operating       |  -1 288 |  -1 116 |    -2 600 |   -2 186 |    -4 474 |
| expenses              |         |         |           |          |           |
| OPERATING PROFIT/LOSS |    -138 |  -1 423 |    -1 602 |   -2 342 |    -4 273 |
| Share of associated   |       0 |       0 |         0 |        0 |        27 |
| companies´            |         |         |           |          |           |
| profits/losses        |         |         |           |          |           |
| Financial income and  |    -461 |    -368 |      -397 |     -716 |    -1 516 |
| expenses              |         |         |           |          |           |
| PROFIT/LOSS BEFORE    |    -600 |  -1 791 |    -1 999 |   -3 058 |    -5 762 |
| TAXES                 |         |         |           |          |           |
| Income taxes          |      74 |       4 |         3 |        7 |         6 |
| PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE   |    -525 |  -1 787 |    -1 996 |   -3 052 |    -5 756 |
| FINANCIAL YEAR        |         |         |           |          |           |
| EARNINGS/SHARE,       |   -0,02 |   -0,06 |     -0,07 |    -0,11 |     -0,21 |
| diluted and undiluted |         |         |           |          |           |

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (EUR 1000)                                           
|                                       |   |     IFRS |      IFRS |      IFRS |
| ASSETS                                |   |  30.6.08 |   30.6.07 |  31.12.07 |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS                    |   |          |           |           |
| Other intangible assets               |   |      596 |       792 |       724 |
| Tangible assets                       |   |   22 754 |    21 984 |    21 930 |
| Investments in associated companies   |   |      526 |       499 |       526 |
| Available-for-sale financial assets   |   |       41 |        44 |        44 |
| Receivables                           |   |      785 |       619 |       602 |
| Deferred tax assets                   |   |       74 |        74 |        74 |
| TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS              |   |   24 776 |    24 013 |    23 900 |
| CURRENT ASSETS                        |   |          |           |           |
| Inventories                           |   |    6 377 |     5 993 |     7 210 |
| Trade and other receivables           |   |   10 724 |    11 433 |    12 436 |
| Financial asset recognised in profit  |   |        1 |         0 |         0 |
| or loss                               |   |          |           |           |
| Cash and cash equivalents             |   |    1 497 |       380 |     2 112 |
| TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                  |   |   18 599 |    17 806 |    21 758 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                          |   |   43 375 |    41 819 |    45 658 |
| SHAREHOLDERS´ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES  |   |          |           |           |
| SHAREHOLDERS´ EQUITY                  |   |          |           |           |
| Share capital                         |   |    6 921 |    10 103 |    10 103 |
| Issue premium fund                    |   |    1 862 |     1 862 |     1 862 |
| Other funds                           |   |        0 |     2 026 |     2 026 |
| Reserve for invested non-restricted   |   |    1 178 |         0 |     5 464 |
| equity                                |   |          |           |           |
| Exchange rate difference              |   |        0 |        76 |         0 |
| Retained earnings                     |   |   -2 044 |    -7 715 |   -10 356 |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS´ EQUITY            |   |    7 917 |     6 352 |     9 099 |
| NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES               |   |          |           |           |
| Deferred tax liabilities              |   |       18 |        20 |        20 |
| Provisions                            |   |      181 |       212 |       181 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities          |   |   15 199 |    12 129 |    15 341 |
| Other liabilities                     |   |      115 |       115 |       115 |
| TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES         |   |   15 513 |    12 477 |    15 657 |
| CURRENT LIABILITIES                   |   |          |           |           |
| Accounts payable and other            |   |   10 218 |    11 651 |    10 695 |
| liabilities                           |   |          |           |           |
| Liabilities recognised in profit or   |   |        0 |        18 |         0 |
| loss                                  |   |          |           |           |
| Provisions                            |   |       91 |        46 |        91 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities          |   |    9 636 |    11 275 |    10 116 |
| TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES             |   |   19 945 |    22 990 |    20 902 |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS´ EQUITY AND        |   |   43 375 |    41 819 |    45 658 |
| LIABILITIES                           |   |          |           |           |

