2016-10-26 11:30:54 CEST

2016-10-26 11:30:54 CEST


Suomių Anglų
KONE Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Interim Report of KONE Corporation for January-September 2016

KONE Corporation, stock exchange release, October 26, 2016 at 12.30 p.m. EEST

Interim Report of KONE Corporation for January-September 2016

July-September 2016: Solid development on a broad basis

  * In July-September 2016, orders received totaled EUR 1,772 (7-9/2015: 1,764)
    million. Orders received grew by 0.4% at historical exchange rates and by
    3.3% at comparable exchange rates.
  * Net sales declined by 0.6% to EUR 2,170 (2,184) million. At comparable
    exchange rates, net sales grew by 1.9%.
  * Operating income (EBIT) was EUR 331.1 (325.9) million or 15.3% (14.9%) of
    net sales.
  * Cash flow from operations (before financing items and taxes) was EUR 400.6
    (432.0) million.
  * KONE specifies its business outlook for 2016. In 2016, KONE's net sales is
    estimated to grow by 3-5% at comparable exchange rates as compared to 2015.
    The operating income (EBIT) is expected to be in the range of EUR
    1,260-1,320 million, assuming that translation exchange rates would remain
    at approximately the average level of January-September 2016. KONE
    previously estimated its net sales to grow by 2-6% at comparable exchange
    rates as compared to 2015. KONE's previous outlook for its operating income
    (EBIT) was EUR 1,250-1,330 million, assuming that translation exchange rates
    would have remained at approximately the average level of January-June 2016.

January-September 2016: Continued good operating performance

  * In January-September 2016, orders received totaled EUR 5,782 (1-
    9/2015: 6,012) million. Orders received declined by 3.8% at historical
    exchange rates and by 1.2% at comparable exchange rates. The order book
    stood at EUR 8,699 (September 30, 2015: 8,351) at the end of September 2016.
  * Net sales grew by 1.7% to EUR 6,191 (6,085) million. At comparable exchange
    rates the growth was 4.0%.
  * Operating income was EUR 901.1 (863.0) million or 14.6% (14.2%) of net
  * Cash flow from operations (before financing items and taxes) was EUR 1,100
    (1,070) million.

                                    7-9/     7-9/     1-9/     1-9/    1-12/
Key figures                         2016     2015     2016     2015     2015
Orders received            MEUR  1,771.7  1,764.5  5,781.8  6,011.8  7,958.9

Order book                 MEUR  8,699.0  8,350.7  8,699.0  8,350.7  8,209.5

Sales                      MEUR  2,170.2  2,184.2  6,191.1  6,085.5  8,647.3

Operating income (EBIT)    MEUR    331.1    325.9    901.1    863.0  1,241.5

Operating income (EBIT)       %     15.3     14.9     14.6     14.2     14.4

Cash flow from operations
(before financing items
and taxes)                 MEUR    400.6    432.0  1,099.6  1,070.2  1,473.7

Net income                 MEUR    259.9    263.3    724.6    680.4  1,053.1

Basic earnings per share    EUR     0.52     0.50     1.42     1.30     2.01

Interest-bearing net debt  MEUR -1,368.7 -1,137.6 -1,368.7 -1,137.6 -1,512.6

Total equity/total assets     %     44.0     42.4     44.0     42.4     45.4

Gearing                       %    -56.2    -52.1    -56.2    -52.1    -58.7

Henrik Ehrnrooth, President and CEO, in conjunction with the review:

"I  am pleased with our continued solid performance in the third quarter. Orders
received  grew by 0.4% at his­torical and 3.3% at comparable rates to EUR 1,772
million  thanks to  strong development  in many  countries. Sales was EUR 2,170
million, declining by 0.6% at historical rates but growing by 1.9% at comparable
rates.  I am particularly  satisfied with the  continued positive development in
profitability  despite  the  new  equipment  market  having remained challenging
already  for some time. The relative  operating income increased to 15.3% of net
sales,  and  operating  income  grew  to  EUR  331 million  driven  by  the good
development  in the service busi­ness. Also our cash flow remained strong at EUR
401 million.

During  the third quarter, global market  trends continued to be mixed. Overall,
new  equipment market  volumes were  rather stable  following a stabilization in
China.  We have updated our market outlook, and now expect the Chinese market to
decline  by around 5% in units this year.  However, price pressure and the shift
in  customer preferences  towards lower  specification products  continue to put
pressure  on the monetary value  of the Chinese market.  During the quarter, the
global service market continued to offer growth opportunities in all regions.

Our  third quarter  performance demonstrates  our ability  to find opportunities
also  in challenging markets.  The clear growth  in our orders  received in both
EMEA  and the Americas  is a good  example of this.  In China, our third quarter
orders  received developed slightly  better than the  Chinese market overall. In
the service business, we have been successful in accelerating the growth and are
excited about the additional potential going forward.

