2017-01-18 09:40:00 CET

2017-01-18 09:40:00 CET


Islandic English
Landsvirkjun - Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

S&P Global Ratings upgrades Landsvirkjun‘s credit ratings to BBB

S&P Global Ratings has upgraded Landsvirkjun‘s credit ratings to BBB/A-2 from
BBB-/A-3. Outlook is stable. The ratings apply to long- and short-term
commitments with and without the guarantee of collection. 

The upgrade follows a rating action for Iceland to A- from BBB+ published on
January 13, 2017. 

Reykjavik, January 18, 2017

For further information please contact Rafnar Lárusson, CFO.

Phone nr. +354 515 9000, email: rafnar@landsvirkjun.is