2011-08-12 08:00:00 CEST

2011-08-12 08:00:15 CEST


Finnish English
Ramirent - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


RAMIRENT PLC       INTERIM REPORT    12 AUGUST 2011                   AT 9:00

Vantaa, Finland, 2011-08-12 08:00 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RAMIRENT PLC      
INTERIM REPORT    12 AUGUST 2011                   AT 9:00 a.m. 


Note! Figures in brackets, unless otherwise indicated, refer to the
corresponding period a year earlier. 


- Net sales increased by 16.1% to MEUR 149.5 (128.7). At comparable
exchange rates the growth was 13.7%

- EBITDA MEUR 40.6 (30.7) or 27.2% (23.9%) of sales

- EBIT MEUR 15.4 (7.4) or 10.3% (5.8%) of sales

- Gross capital expenditure MEUR 44.6 (21.7)

- Cash flow after investments MEUR -20.4 (13.4)

- Number of outlets 399 (353)

- Acquisitions in Norway, Sweden, Finland and in the Czech Republic


- Net sales increased by 18.1% MEUR 283.9 (240.3). At comparable exchange rates
the growth was 14.4%. 

- EBITDA MEUR 68.2 (48.3) or 24.0% (20.1%) of sales

- EBIT MEUR 18.1 (1.9) or 6.4% (0.8%) of sales

- Gross capital expenditure MEUR 76.5 (34.2)

- Cash flow after investments MEUR -31.1 (9.4)

- Net debt MEUR 238.2 (209.3)

- Gearing 80.4% (70.6%)


Overall, the new residential construction, infrastructure and renovation
construction markets are expected to develop favourably, especially in the
Nordic countries, while demand for commercial construction remains weak. Taking
this into account, Ramirent expects the recovery in its markets to continue.
Also, the improved balance between supply and demand indicates a healthier
price level. 

However, due to the current financial turmoil the market risks have increased.
Ramirent maintains a cautious stance since uncertainties in the macroeconomic
development persist. 


Ramirent reiterates its outlook for 2011. As a result of increased construction
activity and improving price levels, net sales are expected to increase in
2011, and the result before taxes is expected to improve compared to 2010. 


(MEUR)                    4-6/11  4-6/10  Change  1-6/11  1-6/10  Change  1-12/1
Net sales                  149.5   128.7   16.1%   283.9   240.3   18.1%   531.3
EBITDA                      40.6    30.7   32.1%    68.2    48.3   41.2%   127.4
% of net sales             27.2%   23.9%           24.0%   20.1%           24.0%
EBIT                        15.4     7.4  107.4%    18.1     1.9  854.1%    29.7
% of net sales             10.3%    5.8%            6.4%    0.8%            5.6%
Earnings per share          0.08    0.04  112.6%    0.08   -0.01     N/A    0.13
 (EPS), (basic and                                                              
 diluted), EUR                                                                  
Gross capital               44.6    21.7  105.6%    76.5    34.2  123.6%    62.0
Gross capital              29.8%   16.8%           26.9%   14.2%           11.7%
 expenditure,% of net                                                           
Cash flow after            -20.4    13.4     N/A   -31.1     9.4     N/A    48.0
Invested capital at the end of                     536.4   508.0    5.6%   495.6
 the period                                                                     
Return on invested capital                         10.4%    5.1%            8.6%
 (ROI), % 1)                                                                    
Return on equity (ROE),                             8.3%   -1.8%            4.7%
 % 1)                                                                           
Net debt                                           238.2   209.3   13.8%   176.6
Gearing, %                                         80.4%   70.6%           55.6%
Equity ratio, %                                    42.5%   44.3%           48.0%
Personnel at end of period                         3 185   3 071    3.7%   3 048
1) The figures are calculated on a rolling twelve month                         


“Activity levels continued to improve in the second quarter contributing to net
sales growth in all our segments. The growth was fastest in Sweden, Europe East
and Europe Central. Profitability improved also due to the higher business
volumes and efficiency improvements from relocation of fleet capacity and
expansion of the outlet network. However, profitability is still burdened by
unsatisfactory price levels. Our priority therefore remains on raising price
levels as the demand is returning to our various product groups. 

During the quarter, we succeeded in finalising several important acquisitions
that strengthen our product offering as well as our presence in important
customer sectors. In Norway, we signed an agreement to acquire Rogaland
Planbygg AS, the leading provider of high-class rental accommodation and office
modules to the oil and gas industry in Norway. In Sweden, we signed an
agreement to acquire Hyrman i Lund AB, which strengthened our presence in the
high-activity region of southern Sweden. In Finland, we acquired Suomen
Sääsuoja Oy. This acquisition reinforced our position in the growing weather
protection market in Finland. In the Czech Republic, we continued to build our
network by acquiring the equipment rental business of two construction
equipment companies. 

While the activity levels in our markets have improved, we maintain a cautious
stance on the market recovery due to the current macroeconomic uncertainty. Our
focus remains on continued operational development, maintaining a strong
financial position and we have contingency plans in place to manage changes in
the market situation.” 



The positive development in the market at the beginning of the year continued
in the second quarter of 2011. Market activity continued to improve in the
construction and various industrial sectors. Utilisation rates in most of
Ramirent product groups improved due to positive market development. 

Geographically, demand for rental equipment increased in all Ramirent countries
due to increased market activity. Of the Nordic countries, Sweden in particular
showed strong activity. In Finland, the recovery of industrial production was
still slower than in many other countries in Eastern and Central Europe. Demand
for rental equipment in Russia, the Baltic States and Ukraine continued to pick
up, whereas in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary activity was slower. 