Over the past years, we have focused on understanding the needs of our customers
even  better. Based on the findings, we  have piloted and introduced new service
concepts  to our customers  with very encouraging  results. We aim to accelerate
the  development of  new services  and solutions,  and have therefore decided to
increase  our investment into R&D and IT. I would like to thank everyone at KONE
for  their commitment  to develop  our business  further in  order to  serve our
customers even better.

With  three quarters of  the year now  behind us, we  have further specified our
business  outlook for  2016. We now  expect sales  growth of  3-5% at comparable
exchange  rates and an operating income in the range of EUR 1,260-1,320 million,
assuming  that translation exchange  rates would remain  at the average level of
January-September 2016."

Operating environment in July-September 2016

In the third quarter of 2016, the global new equipment market volumes were
rather stable compared to the previous year's corresponding period. The new
equipment market in China declined slightly in units. The market in the Europe,
Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region was rather stable, while the market
continued to grow in North America. Modernization demand continued to see growth
across all regions. Also the maintenance market continued to grow globally, with
the strongest rate of growth seen in the Asia-Pacific region and more moderate
development in Europe and North America.

Operating environment in January-September 2016

During  January-September 2016, the new  equipment mar­ket volumes  in the Asia-
Pacific region weakened compared to the previous year's corresponding period due
to  a  decline  in  the  significant  China  market.  In the EMEA region, market
vol­umes saw slight growth in Central and North Europe. In South Europe, the new
equipment  market  was  rather  stable  and  continued to show positive signs in
demand.  The market  in the  Middle East  was stable.  In North America, the new
equip­ment  market  continued  to  grow  slightly  from  a high level. The large
European  modernization  market  grew  clearly  in  Central and North Europe and
showed  early  signs  of  recovery  in  South  Europe.  In  North  America,  the
modernization  market contin­ued to  grow slightly, and  also the markets in the
Asia-Pacific  region continued to offer increasing modernization opportu­nities.
The  maintenance markets  continued to  grow globally,  with the fastest rate of
growth  seen  in  the  Asia-Pacific  region.  The  pricing  environment remained
challenging  in many mar­kets, with the new equipment market in China seeing the
most intense pricing competition.

Market outlook 2016

In  new equipment, the market  in China is expected  to decline by approximately
5% in units ordered. Competition is expected to continue intense. In the rest of
Asia-Pacific  and in North America,  the market is expected  to see some growth.
Also  the market in  Europe, Middle East  and Africa region  is expected to grow
slightly  with slight  growth in  Europe and  a more  stable development  in the
Middle East.

The  modernization market is expected to grow slightly in Europe, to continue to
grow in North America, and to develop strongly in Asia-Pacific.

Maintenance  markets  are  expected  to  see  the strongest growth rate in Asia-
Pacific, but to develop rather well also in other regions.

Business outlook 2016

KONE slightly specifies its business outlook for 2016.

KONE's  net sales is estimated  to grow by 3-5% at  comparable exchange rates as
compared to 2015.

The  operating income (EBIT) is expected to  be in the range of EUR 1,260-1,320
million,  assuming that translation exchange rates would remain at approximately
the average level of January-September 2016.

Previous business outlook

KONE's  net sales is estimated  to grow by 2-6% at  comparable exchange rates as
compared to 2015.

The  operating income (EBIT) is expected to  be in the range of EUR 1,250-1,330
million,  assuming that translation exchange rates would remain at approximately
the average level of January-June 2016.

Press and analyst meetings

A  meeting  for  the  press,  conducted  in  Finnish, will be held on Wednesday,
October 26, 2016 at 2:15 p.m. EEST.

A  meeting for analysts, conducted in English, will begin at 3:45 p.m. EEST. The
meeting  will  be  available  as  a  live  webcast  on www.kone.com. The meeting
participants  can  also  join  a  telephone  conference that will be arranged in
conjunction  with the  meeting. The  telephone conference  details can  be found

Both  meetings will take place in the  KONE Building, located at Keilasatama 3,
Espoo, Finland.

Telephone conference numbers:

US callers: +1 719 325 4756
UK callers: +44 (0)203 043 2003
Finnish callers: +358 (0)9 7479 0361
Participant code: KONE

An on-demand version of the webcast will be available on www.kone.com later the
same day.

For further information, please contact:
Sanna Kaje, Vice President, Investor Relations, tel. +358 204 75 4705


KONE Corporation

Henrik Ehrnrooth
President and CEO

Ilkka Hara

About KONE

At KONE, our mission is to improve the flow of urban life. As a global leader in
the  elevator and  escalator industry,  KONE provides  elevators, escalators and
automatic building doors, as well as solutions for maintenance and modernization
to  add value to  buildings throughout their  life cycle. Through more effective
People  Flow®,  we  make  people's  journeys  safe,  convenient and reliable, in
taller,  smarter  buildings.  In  2015, KONE  had  annual  net sales of EUR 8.6
billion,  and at  the end  of the  year close  to 50,000 employees. KONE class B
shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. in Finland.

