2016-12-01 15:01:02 CET

2016-12-01 15:01:02 CET


Lithuanian English
Klaipedos Nafta - Notification on material event

Claim regarding the damages from the breach of the competition law

 On 30 November, 2016 AB Klaipėdos Nafta (hereinafter, the “Company") received
documents from the Vilnius Regional Court (hereinafter, the "Court") regarding
a claim filed by UAB "KROVINIŲ TERMINALAS" (hereinafter, the "Claimant") to the
Company and AB "ORLEN Lietuva" for damages from the breach of the competition

 The Claimant in its claim inter alia asks the Court:

(i) to award damages of the amount of 5994765,72 EUR;

(ii) to acknowledge, that contract regarding the terminal, signed between the
Company and AB "ORLEN Lietuva" (hereinafter, the "Contract")  on 17 November
2011 is void starting from the day of Contract; 

(iii) to apply an interim measures – the suspension of some of the conditions
of the Contract. 

An application for an interim measures will be judged on 9th December 2016.

In the view of the management of the Company the claim is unfounded. The
Company will file its response to the court in due course. 

         Marius Pulkauninkas, Director of Finance and Administration
Department, +370 46 391 763