Ramirent Group's January-June 2011 net sales increased by 18.1% to EUR 283.9
(240.3) million due to recovery in the construction market activity. At
comparable exchange rates, the Group's net sales increased 14.4%. In the second
quarter, net sales increased by 16.1% to EUR 149.5 (128.7) million or by 13.7%
at comparable exchange rates. Net sales grew in all segments both in euros and
at comparable exchange rates. The growth in net sales was especially strong in
Sweden, Europe East and Europe Central. Finland contributed 23.3% (26.1%) to
Group sales, Sweden 29.0% (26.1%), Norway 22.0% (22.6%), Denmark 6.3% (6.9%),
Europe East 7.8% (6.9%) and Europe Central 11.6% (11.4%). 

Net sales development by segment was as follows:

Net sales                                                                 
(MEUR)                    4-6/11  4-6/10  Change  1-6/11  1-6/10  Change  1-12/1
Finland                     36.5    36.1    1.2%    66.8    64.2    4.0%   136.9
Sweden                      42.1    34.9   20.9%    83.4    64.2   29.9%   145.2
Norway                      30.5    27.4   11.2%    63.1    55.7   13.1%   114.4
Denmark                      9.9     9.0    9.7%    18.2    17.1    6.6%    35.6
Europe East                 13.0     9.5   36.9%    22.4    17.0   31.8%    42.7
Europe Central              19.0    15.9   19.6%    33.4    28.0   19.3%    66.6
Elimination of sales        -1.5    -4.0            -3.4    -5.9           -10.2
 between segments                                                               
Net sales, total           149.5   128.7   16.1%   283.9   240.3   18.1%   531.3


Ramirent Group January-June 2011 operating result before depreciation (EBITDA)
was EUR 68.2 (48.3) million with a margin of 24.0% (20.1%). Profits improved
based on higher capacity utilisation and improving prices, but are still
burdened by lower price levels. The fixed cost level increased year-on-year due
to a higher number of employees, intensified sales activities and expenses
related to development of Ramirent's common platform and outlet network. Credit
losses and net change in the allowance for bad debt totalled EUR -1.8 (-1.1)
million. Depreciations amounted to EUR 50.1 (46.4) million. 

The Group's operating result (EBIT) increased to EUR 18.1 (1.9) million,
representing 6.4% (0.8%) of net sales. The second quarter EBIT increased to EUR
15.4 (7.4) million, representing a margin of 10.3% (5.8%). EBIT and EBIT
-margin by segment were as follows: 

(MEUR)                           4-6/11  4-6/10  1-6/11  1-6/10  1-12/10
Finland                             4.7     4.0     6.1     3.8     13.7
% of net sales                    12.9%   11.1%    9.1%    5.9%    10.0%
Sweden                              7.0     5.0    13.1     7.6     23.3
% of net sales                    16.5%   14.4%   15.7%   11.8%    16.1%
Norway                              2.4     1.0     2.8     0.6      2.3
% of net sales                     7.9%    3.7%    4.4%    1.0%     2.0%
Denmark                            -0.3    -0.7    -1.5    -1.3     -2.2
% of net sales                    -2.9%   -7.4%   -8.4%   -7.6%    -6.2%
Europe East                         1.0    -1.6    -0.7    -4.0     -3.5
% of net sales                     7.5%  -16.5%   -3.0%  -23.4%    -8.3%
Europe Central                      1.1     0.3    -0.1    -2.3      0.8
% of net sales                     5.7%    1.9%   -0.3%   -8.4%     1.2%
Costs not allocated to segments    -0.4    -0.7    -1.5    -2.5     -4.7
Group EBIT                         15.4     7.4    18.1     1.9     29.7
% of net sales                    10.3%    5.8%    6.4%    0.8%     5.6%

Net financial items were EUR -5.8 (-1.8) million, including EUR -0.6 (4.9)
million net effect of exchange rate changes. The Group's result before taxes
was EUR 12.4 (0.1) million. Income taxes amounted to EUR -3.4 (-1.1) million. 

Net result for the review period was EUR 9.0 (-1.0) million. Earnings per share
were EUR 0.08 (-0.01). Return on invested capital was 10.4% (5.1%), and the
corresponding return on equity was 8.3% (-1.8%). The equity per share was EUR
2.74 (2.73). 


Ramirent Group's January-June 2011 gross capital expenditure on non-current
assets totalled EUR 76.5 (34.2) million, of which EUR 68.0 (26.4) million was
attributable to investments in machinery and equipment, and the rest was
related mainly to goodwill and other intangible assets from acquisitions. The
acquisitions completed during the reporting period do not individually or as a
whole have a material impact on the result or financial position of the Group. 

Disposal of tangible non-current assets at sales value totalled EUR 9.0 (8.7)
million, of which EUR 8.9 (8.7) million was attributable to rental machinery
and equipment. 

The Group's six-month cash flow from operating activities amounted to EUR 51.0
(39.6) million, whereof change in net working capital amounted to EUR -12.9
(5.8) million. Cash flow from investing activities amounted to EUR -82.1
(-30.3) million due to increased investments in rental machinery and equipment,
as well as acquisitions. Cash flow from operating and investing activities
totalled EUR -31.1 (9.4) million. In the period January-June 2011, dividends
were paid in the amount of EUR 27.0 million and own shares were repurchased in
the amount of EUR 3.4 million. 

At the end of June, interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 240.2 (211.7)
million. Net debt amounted to EUR 238.2 (209.3) million, and gearing was 80.4%

On 1 June 2011, Ramirent Plc's revolving credit facility agreement with
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) Helsinki Branch was amended from EUR 50
million to EUR 100 million and set to expire in 2014. The multicurrency credit
facility is used for general business needs and as a back-up for Ramirent's
domestic commercial paper programme. 

On 30 June 2011, Ramirent's unused committed back-up loan facilities totalled
EUR 126.0 million. 