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (EUR 1000)                                     
|                                       |   |     IFRS |      IFRS |      IFRS |
|                                       |   |   1-6/08 |    1-6/07 |   1-12/07 |
| BUSINESS OPERATIONS                   |   |          |           |           |
| Operating profit/loss                 |   |   -1 602 |    -2 342 |    -4 273 |
| ADJUSTMENTS TO OPERATING PROFIT/LOSS: |   |          |           |           |
| Depreciation                          |   |    1 874 |     1 747 |     3 458 |
| Non-cash transactions                 |   |       -4 |        18 |        -1 |
| CHANGE IN NET WORKING CAPITAL:        |   |          |           |           |
| Increase/decrease in accounts and     |   |    1 138 |    -1 305 |    -1 903 |
| other receivables                     |   |          |           |           |
| Increase/decrease in inventories      |   |      833 |      -129 |    -1 345 |
| Increase/decrease in accounts and     |   |     -110 |     1 541 |       473 |
| other payables                        |   |          |           |           |
| Interest paid                         |   |     -554 |      -601 |    -1 234 |
| Interest received                     |   |        3 |         3 |        80 |
| Dividend received                     |   |        0 |         4 |         4 |
| Other financial items paid            |   |      -65 |       -66 |      -133 |
| Taxes paid                            |   |        0 |        -1 |        -1 |
| NET CASH FLOW FROM BUSINESS           |   |    1 513 |    -1 130 |    -4 875 |
| OPERATIONS (A)                        |   |          |           |           |
| INVESTMENTS                           |   |          |           |           |
| Purchase of tangible assets           |   |   -3 175 |    -1 804 |    -3 462 |
| Purchase of intanbible assets         |   |       -8 |       -36 |       -91 |
| Investment aid                        |   |    1 019 |       503 |       503 |
| Sale of intangible assets             |   |      170 |         0 |         0 |
| Increase/decrease of long-term        |   |     -183 |        17 |        35 |
| receivables                           |   |          |           |           |
| CASH FLOW FROM INVESTMENTS (B)        |   |   -2 176 |    -1 320 |    -3 015 |
| FINANCING                             |   |          |           |           |
| Share issue                           |   |      299 |         0 |     3 037 |
| Increase of long-term loans           |   |      500 |     1 000 |     5 334 |
| Instalments of long-term loans        |   |     -326 |      -176 |      -405 |
| Increase/decrease in short-term loans |   |     -399 |     1 313 |     1 371 |
| Instalments of finance leasing        |   |      -27 |       -26 |       -53 |
| NET CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING (C)      |   |       47 |     2 111 |     9 284 |
| INCREASE/DECREASE OF LIQUID FUNDS     |   |     -616 |      -338 |     1 394 |
| (A+B+C)                               |   |          |           |           |
| LIQUID FUNDS ON 1 JANUARY             |   |    2 112 |       718 |       718 |
| LIQUID FUNDS ON 30 JUNE AND 31        |   |    1 497 |       380 |     2 112 |
| DECEMBER                              |   |          |           |           |

BUSINESS SEGMENTATION                                                           
Business segmentation is not presented, as Stromsdal Group only has one business


| A = Share capital |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| B = Share issue   |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| C = Issue premium |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| fund              |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| D = Reserve fund / Reserve for invested non-restricted equity 2007       |   |
| E = Other funds   |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| F = Exchange difference   |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| G = Retained earnings     |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| H = Total capital and     |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| reserves                  |       |       |        |        |        |       |

