2017-05-31 15:07:30 CEST

2017-05-31 15:07:30 CEST


English Lithuanian
Amber Grid - General meeting of shareholders

On decisions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Amber Grid

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Amber Grid (hereinafter –  the Company) held on 31 May 2017 adopted the following resolutions: 

1) The election of the Audit Company and determining the terms of compensation for audit services for the year 2017.

Decision taken:

“To elect UAB PricewaterhouseCoopers as the Audit Company to perform  the audit of AB Amber Grid financial statements as of 31 December 2017 (drawn up in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards and of the Annual Report and regulated activity financial statements prepared in accordance with the requirements established by the Law on Natural Gas and secondary legislation) and to set remuneration for the services of the audit of the financial statements and related statements at EUR 15,910 (excluding VAT).”

The individual authorised by AB Amber Grid (the issuer) to provide additional information on the material event:

Giedrė Osinaitė

Head of Legal Division

tel. +370 5 2327733

fax +370 5 236 0850

e-mail: g.osinaite@ambergrid.lt