Total assets amounted to EUR 697.6 (668.0) million at the end of the review
period, whereof property, plant and equipment amounted to EUR 444.0 (446.9)
million. The Group equity totalled EUR 296.2 (296.3) million and the Group's
equity ratio was 42.5% (44.3%). 

Non-cancellable minimum future lease payments off-balance sheet totalled EUR
139.3 (155.3) million at the end of the period, whereof EUR 26.6 (44.6) million
arising from leased rental equipment and machinery. 


                         Employees     Employees       Outlets       Outlets
                      30 June 2011  30 June 2010  30 June 2011  30 June 2010
Finland                        633           641            85            83
Sweden                         563           540            73            69
Norway                         518           519            43            38
Denmark                        160           148            21            20
Europe East                    411           394            51            45
Europe Central                 879           812           126            98
Group administration            21            17             -             -
Total                        3 185         3 071           399           353


On 1 April 2011, Ramirent acquired the assets of the machinery and equipment
rental business of the Czech company Stavební Doprava a Mechanizace (SDM). The
acquisition strengthened Ramirent's presence with three new outlets in the
Czech Republic. The SDM operations have been consolidated as of 1 April 2011. 

On 4 May 2011, Ramirent acquired the machinery and equipment rental business of
the Czech construction machinery company RENT MB s.r.o. The acquisition
strengthens Ramirent's existing network in the Czech Republic with two new
outlets in the central and northern parts of the country. 

On 10 May 2011, Ramirent Finland Oy acquired the shares of the Finnish weather
protection company Suomen Sääsuoja Oy. The acquisition strengthens Ramirent's
position in the growing weather protection market and enables the company to
offer a more comprehensive range of services. Furthermore, the know-how and
expertise of Suomen Sääsuoja Oy contribute to the development of Ramirent's
services and solidify the company's position within core customer sectors. 

On 16 May 2011, Ramirent celebrated the opening of a rental outlet in Sochi,
Russia, the city hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics. In preparation for the
Winter Olympics, Sochi has turned into a huge construction site. For Ramirent,
the outlet in Sochi opens new opportunities in the growing market in southern

On 27 June 2011, Ramirent signed an agreement to acquire Rogaland Planbygg AS,
the leading provider of rental accommodation and office modules to the oil and
gas industry in Norway. The acquisition, which will increase the annual net
sales of Ramirent Norway by approximately EUR 22 million, supports Ramirent's
strategy of diversifying its customer base and strengthening its product
offering - in this case with high-class modules. The acquisition will be in
effect from 1 July 2011. 

On 30 June 2011, Ramirent signed an agreement to acquire Hyrman i Lund AB, one
of the leading machinery rental companies in Southern Sweden. With operations
in seven locations, the company has annual net sales of about EUR 15 million.
The acquisition represents one of the largest acquisitions Ramirent has made in
Sweden and brings new competencies and strengthens our service level and local
presence. The acquisition will be in effect from 1 August 2011. 



Ramirent's January-June net sales in Finland increased by 4.0% to EUR 66.8
(64.2) million. EBIT increased to EUR 6.1 (3.8) million, representing a margin
of 9.1% (5.9%). Ramirent's second quarter net sales in Finland increased by
1.2% to EUR 36.5 (36.1) million. The second quarter EBIT increased to EUR 4.7
(4.0) million, representing a margin of 12.9% (11.1%). The main growth driver
was residential construction, while growth was slowed down year-on-year by
lower activity in shipyards and industrial maintenance. Activity was also lower
in the private households sector. Profitability improved based on higher
utilisation levels and improving pricing environment. During the quarter,
Ramirent Finland Oy acquired the shares of Finnish weather protection company
Suomen Sääsuoja Oy, strengthening Ramirent's position in the growing weather
protection market and enabling the company to offer a more comprehensive range
of services to its core customer sectors. 


Ramirent's January-June net sales in Sweden increased by 29.9% to EUR 83.4
(64.2) million or by 18.5% at comparable exchange rates. EBIT increased to EUR
13.1 (7.6) million, representing a margin of 15.7% (11.8%). Ramirent's second
quarter net sales in Sweden increased by 20.9% to EUR 42.1 (34.9) million or by
12.8% at comparable exchange rates. The second quarter EBIT increased to EUR
7.0 (5.0) million, representing a margin of 16.5% (14.4%). Growth was driven by
continued strong demand in the civil engineering, public and housing sectors.
Geographically, the growth during the quarter was driven by Stockholm and the
surrounding areas, as well as the southern regions of the country.
Profitability improved based on higher capacity utilisation, but is still
burdened by low price levels. During the quarter, Ramirent signed an agreement
to acquire Hyrman i Lund AB operating seven locations in southern Sweden and
contributing to annual net sales by about EUR 15 million. 


Ramirent's January-June net sales in Norway increased by 13.1% to EUR 63.1
(55.7) million or by 10.5% at comparable exchange rates. EBIT increased to EUR
2.8 (0.6) million, representing a margin of 4.4% (1.0%). Ramirent's second
quarter net sales in Norway increased by 11.2% to EUR 30.5 (27.4) million or by
10.1% at comparable exchange rates. The second quarter EBIT increased to EUR
2.4 (1.0) million, representing a margin of 7.9% (3.7%). The growth driver was
the recovery in construction activity especially in the western and northern
parts of Norway. Profitability was still low, but measures have been taken to
improve efficiency in the outlet network and to raise price levels by improving
utilisation levels. During the quarter, Veidekke and Ramirent entered into a
new nationwide cooperation agreement, which runs until September 2013.
Additionally, Ramirent signed an agreement to acquire Rogaland Planbygg AS, the
leading provider of rental accommodation and office modules to the oil and gas
industry in Norway, contributing to annual net sales by approximately EUR 22


Ramirent's January-June net sales in Denmark increased by 6.6% to EUR 18.2
(17.1) million. EBIT amounted to -1.5 (-1.3) million representing a margin of
-8.4% (-7.6%). Ramirent's second quarter net sales in Denmark increased by 9.7%
to EUR 9.9 (9.0) million. The second quarter EBIT increased to EUR -0.3 (-0.7)
million, representing a margin of -2.9% (-7.4%). Market conditions improved
further during the second quarter, but profitability is still burdened by low
price levels. Focus remained on cost control and measures to restore healthier
pricing levels as utilisation levels are improving. 

