2017-08-14 07:30:22 CEST

2017-08-14 07:30:22 CEST


Finnish English
Sp Mortgage Bank Plc - Half Year financial report

Sp Mortgage Bank Plc: Half year financial report for 1 January - 30 June 2017

Sp Mortgage Bank Plc's Half year financial report for 1 January - 30 June 2017
has been published

Sp Mortgage Bank Plc
Stock Exchange Release
14.8.2017 at 08.30 AM (CET +1)

Sp Mortgage Bank Plc's Half year financial report for 1 January - 30 June 2017
has been published.

The Half year financial report for 1 January - 30 June 2017 in pdf format is
attached to this release and also available at


Additional information:

Tero Kangas, Acting Managing Director
Sp Mortgage Bank Plc
+358 50 420 1022

Sp Mortgage Bank Plc is part of the Savings Banks Group and the Savings Banks
Amalgamation. The role of Sp Mortgage Bank is, together with Central Bank of
Savings Banks Finland Plc, to be responsible for obtaining funding for the
Savings Banks Group from money and capital markets. Sp Mortgage Bank is
responsible for the Savings Banks Group's mortgage-secured funding by issuing
covered bonds.

Read more at http://www.saastopankki.fi/debtinvestors, www.saastopankki.fi