|           |     A |     B |     C |     D |      E |      F |      G |     H |
| SHARE-    | 10103 |     0 |  1862 |  5464 |   2026 |      0 | -10356 |  9099 |
| HOLDERS´  |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| EQUITY    |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| 1.1.2008  |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| Share     |     - |     - |     - |  862  |      - |      - |      - |   862 |
| issue     |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| Convert-  |     - |     - |     - |   -48 |      - |      - |      - |   -48 |
| ible      |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| bond      |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| loan      |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| Reduction | -3181 |     - |     - |     - |      - |      - |   3181 |     - |
| of share  |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| capital   |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| Loss      |       |       |       | -5100 |  -2026 |        |   7126 |     0 |
| covered   |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| Exchange  |     - |     - |     - |     - |      - |      - |      - |     0 |
| rate      |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| differenc |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| e         |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| Net       |     - |     - |     - |     - |      - |      - |  -1996 | -1996 |
| profit    |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| /loss     |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| for the   |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| financial |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| year      |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| SHARE-    |  6922 |     0 | 1862  |  1178 |      0 |      0 |  -2046 |  7917 |
| HOLDERS´  |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| EQUITY    |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| 30.6.2008 |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
|           |     A |     B |     C |     D |      E |      F |      G |     H |
| SHARE-    | 10103 |     0 |  1862 |     0 |   2026 |     76 |  -4663 |  9404 |
| HOLDERS´  |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| EQUITY    |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| 1.1.2007  |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| Share     |     - |     - |     - |     - |      - |      - |      - |     - |
| issue     |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| Convert-  |     - |     - |     - |     - |      - |      - |      - |     - |
| ible      |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| bond      |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| loan      |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| Exchange  |     - |     - |     - |     - |      - |      - |      - |     - |
| rate      |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| differenc |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| e         |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| Net       |     - |     - |     - |     - |      0 |      - |  -3052 | -3052 |
| profit    |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| /loss     |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| for the   |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| financial |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| year      |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| SHARE-    | 10103 |     0 |  1862 |     0 |   2026 |     76 |  -7715 |  6352 |
| HOLDERS´  |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| EQUITY    |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |
| 30.6.2007 |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |

|                                   |      |  30.6.08 |   30.6.07 |   31.12.07 |
| 1. LEASING LIABILITIES (EUR 1000) |      |       41 |        68 |        107 |

| 2. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND PLEDGES    |  30.6.08 |   30.6.07 |   31.12.07 |
| GIVEN                                    |          |           |            |
| FOR GROUP´S OWN DEBT (EUR 1000)   |      |          |           |            |
| Mortgages on buildings and leases |      |    5 674 |     5 674 |      5 674 |
| Mortgages on company assets       |      |    7 737 |     7 737 |      7 737 |
| Pledges given                     |      |    9 876 |     9 961 |     11 478 |
| Pledged shares                    |      |      471 |       471 |        471 |
| TOTAL                             |      |   23 758 |    23 843 |     25 360 |
| 3. OTHER PLEDGES GIVEN (EUR 1000) |      |  30.6.08 |   30.6.07 |   31.12.07 |
| Pledged deposits                  |      |      207 |         7 |          7 |
| Mortgages on company assets       |      |        0 |         0 |          0 |
| TOTAL                             |      |      207 |         7 |          7 |

Leases and buildings are also burdened by the ownership retention provision     
recorded by the equipment supplier. It targets equipment worth EUR 1.4 million. 

Valid bank quarantees to suppliers amount to EUR 660 thousand.                  

| 4. OUTSTANDING DERIVATES CONTRACTS (EUR  |  30.6.08 |   30.6.07 |   31.12.07 |
| 1000)                                    |          |           |            |
| PAR VALUE                         |      |          |           |            |
| Foreign currency hedging          |      |    4 824 |       551 |          0 |

| 5. TANGIBLE ASSESTS (EUR 1000)           |   1-6/08 |    1-6/07 |    1-12/07 |
| Increases                         |      |    3 175 |     1 804 |      3 371 |
| Decreases                         |      |        0 |         0 |        -29 |
| TOTAL                             |      |    3 175 |     1 804 |      3 342 |
| 6. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (EUR 1000) |   1-6/08 |    1-6/07 |    1-12/07 |
| Employee benefits                        |          |           |            |
| Board of Directors´remuneration   |      |       61 |        59 |        129 |
| Salaries and other short term     |      |      322 |       336 |        586 |
| empolyee benefits of the          |      |          |           |            |
| management                        |      |          |           |            |
| Other benefits due to notice of   |      |        0 |        32 |         32 |
| employment                        |      |          |           |            |

| KEY FIGURES                       |      |  30.6.08 |   30.6.07 |   31.12.07 |
| Earnings/share, euros             |      |    -0,07 |     -0,11 |      -0,21 |
| Shareholders´ equity/share, euros |      |     0,26 |      0,21 |       0,30 |
| Research and development costs,   |      |     0,09 |      0,02 |       0,17 |
| Me                                |      |          |           |            |
| Gross investments, Me             |      |      3,2 |       1,8 |        3,5 |
| Group personnel average           |      |      213 |       216 |        213 |
| Equity ratio %                    |      |     18,3 |      15,2 |       19,9 |
| Current ratio                     |      |      0,9 |       0,8 |        1,0 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities, Me  |      |     24,8 |      23,4 |       25,5 |
| Number of shares average          |      | 27704830 |  27704830 |   27704830 |
| Number of shares 30.6./31.12.     |      | 29977999 |  29977999 |   29977999 |