Europe East (Russia, the Baltic States and Ukraine)

Ramirent's January-June net sales in Europe East increased by 31.8% to EUR 22.4
(17.0) million or by 33.2% at comparable exchange rates. EBIT increased to
-0.7(-4.0) million, representing a margin of -3.0% (-23.4%). Ramirent's second
quarter net sales in Europe East increased by 36.9% to EUR 13.0 (9.5) million
or by 40.0% at comparable exchange rates. The second quarter EBIT increased to
EUR 1.0 (-1.6) million, representing a margin of 7.5% (-16.5%). Growth drivers
were mainly infrastructural construction in Russia and energy-related
investments particularly in the Baltics and Ukraine. The positive development
in business volumes continued in the Baltic States, especially in Lithuania,
and also in Ukraine. Profitability started to recover based on increasing
business volumes and higher price levels. During the quarter, Ramirent
strengthened its market coverage by opening new outlets in the Baltics, mainly
in Lithuania and Estonia, as well as in Russia in the city of Sochi, which has
turned into a huge construction site preparing for the 2014 Winter Olympics. 

Europe Central (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia)

Ramirent's January-June net sales in Europe Central increased by 19.3% to EUR
33.4 (28.0) million or by 17.9% at comparable exchange rates. EBIT amounted to
-0.1 (-2.3) million, representing a margin of -0.3% (-8.4%). Ramirent's second
quarter net sales in Europe Central increased by 19.6% to EUR 19.0 (15.9)
million or by 17.5% at comparable exchange rates. The second quarter EBIT
increased to EUR 1.1 (0.3) million, representing a margin of 5.7% (1.9%). The
growth drivers were mainly the strong construction and industrial activity in
Poland, while the other Europe Central countries experienced weaker market
development during the quarter. Profitability was burdened by low price levels
and business volumes especially in the Czech Republic and Hungary. During the
quarter, Ramirent strengthened its presence in the Polish DIY market by
launching a new shop-in-shop concept with Leroy Merlin, a worldwide
home-improvement and gardening retailer, in three stores located in Warsaw,
Poznań and Szczecin. Ramirent continued to improve its market coverage in the
Czech Republic by acquiring the machinery and equipment rental business of the
Czech construction machinery company RENT MB s.r.o. and of the Czech company
Stavební Doprava a Mechanizace (SDM). 


At the end of the review period, Ramirent Plc's share capital was EUR 25.0
million, and the total number of Ramirent shares was 108,697,328. 

Ramirent Plc's market capitalization at the end of June 2011 was EUR 967.4
(754.4) million. Trading closed at EUR 8.90 (6.94). The highest quote for the
period was EUR 12.37 (8.75), and the lowest was EUR 8.10 (6.17). The average
trading price was EUR 10.85 (7.40). 

The value of share turnover during the review period was EUR 198.9 (203.4)
million, equivalent to 18,332,421 (27,422,968) traded Ramirent shares, i.e.,
16.9% (25.2%) of Ramirent's total number of shares. 

According to the nominee registers, approximately 17.73% of the listed shares
were owned by foreigners as per 30 June 2011. Other foreign ownership at the
end of the period totalled approximately 35.03%. Thus a total of 52.76% of
Ramirent's listed shares were owned by international investors. 


At the end of June 2011, the Group had 680,192 of the company's own shares in
its possession, representing 0.6% of the total number of Ramirent's shares. 


The aim of the Ramirent Group's strategy is to generate a healthy return to
shareholders while maintaining financial stability. Ramirent's strategy is
focused on three major objectives: 1) sustainable top-line growth through
strengthening the customer offering, widening the customer portfolio and,
growing through outsourcing deals and selected acquisitions; 2) operational
excellence through developing a one-company structure, “the Ramirent platform”;
and 3) reducing the risk level through a balanced business portfolio and risk
management practices. 

The Group's long-term financial targets over a business cycle are: earnings per
share growth of at least 15% p.a., a return on invested capital of at least 18%
p.a. and a gearing target of less than 120% at the end of each financial year.
Ramirent's policy with respect to the ordinary dividend is to distribute at
least 40% of annual earnings per share to shareholders. 


Ramirent is subject to various business risks. Certain risk factors are deemed
to be of material importance to the future development of Ramirent. Risks are
evaluated in relation to achievement of the Company's financial and strategic
targets. Overall, Ramirent expects that its risk exposure is high due to the
turmoil in the financial markets and the economic cycle of the construction
markets. The main risks affecting Ramirent's business operations, its
profitability and financial position are those related to the economic cycles
of the construction industry and increased competition in the rental sector in
its operating countries. The main risks are described in the annual report


According to the forecast published by VTT Expert Service Oy in May 2011,
construction is expected to grow by 4% and rental of construction machinery and
equipment by 10% in 2011 in Finland. 

According to the forecast published by the Swedish Construction Federation in
June 2011, construction is expected to grow by 8% in 2011 in Sweden. 

According to the forecast published by Euroconstruct in June 2011, construction
is expected to grow by 6% in 2011 in Norway and by 3% in 2011 in Denmark. In
Europe East countries, construction is expected to increase in 2011 by 10% in
Estonia, by 4% in Latvia, by 5% in Lithuania and by 3-7% in Russia. In Europe
Central countries, Euroconstruct forecasts construction to grow by 13% in 2011
in Poland, but to decrease by 3% in Hungary, by 2% in Slovakia and by 1% in the
Czech Republic. 


