2008-03-06 09:12:59 CET

2008-03-06 09:13:59 CET

Vilkyskiu Pienine AB - Other information

AB “Vilkyškių pieninė” was issued ISO Certificates of Quality Management and Food Safety Management.

In this week AB “Vilkyškių pieninė” was issued ISO Certificates of Quality
Management and Food Safety Management. 
ISO 9001 Standard of Quality Management specifies requirements for quality
management systems, including documentation requirements and requirements for
processes of planning, management of recourses, product realization,
measurement, analysis and improvement.  This certificate demonstrates that a
company is capable of managing and improving the quality of its supplied
products and services, and its production meets with requirements of customers
and law. 
ISO 22000 Standard of Food Safety Management System demonstrates that food
safety risk is identified, measured and controlled in the entire food
management chain of AB “Vilkyškių pieninė”. This current certificate aims at
ensuring food safety within the entire chain of food production and supply in
order to ensure that food is safe at the time of human consumption. This
standard is applied to all types of organizations within the food chain, i.e.
for producers of food and food packages. 
The certificates have been issued to Gintaras Bertašius, director of AB
“Vilkyškių pieninė”, by Aloyzas Mikšys, the head of “Bureau Veritas
Certification Lietuva”. 

If you require more information, please address 
Gintaras Bertašius, Director General of AB “Vilkyškių pieninė”
Mobile tel.: 8 655 55001