CALCULATION OF GROUP KEY FIGURES:                                               

Earnings/share (EPS):                                                           
Profit/loss for the the financial year   	                                      
Share issue adjusted average number of shares                                   

Equity ratio:                                                                   
(Shareholders´ equity + minority interest)*100                                  
Balance sheet total - payments received in advance                              

Current ratio:                                                                  
Financial assets + inventories                                                  
Current liabilities                                                             

| MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS                           |                  |            |
| 30 June 2008                                 | Shares and Votes |       % of |
|                                              |                  | Shares and |
|                                              |                  |      Votes |
| 1.    | Atine Group Oy                       |        7 407 406 |   24,70947 |
| 2.    | Baltiska Handels AB                  |        3 703 704 |   12,35474 |
| 3.    | Suomen Teollisuussijoitus Oy         |        2 500 000 |    8,33945 |
| 4.    | Svenska Handelsbanken AB (Publ.),    |        2 500 000 |    8,33945 |
|       | Filialverksamheten i Finland         |                  |            |
| 5.    | Juankosken Kehitysmasuuni Oy         |        1 891 694 |    6,31027 |
| 6.    | Finnvera Oyj                         |        1 875 000 |    6,25459 |
| 7.    | Ylitalo Jukka                        |        1 127 522 |    3,76117 |
| 8.    | Salonaho Harry                       |          935 000 |    3,11895 |
| 9.    | Enterpack Oy                         |          698 253 |    2,32922 |
| 10.   | Savon Voima Oyj                      |          371 600 |    1,23958 |
| 11.   | Seligson & Co Phoenix                |          325 060 |    1,08433 |
| 12.   | 2M Ventures Oy                       |          301 700 |    1,00641 |
| 13.   | Oksanen Markku                       |          234 837 |    0,78336 |
| 14.   | Virala Oy Ab                         |          115 042 |    0,38376 |
| 15.   | Kargol Oy Ab                         |          112 743 |    0,37609 |
| 16.   | Åbacka Mikael Leif Erik              |          111 111 |    0,37064 |
| 17.   | Peltokangas Raimo                    |          109 000 |    0,36360 |
| 18.   | Molin Leo                            |           90 000 |    0,30022 |
| 19.   | Salminen Urpo                        |           86 100 |    0,28721 |
| 20.   | Forcera Oy                           |           84 510 |    0,28191 |
|       | Total                                |       24 580 282 |   81,99441 |
|       | Shares issued total                  |       29 977 999 |            |

The interim report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of IAS 
34, Interim Financial Reporting.                                                

The accounting policies for the interim report are compatible with those for the
financial statements prepared on 31 December 2007.                              

The consolidated reconciliations include the subsidiary Juantehtaan Ympäristö Oy
and the associated companies Koillis-Savon Ympäristöhuolto Oy and Juankosken    
Biolämpö Oy.                                                                    

The above figure have not been audited.                                         

The above figures have been rounded and may therefor differ from those given in 
the official financial statements.                                              

STROMSDAL CORPORATION                                                           
Board of Directors                                                              

For further information, please contact:                                        
Mikael Åbacka, Managing Director                                                
Tel. +358 (0)400 737 452                                                        

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Major media                                                                     

STROMSDAL is a forest based industry company  and its board mill is located in  
Juankoski, Finland. Stromsdal's sales and customer service network covers more  
than 30 countries, mainly in Europe.                                            

For demanding printing jobs Stromsdal offers its customers premium-quality      
graphical boards - GraphiArt Duo and GraphiArt Pro - with excellent combination 
of printability, brightness and stiffness. For food-packaging Stromsdal offers  
its speciality environmentally friendly product - Tecta - a dispersion coated   
barrier board, which is 100 per cent plastic-free, bio degradable and fully     

Stromsdal's shares are listed on the Small Cap segment of the Helsinki Stock    
Exchange (OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki Oy) under the company code STM1V.        

STROMSDAL CORPORATION                                                           
Juankoskentie 7 A, P.O. Box 33, FI-73501 Juankoski                              
Tel. +358 20 710 9200, Fax. +358 20 710 9210                