Overall, the new residential construction, infrastructure and renovation
construction markets are expected to develop favourably, especially in the
Nordic countries, while demand for commercial construction remains weak. Taking
this into account, Ramirent expects the recovery in its markets to continue.
Also, the improved balance between supply and demand indicates a healthier
price level. 

However, due to the current financial turmoil the market risks have increased.
Ramirent maintains a cautious stance since uncertainties in the macroeconomic
development persist. 


Ramirent reiterates its outlook for 2011. As a result of increased construction
activity and improving price levels, net sales are expected to increase in
2011, and the result before taxes is expected to improve compared to 2010. 


Certain statements in this report, which are not historical facts, including,
without limitation, those regarding expectations for general economic
development and market situation; regarding customer industry profitability and
investment willingness; regarding Company growth, development and
profitability; regarding cost savings; regarding fluctuations in exchange rates
and interest levels; regarding the success of pending and future acquisitions
and restructurings; and statements preceded by "believes,""expects,""anticipates,""foresees" or similar expressions are forward-looking

These statements are based on current expectations and currently known facts.
Therefore, they involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results
to differ materially from results currently expected by the Company. 


This interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim
Financial Reporting, as adopted by the EU and in conformity with the accounting
principles published in the 2010 financial statements. 

Ramirent has adopted the following new or amended IFRS standards and IFRIC
interpretations as of 1 January 2011: 

- IAS 32 (Amendment) - Financial instruments: Classification of rights issues

- IAS 24 (Revised) - Related party disclosures

- IFRIC 19 - Extinguishing financial liabilities with equity instruments

- IFRIC 14 (Amendment) - Prepayments of a minimum funding requirement

- Annual improvements to IFRS

The abovementioned changes do not have any material impact on Ramirent's
financial reporting. 

Consolidated financial statements have been presented in thousands of euros
unless otherwise stated. Due to rounding, individual figures may differ from
the totals. 

(EUR 1 000)                          4-6/11   4-6/10   1-6/11   1-6/10   1-12/10
Net sales                           149 527  128 749  283 878  240 275   531 284
Other operating income                  327      613      669      912     1 616
Materials and services              -47 628  -42 628  -91 443  -81 318  -177 118
Employee benefit expenses           -36 599  -32 595  -73 229  -66 089  -136 214
Depreciation and amortisation       -25 154  -23 294  -50 087  -46 409   -97 716
Other operating expenses            -25 026  -23 398  -51 661  -45 515   -92 122
EBIT                                 15 446    7 447   18 127    1 856    29 731
Financial income                      1 990    3 617    4 106    9 718    13 780
Financial expenses                   -4 921   -4 968   -9 875  -11 496   -22 658
EBT                                  12 515    6 097   12 358       78    20 853
Income taxes                         -3 438   -1 804   -3 388   -1 097    -6 212
NET RESULT FOR THE PERIOD             9 078    4 293    8 970   -1 019    14 640
Other comprehensive income:                                                     
Translation differences              -2 011   -1 032   -1 241    9 387    16 913
Cash flow hedges                       -697   -1 018      700   -3 117    -2 097
Portion of cash flow hedges             147      912      315    1 810     2 121
 transferred to profit or loss                                                  
Income tax on other comprehensive       176       28     -175      340      -239
OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE   -2 385   -1 111     -400    8 419    16 698
 PERIOD, NET OF TAX                                                             
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE    6 693    3 183    8 570    7 400    31 339
Net result for the period attributable to:                                      
Owners of the parent company          9 078    4 293    8 970   -1 019    14 640
Non-controlling interest                  -        -        -        -         -
TOTAL                                 9 078    4 293    8 970   -1 019    14 640
Total comprehensive income for the period attributable to:                      
Owners of the parent company          6 693    3 183    8 570    7 400    31 339
Non controlling interest                  -        -        -        -         -
TOTAL                                 6 693    3 183    8 570    7 400    31 339
Earnings per share (EPS), basic        0.08     0.04     0.08    -0.01      0.13
 and diluted, EUR                                                               

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                        
(EUR 1 000)                       30.6.2011  30.6.2010  31.12.2010
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                         
Property, plant and equipment       443 969    446 885     427 248
Goodwill                             96 379     94 559      93 211
Other intangible assets              12 079      6 780      10 348
Available-for-sale investments          422         53         422
Deferred tax assets                  14 811     11 019      13 325
NON-CURRENT ASSETS, TOTAL           567 660    559 296     544 555
CURRENT ASSETS                                                    
Inventories                          16 987     13 988      15 856
Trade and other receivables         108 574     89 709      96 616
Current tax assets                    2 333      2 222       2 902
Cash and cash equivalents             2 029      2 425       1 352
CURRENT ASSETS, TOTAL               129 923    108 345     116 727
Non-current assets held for sale          -        370           -
TOTAL ASSETS                        697 583    668 011     661 282

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                          
(EUR 1 000)                                     30.6.2011  30.6.2010  31.12.2010
Share capital                                      25 000     25 000      25 000
Revaluation fund                                   -1 632     -3 287      -2 472
Invested unrestricted equity fund                 113 329    113 329     113 329
Retained earnings                                 159 487    161 153     181 783
Items recognised directly to equity on                  -         62           -
 non-current assets held for sale                                               
PARENT COMPANY SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY               296 184    296 258     317 640
Non-controlling interests                               -          -           -
EQUITY, TOTAL                                     296 184    296 258     317 640
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                         
Deferred tax liabilities                           60 625     54 414      60 413
Pension obligations                                 7 158      9 501       6 866
Provisions                                          1 945      3 432       2 347
Interest-bearing liabilities                      149 974    181 025     137 384
Other long-term liabilities                         2 452          -       2 200
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES, TOTAL                    222 154    248 372     209 209
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                             
Trade payables and other liabilities               84 125     86 495      89 480
Provisions                                          1 041      5 184       1 762
Current tax liabilities                             3 832      1 003       2 658
Interest-bearing liabilities                       90 247     30 698      40 533
CURRENT LIABILITIES, TOTAL                        179 245    123 380     134 433
LIABILITIES, TOTAL                                401 398    371 753     343 642
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                      697 583    668 011     661 282

