2012-02-29 15:09:38 CET

2012-02-29 15:10:44 CET


Vilniaus Degtine AB - Interim information

Interim Performance Result of AB Vilniaus degtinė for the 12 months of 2011

In the period from January to December of 2011, sales income of AB Vilniaus
degtinė decreased by 1.83% as compared to the same period of the last year.
Sales income from January to December 2011 amounted to LTL 41,062,173 (EUR
11,892,427), while sales income for the same period of 2010 was LTL 41,829,018
(EUR 12,114,521). Sales income for the Q4 2011 amounted to LTL 12,479,872 (EUR
3,614,421), while sales income for the Q4 2010 was LTL 12,509,131 (EUR

From January to December 2011, the Company sold 6,863.5 thous. litres of strong
drinks, which is by 9.51% more as compared to the respective period of the last
year (6,267.6 thous. litres from January to December 2010). 

From January to December 2011, the Company incurred losses before taxes
amounting to LTL 3,194,124 (EUR 925,082), while from January to December 2010
the losses before taxes were LTL 401,769 (EUR 116,360). EBITDA for the twelve
months of 2011 was LTL 3.362 million and decreased by 16.39% as compared to the
year 2010 (LTL 4.021 million). 

According to Mr. Juozas Daunys, Director General of AB Vilniaus degtinė, the
negative indicators of Company‘s profit were greatly influenced by the
reduction of value of part of real assets for the amount of LTL 2.371 million. 

“In 2011, the demand for vodka in local market fell by 8% and the prices for
the key raw materials are still growing. The growth of vodka import from
neighbouring countries have forced the local producers to lower prices of their
production“ said Juozas Daunys about the main reasons. "It should be admitted that the first half of 2011 was quite difficult for the
Company, but the results of the second half give many good hopes. The Company
successfully managed production processes and adapted to the difficult market
conditions. In 2011, export sales increased by 50.7% and showed the fastest
growth in markets of Latvia, Poland, Denmark and Bulgaria. Q4 EBITDA of
Vilniaus degtinė reached 0.893 million LTL, which is by 40.41% more than in
2010 (0.636 million LTL)” concluded Juozas Daunys, Director General of AB
Vilniaus degtinė. 

About AB Vilniaus degtinė

AB Vilniaus degtinė is one of the oldest and largest producers of strong drinks
in Lithuania. It started production back in 1907, when Obeliai Spirit
Distillery was opened in Rokiškis district, Obeliai township. 

Vilniaus degtinė has maintained the best Lithuanian production traditions and
holds the following brands: Sobieski, Bajorų, Karvedys, Renaissance, Dama,
Čepkeliai, Penguin Vodka, Shotka Vodka. The Company's products have won
numerous awards for their quality and uniqueness of their recipes. AB Vilniaus
degtinė exports its production to Latvia, Estonia, Poland, France, Denmark,
Israel, Byelorussia, Spain, China and England. 

AB “Vilniaus degtinė” would like to inform, that was re-elected the Management
Board. The Management Board members did not change, members of the Management
Board were re-elected: Darius Žaromskis, Juozas Daunys, Dalius Rutkauskas and
Aistė Rasmussen. 

Darius Šiaudinis

Marketing Manager

Phone: +370 61608039