2008-04-03 15:30:00 CEST

2008-04-03 15:30:01 CEST


Finnska Enska
Marimekko - Decisions of general meeting


MARIMEKKO CORPORATION           STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE                          
                                3 April 2008 at 4.30 p.m. 


At Marimekko Corporation's Annual General Meeting, held earlier today, the      
following resolutions were approved.                                            

Adoption of financial statements                                                
Marimekko Corporation's income statement and balance sheet and the consolidated 
income statement and balance sheet for 2007 were adopted.                       

The General Meeting approved the Board of Directors' proposal to pay a dividend 
of EUR 0.65 per share for the 2007 financial year to a total of                 
EUR 5,226,000.00. The dividends represent 67.7% of the Group's earnings per     
share for the financial year 2007. The dividend will be paid to shareholders who
are registered, on the dividend payout record date of 8 April 2008, in the      
company's Shareholder Register kept by Finnish Central Securities Depository    
Ltd. The dividend payout date is 15 April 2008.                                 

Discharge from liability                                                        
The members of the Board of Directors and the President of the company were     
discharged from liability for the 2007 financial year.                          

Board of Directors                                                              
The General Meeting resolved that the company's Board of Directors consist of   
five (5) members. Mrs Tarja Pääkkönen was re-elected and Mr Ami Hasan, Mr Mika  
Ihamuotila, Mr Joakim Karske and Mr Pekka Lundmark were elected as new members  
of the Board of Directors until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. At  
its organisation meeting, held after the General Meeting, the Board of Directors
elected Pekka Lundmark as Chairman and Mika Ihamuotila as Vice Chairman of the  
Board. Details of the Board members are provided in the appendix to this release
and on the company's website at www.marimekko.com under Investors/General       

Remuneration of Board members                                                   
The annual remuneration payable to the members of the Board was approved as     
follows: EUR 20,000 to the Chairman and EUR 15,000 to the other members of the  
Board. The President of Marimekko Corporation will not receive any remuneration 
for his Board membership.            

The General Meeting elected PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd, Authorised Public       
Accountants, as the company's regular auditor with Mr Kim Karhu, Authorised     
Public Accountant, as chief auditor. It was decided that the auditor's fee would
be paid as per invoice.                                                         

MARIMEKKO CORPORATION                                                           
Group Communications                                                            

Marja Korkeela                                                                  
Tel.   +358 9 758 7238                                                          
Fax    +358 9 759 1676                                                          
Email: marja.korkeela@marimekko.fi                                              

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
Principal media                                                                 
Marimekko's website www.marimekko.com                                           



Pekka Lundmark, M.Sc. (Eng.), 44, Chairman, is President and CEO of Konecranes  
Plc. His previous positions include President and CEO of Hackman Group. He has  
also held several executive positions with Nokia Corporation in Finland, Denmark
and the United States.                                                          

Mika Ihamuotila, Ph.D. (Econ.), 43, Vice Chairman, is President and CEO of      
Marimekko Corporation. He has previously been President and CEO of Sampo Bank   
plc and Mandatum Bank Plc. He has also served as Vice Chairman of the Board of  
Directors of Elisa Corporation and been a visiting researcher at the Yale       
University School of Management (USA).                                          

Ami Hasan, 52, member, is founder and Chairman of advertising agency Hasan &
Partners Finland Oy. He is a well-recognised marketing authority in Europe. He  
has served on the jury for several international advertising competitions       
(Cannes International Advertising Festival, Clio, D&AD, The Cup, and Golden Drum
Awards) and is a permanent member of the jury for Cresta International          
Advertising Awards. Mr Hasan is also a member of the Board of Directors of Halti

Joakim Karske, MA, 45, member, is Head of Portfolio Design Management at Nokia  
Corporation. He has previously been Head of Design of Nokia Mobile Phones,      
including Vertu. Prior to Nokia, he worked as a designer for the Volvo Group in 
Sweden, Spain and the Netherlands, at the Mercedes-Benz sports car studio in    
Germany, as well as at the DaimlerChrysler Advanced Design Centre in Japan.     

Tarja Pääkkönen, Ph.D. (Eng.), 45, member, is Senior Vice President of Itella   
Corporation. She has previously held several executive positions at different   
business units of Nokia Corporation; she was also member of the Management Board
of Nokia Mobile Phones. Ms Pääkkönen has served as member of Marimekko's Board  
of Directors since 2007.                                                        

Marimekko is a leading Finnish textile and clothing design company that was     
established in 1951. The company designs, manufactures and markets high-quality 
clothing, interior decoration textiles, bags and other accessories under the    
Marimekko brand, both in Finland and abroad. Marimekko products are also        
manufactured under license in various countries. In 2007, the company's net     
sales amounted to EUR 77.3 million. Exports and income from international       
operations accounted for 26.5% of the Group's net sales. The Group employs about
400 people. The company's share is quoted on the OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki.  
For further information, visit www.marimekko.com.