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                     
A = Share capital                                1) Equity 1.1.2010             
B = Revaluation fund                             2) Share based payments        
C = Invested unrestricted equity fund            3) Total comprehensive income  
                                                  for the period                
D = Translation differences                      4) Equity 30.6.2010            
E = Retained earnings                            5) Purchase of treasury shares 
F = Entries on non-current assets held for sale  6) Dividend distribution       
G = Total equity                                 7) Equity 31.12.2010           
                                                 8) Equity 30.6.2011            

(EUR 1,000)       A       B        C        D        E    F        G
         1)  25 000  -2 319  113 329  -17 504  187 064   62  305 632
         2)       -       -        -        -     -469    -     -469
         6)       -       -        -        -  -16 305    -  -16 305
         3)       -    -968        -    9 387   -1 019    -    7 400
         4)  25 000  -3 287  113 329   -8 117  169 271   62  296 258
         2)       -       -        -        -      381    -      381
         5)       -       -        -        -   -2 939    -   -2 939
         3)       -     815        -    7 526   15 660  -62   23 939
         7)  25 000  -2 472  113 329     -591  182 374    -  317 640
         2)       -       -        -        -      357    -      357
         5)       -       -        -        -   -3 378    -   -3 378
         6)       -       -        -        -  -27 004    -  -27 004
         3)       -     840        -   -1 241    8 970    -    8 570
         8)  25 000  -1 632  113 329   -1 832  161 318    -  296 184

CONSOLIDATED CONDENSED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                      
(MEUR)                                                   1-6/11  1-6/10  1-12/10
Cash flow from operating activities                        51.0    39.6    104.2
Cash flow from investing activities                       -82.1   -30.3    -56.2
Cash flow from financing activities                                             
Borrowings / repayment of short-term debt                  48.6    12.8      0.6
Borrowings / repayment of long-term debt                   13.6    -5.2    -29.8
Purchase of treasury shares                                -3.4       -     -2.9
Dividends paid                                            -27.0   -16.3    -16.3
Cash flow from financing activities                        31.8    -8.7    -48.5
Net change in cash and cash equivalents                     0.7     0.6     -0.5
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the           1.4     1.8      1.8
Translation difference on cash and cash equivalents           -       -      0.1
Net change in cash and cash equivalents                     0.7     0.6     -0.5
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period          2.0     2.4      1.4

KEY FINANCIAL FIGURES                                             
                                           1-6/11  1-6/10  1-12/10
Interest-bearing debt, (MEUR)               240.2   211.7    177.9
Net debt, (MEUR)                            238.2   209.3    176.6
Invested capital (MEUR), end of period      536.4   508.0    495.6
Return on invested capital (ROI), % 1)      10.4%    5.1%     8.6%
Gearing, %                                  80.4%   70.6%    55.6%
Equity ratio, %                             42.5%   44.3%    48.0%
Personnel, average                          3 076   3 036    3 043
Personnel, end of period                    3 185   3 071    3 048
Gross capital expenditure (MEUR)             76.5    34.2     62.0
Gross capital expenditure, % of net sales   26.9%   14.2%    11.7%
1) The figures are calculated on a rolling twelve month basis.    

SHARE RELATED KEY FIGURES                                                       
                                                1-6/11       1-6/10      1-12/10
Earnings per share (EPS) weighted                 0.08        -0.01         0.13
 average, basic and diluted, EUR                                                
Equity per share, end of period, basic            2.74         2.73         2.93
 and diluted, EUR                                                               
Number of outstanding shares (weighted     108 112 401  108 697 328  108 575 291
 average), basic and diluted                                                    
Number of outstanding shares (end of       108 017 136  108 697 328  108 304 136
 period), basic and diluted                                                     

SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                             
Segment information is presented according to the IFRS standards. Items below   
 EBIT - financial items and taxes - are not allocated to the segments.          

NET SALES                                                                     
(MEUR)                                 4-6/11  4-6/10  1-6/11  1-6/10  1-12/10
- Net sales (external)                   35.6    35.2    64.8    63.1    135.2
- Inter-segment sales                     0.9     0.9     2.0     1.0      1.8
- Net sales (external)                   42.1    34.5    83.1    63.8    144.5
- Inter-segment sales                       -     0.4     0.3     0.5      0.7
- Net sales (external)                   30.4    27.1    62.9    55.4    113.7
- Inter-segment sales                     0.1     0.3     0.2     0.3      0.7
- Net sales (external)                    9.7     7.8    17.9    15.5     32.9
- Inter-segment sales                     0.2     1.2     0.4     1.7      2.7
Europe East                                                                   
- Net sales (external)                   13.0     8.6    22.3    15.2     39.5
- Inter-segment sales                       -     0.9     0.1     1.8      3.2
Europe Central                                                                
- Net sales (external)                   18.7    15.5    33.0    27.2     65.4
- Inter-segment sales                     0.3     0.4     0.3     0.7      1.2
Elimination of sales between segments    -1.5    -4.0    -3.4    -5.9    -10.2
Net sales, total                        149.5   128.7   283.9   240.3    531.3
Other operating income                    0.4     0.6     0.7     0.9      1.6

(MEUR)                                   4-6/11  4-6/10  1-6/11  1-6/10  1-12/10
Finland                                     4.7     4.0     6.1     3.8     13.7
% of net sales                            12.9%   11.1%    9.1%    5.9%    10.0%
Sweden                                      7.0     5.0    13.1     7.6     23.3
% of net sales                            16.5%   14.4%   15.7%   11.8%    16.1%
Norway                                      2.4     1.0     2.8     0.6      2.3
% of net sales                             7.9%    3.7%    4.4%    1.0%     2.0%
Denmark                                    -0.3    -0.7    -1.5    -1.3     -2.2
% of net sales                            -2.9%   -7.4%   -8.4%   -7.6%    -6.2%
Europe East                                 1.0    -1.6    -0.7    -4.0     -3.5
% of net sales                             7.5%  -16.5%   -3.0%  -23.4%    -8.3%
Europe Central                              1.1     0.3    -0.1    -2.3      0.8
% of net sales                             5.7%    1.9%   -0.3%   -8.4%     1.2%
Net items not allocated to operating       -0.4    -0.7    -1.5    -2.5     -4.7
Group EBIT                                 15.4     7.4    18.1     1.9     29.7
% of net sales                            10.3%    5.8%    6.4%    0.8%     5.6%

Depreciation and amortisation                                              
(MEUR)                              4-6/11  4-6/10  1-6/11  1-6/10  1-12/10
Finland                                5.4     4.9    10.8     9.9     20.0
Sweden                                 5.4     4.6    11.1     9.2     20.7
Norway                                 4.8     4.6     9.5     9.1     18.3
Denmark                                1.8     1.7     3.6     3.4      6.9
Europe East                            3.3     3.6     6.7     7.0     15.2
Europe Central                         4.4     4.0     8.6     8.0     17.0
Unallocated items and eliminations       -    -0.1    -0.2    -0.2     -0.3
Total                                 25.2    23.3    50.1    46.4     97.7

Reconciliation of group EBIT to result before taxes (EBT)         
(MEUR)                     4-6/11  4-6/10  1-6/11  1-6/10  1-12/10
Group operating profit       15.4     7.4    18.1     1.9     29.7
Unallocated items:                                                
Financial income              2.0     3.6     4.1     9.7     13.8
Financial expenses           -4.9    -5.0    -9.9   -11.5    -22.7
Result before taxes (EBT)    12.5     6.1    12.4     0.1     20.9

Capital expenditure                                                        
(MEUR)                              4-6/11  4-6/10  1-6/11  1-6/10  1-12/10
Finland                               13.6    10.4    18.0    11.6     17.2
Sweden                                12.2     7.7    25.4    15.3     30.3
Norway                                 7.4     3.1    12.1     6.8     11.5
Denmark                                1.1     0.3     5.2     0.5      1.4
Europe East                            3.9     1.6     7.0     2.1      4.3
Europe Central                         6.5     2.4    10.3     3.3      7.4
Unallocated items and eliminations    -0.1    -3.9    -1.4    -5.5    -10.2
Total                                 44.6    21.7    76.5    34.2     62.0

Assets allocated to segments                                        
(MEUR)                              30.6.2011  30.6.2010  31.12.2010
Finland                                 138.5      132.7       124.6
Sweden                                  165.7      148.1       155.4
Norway                                  145.5      143.5       141.8
Denmark                                  45.1       45.8        42.4
Europe East                              96.4      100.8        91.5
Europe Central                          117.5      114.1       114.2
Unallocated items and eliminations      -11.1      -17.1        -8.6
Total                                   697.6      668.0       661.3

Changes in non-current assets                                                   
(EUR 1 000)                                  30.6.2011    30.6.2010   31.12.2010
OPENING BALANCE                                531 229      549 173      549 173
Depreciation and amortisation                  -50 087      -46 409      -97 716
          Machinery & Equipment         67 988       26 396       52 668
          Other additions                        8 484        7 792       10 633
Disposals (sales)                               -4 066       -4 418       -8 224
Other*                                            -700       15 743       24 695
CLOSING BALANCE                                552 849      548 276      531 229
Non-current assets held for sale                     -          370            -
* Other includes translation differences, reclassifications and changes in      
 estimated consideration for acquisitions                                       

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                                          
(MEUR)                                          30.6.2011  30.6.2010  31.12.2010
Suretyships                                           3.2        3.1         3.2
Committed investments                                21.7        3.3         0.5
In addition Ramirent has committed to two share deals, one in Sweden and one in 
Non-cancellable minimum future operating lease      139.3      155.3       143.4
Non-cancellable minimum future finance lease          0.2        0.5         0.3
Finance lease debt in the balance sheet              -0.2       -0.5        -0.3
Non-cancellable minimum future lease payments       139.3      155.3       143.4
 off-balance sheet                                                              
Obligations arising from derivative instruments                                 
Interest rate derivatives                                                       
Nominal value of underlying object                  160.8      169.7       143.2
Fair value of the derivative instruments             -1.6       -3.1        -2.4
Foreign currency derivatives         
Nominal value of underlying object                   57.2          -        40.4
Fair value of the derivative instruments                -          -         0.1


Return on equity (ROE), %:                         Net result x 100             
                                       Total equity (average over the financial 
Return on invested capital (ROI), %:   (Result before taxes + interest and other
                                               financial expenses) x 100        
                                       Total assets - non-interest bearing debt 
                                         (average over the financial period)    
Equity ratio, %:                       (Total equity + non-controlling interest)
                                                         x 100                  
                                           Total assets - advances received     
Earnings per share (EPS), EUR:         Net result +/- non-controlling interest's                     share of net result            
                                        Average number of shares, adjusted for  
                                       share issues, during the financial period
Shareholders' equity per share, EUR:   Equity belonging to the parent company's 
                                         Number of shares, adjusted for share   
                                               issues, on reporting date        
Payout ratio, %:                               Dividend per share x 100         
                                                  Earnings per share            
Net debt:                                Interest-bearing debt - cash and bank  
                                         receivables, and financial securities  
Gearing:                                            Net debt x 100              
                                                     Total equity               
Dividend per share:                                  Dividend paid              
                                       Number of shares on the registration date
                                               for dividend distribution        

EXCHANGE RATES APPLIED                                                   
           Average   Average    Average    Closing    Closing     Closing
             rates     rates      rates      rates      rates       rates
Currency  1-6/2011  1-6/2010  1-12/2010  30.6.2011  30.6.2010  31.12.2010
DKK         7.4561    7.4422     7.4472     7.4587     7.4488      7.4535
EUR/EEK     1.0000   15.6466    15.6466     1.0000    15.6466     15.6466
HUF       269.4151  271.6400   275.3567   266.1100   286.0000    277.9500
LTL         3.4528    3.4528     3.4528     3.4528     3.4528      3.4528
LVL         0.7070    0.7082     0.7087     0.7093     0.7093      0.7094
NOK         7.8236    8.0075     8.0060     7.7875     7.9725      7.8000
PLN         3.9518    4.0026     3.9950     3.9903     4.1470      3.9750
RUB        40.1449   39.9227    40.2780    40.4000    38.2820     40.8200
SEK         8.9378    9.7950     9.5469     9.1739     9.5259      8.9655
UAH        11.1846   10.5862    10.6024    11.5335     9.6588     10.5775
CZK        24.3478   25.7340    25.2939    24.3450    25.6910     25.0610

QUARTERLY SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                   
NET SALES                                                                       
                                 Q2     Q1      Full     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1
(MEUR)                         2011   2011      2010   2010   2010   2010   2010
Finland                        36.5   30.2     136.9   35.2   37.5   36.1   28.1
Sweden                         42.1   41.3     145.2   44.9   36.1   34.9   29.4
Norway                         30.5   32.6     114.4   31.1   27.6   27.4   28.4
Denmark                         9.9    8.4      35.6    9.5    9.0    9.0    8.1
Europe East                    13.0    9.4      42.7   13.4   12.3    9.5    7.5
Europe Central                 19.0   14.4      66.6   18.9   19.7   15.9   12.1
Elimination of sales between   -1.5   -1.9     -10.2   -3.0   -1.2   -4.0   -2.0
Net sales, total              149.5  134.4     531.3  150.1  140.9  128.7  111.5

                              Q2      Q1      Full     Q4     Q3      Q2      Q1
(MEUR and % of net sales)   2011    2011      2010   2010   2010    2010    2010
Finland                      4.7     1.3      13.7    2.9    7.1     4.0    -0.2
% of net sales             12.9%    4.4%     10.0%   8.1%  18.8%   11.1%   -0.8%
Sweden                       7.0     6.1      23.3    8.3    7.4     5.0     2.6
% of net sales             16.5%   14.9%     16.1%  18.5%  20.6%   14.4%    8.8%
Norway                       2.4     0.4       2.3    0.1    1.7     1.0    -0.4
% of net sales              7.9%    1.2%      2.0%   0.3%   6.1%    3.7%   -1.6%
Denmark                     -0.3    -1.3      -2.2   -0.7   -0.2    -0.7    -0.6
% of net sales             -2.9%  -15.0%     -6.2%  -7.8%  -1.9%   -7.4%   -7.8%
Europe East                  1.0    -1.7      -3.5    1.1   -0.7    -1.6    -2.4
% of net sales              7.5%  -17.7%     -8.3%   8.5%  -5.7%  -16.5%  -32.2%
Europe Central               1.1    -1.2       0.8    1.0    2.2     0.3    -2.6
% of net sales              5.7%   -8.2%      1.2%   5.1%  11.2%    1.9%  -21.8%
Costs not allocated to      -0.4    -1.1      -4.7   -1.4   -0.9    -0.7    -1.8
Group EBIT                  15.4     2.7      29.7   11.3   16.6     7.4    -5.6
% of net sales             10.3%    2.0%      5.6%   7.5%  11.8%    5.8%   -5.0%


A briefing for investment analysts and the press will be arranged on Friday 12
August 2011 at 11.00 a.m. Finnish time at Palace Gourmet, cabinet
Konferenssisali (visiting address: Eteläranta 10, 10th fl., Helsinki). 


You can participate in the analyst briefing on Friday 12 August 2011 at 11.00
a.m. Finnish time through a live webcast at www.ramirent.com and conference
call. Dial-in number: +44 (0)20 7162 0025 and conference ID code 898271. A
recording of the webcast will be available at www.ramirent.com later the same


Ramirent observes a silent period during the three-week period prior to the
publication of annual and interim financial results. Times are given in Finnish
time (EET). 

Capital Market Day                                     1 September 2011 at 9:00
a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

Interim Report January-September 2011       9 November 2011 at 9:00 a.m.

The financial information in this stock exchange release has not been audited.

Vantaa, 12 August 2011


Board of Directors


CEO Magnus Rosén tel.+358 20750 2845, magnus.rosen(a)ramirent.com

CFO Jonas Söderkvist tel.+358 20750 3248, jonas.soderkvist(a)ramirent.com

IR Franciska Janzon tel.+358 20750 2859, franciska.janzon(a)ramirent.com


NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.

Main news media


Ramirent is a leading equipment rental group delivering Dynamic Rental
Solutions™ that simplify business. We serve a broad range of customers,
including construction and process industries, shipyards, the public sector and
households. In 2010, Group sales totalled EUR 531 million. The Group has 3,200
employees at some 399 locations in 13 countries in Northern, Central and
Eastern Europe. Ramirent is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.